Paul Boddie's Free Software-related blog

Paul's activities and perspectives around Free Software

On forms of apparent progress

May 8th, 2022

Over the years, I have had a few things to say about technological change, churn, and the appearance of progress, a few of them touching on the evolution and development of the Python programming language. Some of my articles have probably seemed a bit outspoken, perhaps even unfair. It was somewhat reassuring, then, to encounter the reflections of a longstanding author of Python books and his use of rather stronger language than I think I ever used. It was also particularly reassuring because I apparently complain about things in far too general a way, not giving specific examples of phenomena for anything actionable to be done about them. So let us see whether we can emerge from the other end of this article in better shape than we are at this point in it.

Now, the longstanding author in question is none other than Mark Lutz whose books “Programming Python” and “Learning Python” must surely have been bestsellers for their publisher over the years. As someone who has, for many years, been teaching Python to a broad audience of newcomers to the language and to programming in general, his views overlap with mine about how Python has become increasingly incoherent and overly complicated, as its creators or stewards pursue some kind of agenda of supposed improvement without properly taking into account the needs of the broadest reaches of its user community. Instead, as with numerous Free Software projects, an unscrutable “vision” is used to impose change based on aesthetics and contemporary fashions, unrooted in functional need, by self-appointed authorities who often lack an awareness or understanding of historical precedent or genuine user need.

Such assertions are perhaps less kind to Python’s own developers than they should be. Those choosing to shoehorn new features into Python arguably have more sense of precedent than, say, the average desktop environment developer imitating Apple in what could uncharitably be described as an ongoing veiled audition for a job in Cupertino. Nevertheless, I feel that language developers would be rather more conservative if they only considered what teaching their language to newcomers entails or what effect their changes have on the people who have written code in their language. Am I being unfair? Let us read what Mr Lutz has to say on the matter:

The real problem with Python, of course, is that its evolution is driven by narcissism, not user feedback. That inevitably makes your programs beholden to ever-shifting whims and ever-hungry egos. Such dependencies might have been laughable in the past. In the age of Facebook, unfortunately, this paradigm permeates Python, open source, and the computer field. In fact, it extends well beyond all three; narcissism is a sign of our times.

You won’t find a shortage of similar sentiments on his running commentary of Python releases. Let us, then, take a look at some experiences and try to review such assertions. Maybe I am not being so unreasonable (or impractical) in my criticism after all!

Out in the Field

In a recent job, of which more might be written another time, Python was introduced to people more familiar with languages such as R (which comes across as a terrible language, but again, another time perhaps). It didn’t help that as part of that introduction, they were exposed to things like this:

    def method(self, arg: Dict[Something, SomethingElse]):
        return arg.items()

When newcomers are already having to digest new syntax, new concepts (classes and objects!), and why there is a “self” parameter, unnecessary ornamentation such as the type annotations included in the above, only increases the cognitive burden. It also doesn’t help to then say, “Oh, the type declarations are optional and Python doesn’t really check them, anyway!” What is the student supposed to do with that information? Many years ago now, Java was mocked for confronting its newcomers with boilerplate like this classic:

    public static void main(String[] args)

But exposing things that the student is then directed to ignore is simply doing precisely the same thing for which Java was criticised. Of course, in Python, the above method could simply have been written as follows:

    def method(self, arg):
        return arg.items()

Indeed, for the above method to be valid in the broadest sense, the only constraint on the nature of the “arg” parameter is that it offer an attribute called “items” that can be called with no arguments. By prescriptively imposing a limitation on “arg” as was done above, insisting that it be a dictionary, the method becomes less general and less usable. Moreover, the nature of Python itself is neglected or mischaracterised: the student might believe that only a certain type would be acceptable, just as one might suggest that the author of that code also fails to see that a range of different, conformant kinds of objects could be used with the method. Such practices discourage or conceal polymorphism and generic functionality at a point when the beginner’s mind should be opened to them.

As Mr Lutz puts such things in the context of a different feature introduced in Python 3.5:

To put that another way: unless you’re willing to try explaining a new feature to people learning the language, you just shouldn’t do it.

The tragedy is that Python in its essential form is a fairly intuitive and readable language. But as he also says in the specific context of type annotations:

Thrashing (and rudeness) aside, the larger problem with this proposal’s extensions is that many programmers will code them—either in imitation of other languages they already know, or in a misguided effort to prove that they are more clever than others. It happens. Over time, type declarations will start appearing commonly in examples on the web, and in Python’s own standard library. This has the effect of making a supposedly optional feature a mandatory topic for every Python programmer.

And I can certainly say from observation that in various professional cultures, including academia where my own recent observations were made, there is a persistent phenomenon where people demonstrate “best practice” to show that they as a software development practitioner (or, indeed, a practitioner of anything else related to the career in question) are aware of the latest developments, are able to communicate them to their less well-informed colleagues, and are presumably the ones who should be foremost in anyone’s consideration for any future hiring round or promotion. Unfortunately, this enthusiasm is not always tempered by considered reflection, either on the nature of the supposed innovation itself, or on the consequences its proliferation will have.

Perversely, such enthusiasm, provoked by the continual hustle for funding, positions, publications and reputation, risks causing a trail of broken programs, and yet at the same time, much is made of the need for software development to be done “properly” in academia, that people do research that is reproducible and whose computational elements are repeatable. It doesn’t help that those ambitions must also be squared with other apparent needs such as offering tools and services to others. And the need to offer such things in a robust and secure fashion sometimes has to coexist with the need to offer them in a convenient form, where appropriate. Taking all of these things into consideration is quite the headache.

A Positive Legacy

Amusingly, some have come to realise that Python’s best hope for reproducible research is precisely the thing that Python’s core developers have abandoned – Python 2.7 – and precisely because they have abandoned it. In an article about reproducing old, published results, albeit of a rather less than scientific nature, Nicholas Rougier sought to bring an old program back to life, aiming to find a way of obtaining or recovering the program’s sources, constructing an executable form of the program, and deploying and running that program on a suitable system. To run his old program, written for the Apple IIe microcomputer in Applesoft BASIC, required the use of emulators and, for complete authenticity, modern hardware expansions to transfer the software to floppy disks to run on an original Apple IIe machine.

And yet, the ability to revive and deploy a program developed 32 years earlier was possible thanks to the Apple machine’s status as a mature, well-understood platform with an enthusiastic community developing new projects and products. These initiatives were only able to offer such extensive support for a range of different “retrocomputing” activities because the platform has for a long time effectively been “frozen”. Contrasting such a static target with rapidly evolving modern programming languages and environments, Rougier concluded that “an advanced programming language that is guaranteed not to evolve anymore” would actually be a benefit for reproducible science, that few people use many of the new features of Python 3, and that Python 2.7 could equally be such a “highly fertile ground for development” that the proprietary Applesoft BASIC had proven to be for a whole community of developers and users.

Naturally, no language designer ever wants to be told that their work is finished. Lutz asserts that “a bloated system that is in a perpetual state of change will eventually be of more interest to its changers than its prospective users”, which is provocative but also rings true. CPython (the implementation of Python in the C programming language) has always had various technical deficiencies – the lack of proper multithreading, for instance – but its developers who also happen to be the language designers seem to prefer tweaking the language instead. Other languages have gained in popularity at Python’s expense by seeking to address such deficiencies and to meet the frustrated expectations of Python developers. Or as Lutz notes:

While Python developers were busy playing in their sandbox, web browsers mandated JavaScript, Android mandated Java, and iOS became so proprietary and closed that it holds almost no interest to generalist developers.

In parts of academia familiar with Python, languages like Rust and Julia are now name-dropped, although I doubt that many of those doing the name-dropping realise what they are in for if they decide to write everything in Rust. Meanwhile, Python 2 code is still used, against a backdrop of insistent but often ignored requests from systems administrators for people to migrate code to Python 3 so that newer operating system distributions can be deployed. In other sectors, such migration is meant to be factored into the cost of doing business, but in places like academia where software maintenance generally doesn’t get funding, no amount of shaming or passive-aggressive coercion is magically going to get many programs updated at all.

Of course, we could advocate that everybody simply run their old software in virtual machines or containers, just as was possible with that Applesoft BASIC program from over thirty years ago. Indeed, containerisation is the hot thing in places like academia just as it undoubtedly is elsewhere. But unlike the Apple II community who will hopefully stick with what they know, I have my doubts that all those technological lubricants marketed under the buzzword “containers!” will still be delivering the desired performance decades from now. As people jump from yesterday’s hot solution to today’s and on to tomorrow’s (Docker, with or without root, to Singularity/Apptainer, and on to whatever else we have somehow deserved), just the confusion around the tooling will be enough to make the whole exercise something of an ordeal.

A Detour to the Past

Over the last couple of years, I have been increasingly interested in looking back over the course of the last few decades, back to the time when I was first introduced to microcomputers, and even back beyond that to the age of mainframes when IBM reigned supreme and the likes of ICL sought to defend their niche and to remain competitive, or even relevant, as the industry shifted beneath them. Obviously, I was not in a position to fully digest the state of the industry as a schoolchild fascinated with the idea that a computer could seemingly take over a television set and show text and graphics on the screen, and I was certainly not “taking” all the necessary computing publications to build up a sophisticated overview, either.

But these days, many publications from decades past – magazines, newspapers, academic and corporate journals – are available from sites like the Internet Archive, and it becomes possible to sample the sentiments and mood of the times, frustrations about the state of then-current, affordable technology, expectations of products to come, and so on. Those of us who grew up in the microcomputing era saw an obvious progression in computing technologies: faster processors, more memory, better graphics, more and faster storage, more sophisticated user interfaces, increased reliability, better development tools, and so on. Technologies such as Unix were “the future”, labelled as impending to the point of often being ridiculed as too expensive, too demanding or too complicated, perhaps never to see the limelight after all. People were just impatient: we got there in the end.

While all of that was going on, other trends were afoot at the lowest levels of computing. Computer instruction set architectures had become more complicated as the capabilities they offered had expanded. Although such complexity, broadly categorised using labels such as CISC, had been seen as necessary or at least desirable to be able to offer system implementers a set of convenient tools to more readily accomplish their work, the burden of delivering such complexity risked making products unreliable, costly and late. For example, the National Semiconductor 32016 processor, seeking to muscle in on the territory of Digital Equipment Corporation and its VAX line of computers, suffered delays in getting to market and performance deficiencies that impaired its competitiveness.

Although capable and in some respects elegant, it turned out that these kinds of processing architectures were not necessarily delivering what was actually important, either in terms of raw performance for end-users or in terms of convenience for developers. Realisations were had that some of the complexity was superfluous, that programmers did not use certain instructions often or at all, and that a flawed understanding of programmers’ needs had led to the retention of functionality that did not need to be inscribed in silicon with all the associated costs and risks that this would entail. Instead, simpler, more orthogonal architectures could be delivered that offered instructions that programmers or, crucially, their compilers would actually use. The idea of RISC was thereby born.

As the concept of RISC took off, pursued by the likes of IBM, UCB and Sun, Stanford University and MIPS, Acorn (and subsequently ARM), HP, and even Digital, Intel and Motorola, amongst others, the concept of the workstation became more fully realised. It may have been claimed by some commentator or other that “the personal computer killed the workstation” or words to that effect, but in fact, the personal computer effectively became the workstation during the course of the 1990s and early years of the twenty-first century, albeit somewhat delayed by Microsoft’s sluggish delivery of appropriately sophisticated operating systems throughout its largely captive audience.

For a few people in the 1980s, the workstation vision was the dream: the realisation of their expectations for what a computer should do. Although expectations should always be updated to take new circumstances and developments into account, it is increasingly difficult to see the same rate of progress in this century’s decades that we saw in the final decades of the last century, at least in terms of general usability, stability and the emergence of new and useful computational capabilities. Some might well argue that graphics and video processing or networked computing have progressed immeasurably, these certainly having delivered benefits for visualisation, gaming, communications and the provision of online infrastructure, but in other regards, we seem stuck with something very familiar to that of twenty years ago but with increasingly disillusioned developers and disempowered users.

What we might take away from this historical diversion is that sometimes a focus on the essentials, on simplicity, and on the features that genuinely matter make more of a difference than just pressing ahead with increasingly esoteric and baroque functionality that benefits few and yet brings its own set of risks and costs. And we should recognise that progress is largely acknowledged only when it delivers perceptable benefits. In terms of delivering a computer language and environment, this may necessarily entail emphasising the stability and simplicity of the language, focusing instead on remedying the deficiencies of the underlying language technology to give users the kind of progress they might actually welcome.

A Dark Currency

Mark Lutz had intended to stop commentating on newer versions of Python, reflecting on the forces at work that makes Python what it now is:

In the end, the convolution of Python was not a technical story. It was a sociological story, and a human story. If you create a work with qualities positive enough to make it popular, but also encourage it to be changed for a reward paid entirely in the dark currency of ego points, time will inevitably erode the very qualities which made the work popular originally. There’s no known name for this law, but it happens nonetheless, and not just in Python. In fact, it’s the very definition of open source, whose paradigm of reckless change now permeates the computing world.

I also don’t know of a name for such a law of human behaviour, and yet I have surely mentioned such behavioural phenomena previously myself: the need to hustle, demonstrate expertise, audition for some potential job offer, demonstrate generosity through volunteering. In some respects, the cultivation of “open source” as a pragmatic way of writing software collaboratively, marginalising Free Software principles and encouraging some kind of individualistic gift culture coupled to permissive licensing, is responsible for certain traits of what Python has become. But although a work that is intrinsically Free Software in nature may facilitate chaotic, haphazard, antisocial, selfish, and many other negative characteristics in the evolution of that work, it is the social and economic environment around the work that actually promotes those characteristics.

When reflecting on the past, particularly during periods when capabilities were being built up, we can start to appreciate the values that might have been more appreciated at that time than they are now. Python originated at a time when computers in widespread use were becoming capable enough to offer such a higher-level language, one that could offer increased convenience over various systems programming languages whilst building on top of the foundations established by those languages. With considerable effort having been invested in such foundations, a mindset seemed to persist, at least in places, that such foundations might be enduring and be good for a long time.

An interesting example of such attitudes arose at a lower level with the development of the Alpha instruction set architecture. Digital, having responded ineffectively to its competitive threats, embraced the RISC philosophy and eventually delivered a processor range that could be used to support its existing product line-up, emphasising performance and longevity through a “15- to 25-year design horizon” that attempted to foresee the requirements of future systems. Sadly, Digital made some poor strategic decisions, some arguably due to Microsoft’s increasing influence over the company’s strategy, and after a parade of acquisitions, Alpha fell under the control of HP who sacrificed it, along with its own RISC architecture, to commit to Intel’s dead-end Itanium architecture. I suppose this illustrates that the chaos of “open source” is not the only hazard threatening stability and design for longevity.

Such long or distant horizons demand that newer developments remain respectful to the endeavours that have made them possible. Such existing and ongoing endeavours may have their flaws, but recognising and improving those flaws is more constructive and arguably more productive than tearing everything down and demanding that everything be redone to accommodate an apparently new way of thinking. Sadly, we see a lot of the latter these days, but it goes beyond a lack of respect for precedent and achievement, reflecting broader tendencies in our increasingly stressed societies. One such tendency is that of destructive competition, the elimination of competitors, and the pursuit of monopoly. We might be used to seeing such things in the corporate sphere – the likes of Microsoft wanting to be the only ones who provide the software for your computer, no matter where you buy it – but people have a habit of imitating what they see, especially when the economic model for our societies increasingly promotes the hustle for work and the need to carve out a lucrative niche.

So, we now see pervasive attitudes such as the pursuit of the zero-sum game. Where the deficiencies of a technology lead its users to pursue alternatives, defensiveness in the form of utterances such as “no need to invent another language” arises. Never mind that the custodians of the deficient technology – in this case, Python, of course – happily and regularly offer promotional consideration to a company who openly tout their own language for mobile development. Somehow, the primacy of the Python language is a matter for its users to bear, whereas another rule applies amongst its custodians. That is another familiar characteristic of human behaviour, particularly where power and influence accumulates.

And so, we now see hostility towards anything being perceived as competition, even if it is merely an independent endeavour undertaken by someone wishing to satisfy their own needs. We see intolerance for other solutions, but we also see a number of other toxic behaviours on display: alpha-dogging, personality worship and the cultivation of celebrity. We see chest-puffing displays of butchness about Important Matters like “security”. And, of course, the attitude to what went before is the kind of approach that involves boiling the oceans so that it may be populated by precisely the right kind of fish. None of this builds on or complements what is already there, nor does it deliver a better experience for the end-user. No wonder people say that they are jealous of colleagues who are retiring.

All these things make it unappealing to share software or even ideas with others. Fortunately, if one does not care about making a splash, one can just get on with things that are personally interesting and ignore all the “negativity from ignorant, opinionated blowhards”. Although in today’s hustle culture, this means also foregoing the necessary attention that might prompt anyone to discover your efforts and pay you to do such work. On the actual topic that has furnished us with so many links to toxic behaviour, and on the matter of the venue where such behaviour is routine, I doubt that I would want my own language-related efforts announced in such a venue.

Then again, I seem to recall that I stopped participating in that particular venue after one discussion had a participant distorting public health observations by the likes of Hans Rosling to despicably indulge in poverty denial. Once again, broader social, economic and political influences weigh heavily on our industry and communities, with people exporting their own parochial or ignorant views globally, and in the process corrupting and undermining other people’s societies, oblivious to the misery it has already caused in their own. Against this backdrop, simple narcissism is perhaps something of a lesser concern.

At the End of the Tunnel

I suppose I promised some actionable observations at the start of the article, so what might they be?

Respect Users and Investments

First of all, software developers should be respectful towards the users of their software. Such users lend validation to that software, encourage others to use it, and they potentially make it possible for the developers to work on it for a living. Their use involves an investment that, if written off by the developers, is costly for everyone concerned.

And no, the users’ demands for that investment to be protected cannot be disregarded as “entitlement”, even if they paid nothing to acquire the software, at least if the developers are happy to enjoy all the other benefits of the software’s proliferation. As is often said, power and influence bring responsibility. Just as democratically elected politicians have a responsibility towards everyone they represent, regardless of whether those people voted for them or not, software developers have a duty of care towards all of their users, even if it is merely to step out of the way and to let the users take the software in its own direction without seeking to frustrate them as we saw when Python 2 was cast aside.

Respond to User Needs Constructively

Developers should also be responsive to genuine user needs. If you believe all the folklore about the “open source” way, it should have been precisely people’s own genuine needs that persuaded them to initiate their own projects in the first place. It is entirely possible that a project may start with one kind of emphasis and demand one kind of skills only to evolve towards another emphasis or to require other skills. With Python, much of the groundwork was laid in the 1990s, building an interpreter and formulating a capable language. But beyond that initial groundwork, the more pressing challenges lay outside the language design domain and went beyond the implementation of a simple interpreter.

Improved performance and concurrency, both increasingly expected by users, required the application of other skills that might not have been present in the project. And yet, the elaboration of the language continued, with the developers susceptible to persuasion by outsiders engaging in “alpha-dogging” or even insiders with an inferiority complex, being made to feel that the language was not complete or even adequate since it lacked features from the pet languages of those outsiders or of the popular language of the day. Development communities should welcome initiatives to improve their projects in ways that actually benefit the users, and they should resist the urge to muscle in on such initiatives by seeking to demonstrate that they have the necessary solutions when their track record would indicate otherwise. (Or worse still, by reframing user needs in terms of their own narrow agenda as if to say, “Here is what you are really asking for.” Another familiar trait of the “visionary” desktop developer.)

Respect Other Solutions

Developers and commentators more generally should accept and respect the existence of other technologies and solutions. Just because they have their own favourite solution does not de-legitimise something they have just been made aware of. Maybe it is simply not meant for them. After all, not everything that happens in this reality is part of a performance exclusively for any one person’s benefit, despite what some people appear to think. And the existence of other projects doing much the same thing is not necessarily “wasted effort”: another concept introduced from some cult of economics or other.

It is entirely possible to provide similar functionality in different ways, and the underlying implementations may lend those different projects different characteristics – portability, adaptability, and so on – even if the user sees largely the same result on their screen. Maybe we do want to encourage different efforts even for fundamental technologies or infrastructure, not because anyone likes to “waste effort”, but because it gives the systems we build a level of redundancy and resilience. And maybe some people just work better with certain other people. We should let them, as opposed to forcing them to fit in with tiresome, exploitative and time-wasting development cultures, to suffer rudeness and general abuse, simply to go along with an exercise that props up some form of corporate programme of minimal investment in the chosen solution of industry and various pundits.

Develop for the Long Term and for Stability

Developers should make things that are durable so that they may be usable for many years to come. Or they should at least expect that people may want to use them years or even decades from now. Just because something is old does not mean it is bad. Much of what we use today is based on technology that is old, with much of that technology effectively coming of age decades ago. We should be able to enjoy the increased performance of our computers, not have it consumed by inefficient software that drives the hardware and other software into obsolescence. Technological fads come and go (and come back again): people in the 1990s probably thought that virtual reality would be pervasive by now, but experience should permit us to reflect and to recognise that some things were (and maybe always will be) bad ideas and that we shouldn’t throw everything overboard to pander to them, only to regret doing so later.

We live in a world where rapid and uncomfortable change has been normalised, but where consumerism has been promoted as the remedy. Perhaps some old way of doing something mundane doesn’t work any more – buying something, interacting with public agencies, fulfilling obligations, even casting votes in some kinds of elections – perhaps because someone has decided that money can be saved (and, of course, soon wasted elsewhere) if it can be done “digitally” from now on. To keep up, you just need a smartphone, or a newer smartphone, with an “app”, or the new “app”, and a subscription to a service, and another one. And so on. All of that “works” for people as long as they have the necessarily interest, skills, time, and money to spend.

But as the last few years have shown, it doesn’t take much to disrupt these unsatisfactory and fragile arrangements. Nobody advocating fancy “digital” solutions evidently considered that people would not already have everything they need to access their amazing creations. And when, as they say, neither love nor money can get you the gadgets you need, it doesn’t even matter how well-off you are: suddenly you get a downgrade in experience to a level that, as a happy consumer, you probably didn’t even know still existed, even if it is still the reality for whole sections of our societies. We have all seen how narrow the margins are between everything apparently being “just fine” and there being an all-consuming crisis, both on a global level and, for many, on a personal level, too.

Recognise Responsibilities to Others

Change can be a positive thing if it carries everyone along and delivers actual progress. Meanwhile, there are those who embrace disruption as a form of change, claiming it to be a form of progress, too, but that form of change is destructive, harmful and exclusionary. It should not be a surprise that prominent advocates of a certain political movement advocate such disruptive change: for them, it doesn’t matter how many people suffer by the ruinous change they have inflicted on everyone as long as they are the ones to benefit; everyone else can wait fifty years or so to see some kind of consolation for the things taken from them, apparently.

As we deliver technology to others, we should not be the ones deepening any misery already experienced by imposing needless and costly change. We should be letting people catch up with the state of technology and allowing them to be comfortable with it. We should invest in long-term solutions that address people’s needs, and we should refuse to be shamed into playing the games of opportunists and profiteers who ridicule anything old or familiar in favour of what they happen to be promoting today. We should demand that people’s investments in hardware and software be protected, that they are not effectively coerced into constantly buying new things and seeing their their living standards diminished in other ways, with such consumption burdening our planet’s ecosystem and resources.

Just as we all experience that others have power over us, so we might recognise the power we have over other people. And just as we might expect others to consider our interests, so we might consider the interests of those who have to put up with our decisions. Maybe, in the end, all I am doing is asking for people to show some consideration for the experiences of other people, that their lives not be made any harder than they might already be. Is that really too much to ask? Is that so hard to understand?

Making a Board for the PIC32 VGA Signal Generation Project

February 22nd, 2022

Although I have tried to maintain an interest in computing hardware over the last two years or so, both contemporary and somewhat older technologies, I haven’t really had much time or energy to devote to electronics projects. However, I was becoming increasingly bothered by my existing VGA signal generation project taking up space on a couple of solderless breadboards, demanding lots of jumper wires, and generally not helping me organise and consolidate my collection of electronics-related acquisitions, components, and so on. I was also feeling a bit bad for not moving the VGA project to the next step, which is what I had virtually promised to do. Having acquired a new computer in 2020 but not having really looked at KiCad since migrating to the new machine, I finally picked up the courage to set out translating my existing notes into a proper circuit diagram, reacquainting myself with KiCad’s peculiarities, and then translating this into an actual board layout.

My priorities for a circuit board were to support signal generation and programming, gathering together all the different passive components associated with signal generation – the resistors for combining colour intensity levels – plus all the components associated with programming the microcontroller – more resistors – and putting them on the board with a socket for the microcontroller. Unlike boards trying to replicate the Arduino experience, this board would not seek to offer programming facilities itself: that would remain the job of another board, with the Arduino Duemilanove already doing this job adequately under the control of the Nanu Nanu software. Headers would therefore expose the programming pins for connection to the Arduino or other device.

Nor would the board offer its own VGA connector for the VGA signals: I already have a VGA connector terminal block, and mounting a DE-15 connector on a board raises issues of selecting an appropriate component, defining a usable component footprint, making room on the board for it, and ensuring that the connector is securely attached without risking stress on the board or solder joints. Besides, the idea was to make use of my existing parts, and by retaining use of the terminal block, I could just use a header for the VGA signal outputs which would also require a modest amount of space. I envisaged that any future solution with a proper socket for a VGA cable might well involve a separate board securely mounted to a case, with the case taking the strain of cable insertions and removals, and with cables connecting this separate board to the board being designed here.

One issue when making a board that I could easily imagine stalling the process is that of the size and shape of any given board. With something resembling a miniature computing system, one might get tempted by selecting a broadly-adopted circuit board profile like PC/104 or one of the ITX family, or perhaps leveraging the deluge of Raspberry Pi cases available for one of those products (despite their variations and incompatibilities). However, my choice was practically made for me: I already had one Arduino case that I hadn’t used for anything, and it seemed to me that the traditional Arduino board profile was appropriately sized and would not be particularly inconvenient to adopt, although the actual physical characteristics were not adequately defined, leaving it to others to do the work of documentation that should have been done by the Arduino initiative right from the start. (There are subtle differences between Duemilanove models that have actually made some cases incompatible with some versions of that board, so this was a real problem.)

Anyway, with the physical and electrical constraints mostly figured out, I laid out the board, put headers in places I considered sensible enough, not aiming for Arduino shield compatibility since I needed more flexibility than that would demand. I also wanted to add support for various other useful features including some that I had already tested, such as UART communication, together with some I had not been able to adequately investigate, such as the driving of peripherals (or the microcontroller itself) over the parallel bus and USB connectivity. The latter involved messing around with the differential pair routing features of KiCad, but it is entirely possible that such features are largely superfluous at the transmission frequencies this board would end up using. After much checking, rechecking, agonising, and so on, I uploaded the board design to OSHPark and placed an order.

Several weeks later, I received the boards in the post, thankfully without any customs fees or other charges. In the meantime, I had also ordered components that I needed from a supplier in the UK, Technobots, who happen to sell logic chips and other things that suppliers targeting the “maker” community tend not to bother selling. Thankfully also in this case, the components arrived without incurring fees and charges, although I had kept the value of my order fairly low. In Norway, the industrial lobby hate to see people importing things, often taking the tone that people should buy locally produced goods, but since nobody makes these things here, anyone “local” that sells them has to import them, and the result is often just the cheapest stuff at ridiculously high prices and some middlemen making all the money, rather than anyone earning a decent living out of actually producing anything. But anyway.

The boards themselves were well made, as I have seen before, although I was disappointed with the “tabs” around the edge. When boards get made, people will tell you that they are all put on a big panel together and that they therefore need to be attached to each other somehow. The manufacturer will then typically spell out that apart from separating the boards by snapping them apart, they don’t do any further finishing work on the edges because we, the customers, aren’t paying for that level of service. However, I don’t remember the remnants of these inter-board connections – the tabs – being so awkward on previous boards from OSHPark. If I had to do anything before, I’m sure it just involved some gentle trimming, but these needed the application of glasspaper to grind down the tabs to be level with the actual board edge. Given the sub-millimetre tolerances involved in board fabrication, I find it perverse that such finishing would fall to someone – me or someone in the factory – to do this by hand.

The fabricated boards

The fabricated boards, with the annoying “tabs” visible around the edges.

Having tested the continuity between different pads using a simple power plus LED plus resistor arrangement, all that remained was to get the soldering equipment out and to build myself up to the usually arduous task of fitting all the headers, resistors, capacitors and the socket. This was something of a trial in itself, but I eventually remembered the various tricks needed to coerce my soldering iron to apply the solder in a barely decent way.

The finished board

The finished board connected to the VGA terminal block and Arduino Duemilanove.

One thing I realised very quickly was that I had chosen the wrong component footprint for the resistors. In navigating the rather unreadable list provided by the inflexible component assignment dialogue within KiCad, I had chosen footprints with the pads not being sufficiently separated for the resistors I happen to have (and ones that are likely to be sold for these purposes). So, I had to raise the resistors up from the board and tuck the leads under them slightly. Despite the additional height occupied by the resistors, the capacitors and headers are already rather tall and so this workaround causes no other problems. I also discovered that placing the resistors in the compact arrangement shown, while very neat and tidy, made all the unsoldered leads rather crowded on the underside of the board and rather increased the risk of accidental solder bridging between components, at least with my soldering technique. The capacitors had appropriate footprints, however, and were less of a challenge.

What followed was another trial, mostly caused by a simple wiring up error, and lots of troubleshooting involving the programming software and circuits both on this board and on the breadboard, chasing down a non-existent programming issue. The programming circuit was actually fine, and the programming was actually being performed as normal, but in maintaining a level of doubt about the outcome of the exercise, I had run the verification operation of the programming software and had seen that it was consistently complaining about a programming error. Worryingly, this error now seemed to occur both on the manufactured board and on the breadboard, for both a microcontroller that I had used before and a completely unused one. I started to test and investigate different versions of the programming software to see if any regressions had occurred.

Eventually, I realised that the error was related to the last thing the software would do when programming the microcontroller and was related to setting a configuration register. Ignoring this and reminding myself of the UART configuration, I sought to test the example program demonstrating UART communication and found, eventually, that it worked on the breadboard. It also worked on the manufactured board, too, raising my confidence slightly. And then, while perusing my previous blog post, I realised that I had connected the VGA sync signal pins the wrong way round! Programming the VGA example program and fixing the wiring finally got me to where I should have been to begin with.

The board generating a VGA signal.

The board generating a VGA signal via a terminal block and cable, with the Arduino supplying power and acting as programmer.

The arrangement of boards required here is a bit cumbersome, although the Arduino could be replaced by a simple 3.3V power source if the appropriate software has already been programmed into the PIC32 microcontroller. As noted above, an auxiliary board could provide a VGA socket for a cable and thus eliminate the bulky terminal connector.

The three-board arrangement.

The three-board arrangement of VGA terminal block, VGA signal board, and Arduino Duemilanove.

As far as using an existing Arduino case is concerned, there are some obvious limitations and possibilities for improvement and refinement. The size and shape of the manufactured board is compatible with the case I happen to have, but where an Arduino shield would be stacked on top of the Duemilanove directly, this board necessitates that the connections be routed using wires or cables between the Arduino’s analogue header and the programming header on this board. Having mounted female headers on this board, this involves routing cables around the edge of the board, and the lack of clearance between the Arduino’s headers and the underside of this board means that there is not enough space to use jumper wires. Fortunately, breadboard jumper cables can do this job, if not entirely elegantly.

The board and the Duemilanove in a case.

The board and the Duemilanove in a case, with the cables routing programming and power signals between the boards.

Introducing a degree of shield compatibility might be a solution to such problems, but perhaps I should not be too hard on myself. The new computer I bought in 2020 has its own compartment for cables, and this compartment is rammed full of seemingly needless, bulky cabling, presumably demonstrating the designers’ aptitude for cable management as they neglected other basic functionality one would expect from a computer case in the third decade of the twenty-first century.

There are other modifications that I might make in a second version of this board. Challenged by the layout issues, I neglected to realise that if the VGA signal resistors are fitted, some of the parallel bus pins will have their own signals mixed with others: I should have realised this and specified diodes for the various signal lines concerned. Still, with spare boards and another microcontroller to play with, I could possibly just make up a board without those resistors if I wanted to experiment with parallel mode. Since this would most likely involve driving a screen, it wouldn’t make sense to try and support that and VGA output on the same board, although I could imagine some kind of switching solution disabling one and enabling the other as appropriate.

In reflection, the outcome is satisfactory. I did spend rather too long designing, building and – especially – troubleshooting the board, and there are definitely things that are obviously wrong with it, but it has now allowed me to dismantle the original breadboard circuit, free up some jumper wires and components, and to put all of those things away properly. It has also helped me become familiar with KiCad once again, encouraged me to document more schematics, and opened the door to doing more circuit design in the future. In any case, I hope that this was a somewhat interesting view into the realisation of a long overdue project.

Some thoughts about technological sustainability

February 12th, 2022

It was interesting to see an apparently recent article “On the Sustainability of Free Software” published by the FSFE in the context of the Upcycling Android campaign. I have been advocating for sustainable Free Software for some time. When I wasn’t posting articles about my own Python-like language, electronics projects or microkernel-based system development, it seems that I was posting quite a few about sustainable software, hardware and technology like these:

So, I hardly feel it necessary to go back through much of the same material again. Frustratingly, very little has improved over the years, it would seem: some new initiatives emerge, and such things always manage to excite some people, but the same old underlying causes of a general lack of sustainability remain, these including access to affordable, long-lasting and supportable hardware, and the properly funded development of Free Software and the hardware that would run it.

Of course, I wouldn’t even be bothered to write this if I didn’t feel that there might be some positive insights to share, and recent events have prompted me to do so. Hopefully, I can formulate them concisely and constructively in the following paragraphs.

The Open Hardware Crisis

Alright, so that was a provocative heading – hardly positive or constructive – and with so much hardware hacking (of the good kind) going on these days, it might be tempting to ask “what crisis?” Well, evidently, some people think there has been a crisis around the certification of hardware by the Free Software Foundation: that the Respects Your Freedom criteria don’t really help get hardware designed and made that would support (or be supported by) Free Software; that the criteria fail to recognise practical limitations with some elements of hardware, imposing rigid and wasteful measures that fail to enhance the rights of users and that might even impair the longevity and repairability of devices.

A lot of the hardware we rely on nowadays depends on features that cannot easily be supported by Free Software. The system I use has integrated graphics that require proprietary firmware from AMD to work in any half-decent way, as do many processors and interfacing chips, some not even working in any real way at all without it. Although FPGA technology has become more accessible and has invigorated the field of open hardware, there are still considerable challenges around the availability of Free Software toolchains for those kinds of devices. It is also not completely clear how programmable logic devices intersect with the realm of Free Software, either, as far as I can tell. Should people expect the corresponding source code and the means to generate a “bitstream” for the FPGAs in a system? I would think so, given appropriate licensing, but I am not familiar enough with the legal and regulatory constraints to allow me to expect it to be so.

The discussion around this may sound like a storm in a teacup, especially if you do not follow the appropriate organisations, figures, and their mailing lists (and I recommend saving your time and not bothering to, either), but it also sounds rather like tactics have prevailed over strategy. The fact is that without hardware being made to run Free Software, there isn’t really going to be much of a Free Software movement. So, instead of recommending increasingly ancient phones as “ethical gifts” or hoping that the latest crop of “Linux phones” will deliver a package that will not only run Linux but also prove to be usable as a phone, maybe a move away from consumerism is advised. Consumerism, of course, being the tendency to solve every problem by choosing the “best deal” the market happens to be offering today.

What the likes of the FSF need to do is to invest in hardware platforms that are amenable to the deployment of Free Software. This does not necessarily mean totally rejecting hardware if it has unfortunate characteristics such as proprietary firmware, particularly if there is no acceptable alternative, but the initiative has to start somewhere, however imperfect that somewhere might be. Much as we would all like to spend thousands of dollars on hardware that meets some kind of liberty threshold, most of us don’t have that kind of money and would accept some kind of compromise (just as we have to do most of the time, anyway), especially if we felt there was a chance to make up for any deficiencies later on. Trying to start from an impossible position means that there is no “here and now”, never mind “later on”.

Sadly, several attempts at open hardware platforms have struggled and could not be sustained. Some of these were criticised for having some supposed flaw or other that apparently made them unacceptable to the broader Free Software community, and yet they could have led to products that might have remedied such supposed flaws. Meanwhile, consumerist instincts had all the money chasing the latest projects, and yet here we are in 2022, barely any better off than we were in 2012. Had the FSF and company actually supported hardware projects that sought to support their own vision, as opposed to just casually endorsing projects and hoping they came good, we might be in better place by now.

The Ethical Software Crisis

One depressingly recurring theme is the lack of support given to Free Software developers and to Free Software development, even as billion-to-trillion-dollar corporations bank substantial profits on the back of Free Software. As soon as some random developer deletes his JavaScript package from some repository or other, or even switches it out for something that breaks the hyperactive “continuous integration” of hundreds or thousands of projects, everyone laments the fragility of “the system” and embeds that XKCD cartoon with the precarious structure that you’ve all presumably seen. Business-as-usual, however, is soon restored.

Many of the remedies for overworked, underpaid, burned-out developers have the same, familiar consumerist or neoliberal traits. Trait number one is, of course, to let a million projects bloom, carefully selecting the winners and discarding any that fail to keep up with the constant technological churn that also plagues our societies. Beyond that, things like bounties and donations are proposed, and funding platforms helpfully materialise to facilitate the transaction, themselves mostly funded not by bounties and donations (other than the cut of other people’s bounties and donations, of course) but by venture capital money. Because who would actually want to be going from one “gig” to the next when they could actually get a salary?

And it is revealing that organisations engaging in Free Software development tend to have an enthusiasm not for hiring actual developers but for positions like “community manager”, frequently with the responsibility for encouraging contributions from that desirable stream of eager volunteers. Alongside this, funding is sought from a variety of sources, some of whom being public institutions or progressive organisations perhaps sensing a growing crisis and feeling that something should be done. Other sources are perhaps more about doing “philanthropic work” on behalf of wealthy patrons, although I think I would think twice about taking money from people whose wealth has been built on the back of facilitating psychological warfare on entire populations, undermining public health policies and climate change mitigation, enabling inter-ethnic violence and hate generally, and providing a broadcasting platform for extremists. But as they say, beggars can’t be choosers, right?

It may, of course, be argued that big companies are big employers of Free Software developers. Certainly, lots of people seem to work on Free Software projects in companies like, ahem, Blue Hat. And some of that corporate development does deliver usable software, or at least it helps to mitigate the usability issues of the software being produced elsewhere, maybe in another part of the very same corporation. Large, stable organisations may well be the key to providing developers with secure incomes and the space to focus on producing high-quality, well-designed, long-lasting software. Then again, such organisations sometimes exhibit ethical deficiencies in their own collective activities by seeking to aggressively protect revenue streams by limiting interoperability, reduce costs through offshoring, assert patents against others, and impose needless technological change on their customers and the broader market simply to achieve a temporary competitive advantage.

Free Software organisations should be advocating for quality, stable employment for software developers. For too long, Free Software has been perceived as something for nothing where “everybody else” pays, even as organisations and individuals happily pay substantial sums for hardware and for proprietary software. Deferring to “the market” does nobody any good in the end: “the market” will only pay for what it absolutely has to, and businesses doing nicely selling solutions (who might claim that “the market” works for them and should be good enough for everyone) all too frequently rely on practically invisible infrastructure projects that they get for free. It arguably doesn’t matter if it would be public institutions, as opposed to businesses, ending up hiring people as long as they get decent contracts and aren’t at risk of all being laid off because some right-wing government wants to slash taxes for rich people, as tends to happen every few years.

And Free Software organisations should be advocating for ethical software development. Although the public mood in general may lag rather too far behind that of more informed commentary, the awareness many of us have of the substantial ethical concerns around various applications of computing – artificial intelligence, social media/manipulation platforms, surveillance, “cryptocurrencies”, and so on – requires us to uphold our principles, to recognise where our own principles fall short, and to embrace other causes that seek to safeguard the rights of individuals, the health of our societies, and the viability of our planet as our home.

The Accessible Infrastructure Crisis

Some of that ethical software development would also recognise the longevity we hope our societies may ultimately have. And yet we have every reason to worry about our societies becoming less equitable, less inclusive, and less accessible. The unquestioning adoption of technology-driven, consumerist solutions has led to many of the interactions us individuals have with institutions and providers of infrastructure being mediated by random companies who have inserted themselves into every kind of transaction they have perceived as highly profitable. Meanwhile, technologists have often embraced change through newer and newer technology for its own sake, not for the sake of actual progress or for making life easier.

While devices like smartphones have been liberating for many, providing capabilities that one could only have dreamed of only a few decades ago, they also introduce the risk of imposing relationships and restrictions on individuals to the point where those unable to acquire or use technological devices may find themselves excluded from public facilities, commercial transactions, and even voting in elections or other processes of participatory democracy. Such conditions may be the result of political ideology, the outsourcing and offshoring of supposedly non-essential activities, and the trimming back of the public sector, with any consequences, conflicts of interest, and even corrupt dealings being ignored or deliberately overlooked, dismissed as “nothing that would happen here”.

The risk to Free Software and to our societies is that we as individuals no longer collectively control our infrastructure through our representatives, nor do we control the means of interacting with it, the adoption of technology, or the pace such technology is introduced and obsoleted. When the suggestion to problems using supposedly public infrastructure is to “get a new phone” or “upgrade your computer”, we are actually being exploited by corporate interests and their facilitators. Anyone participating in such a cynical deployment of technology must, I suppose, reconcile their sense of a job well done with the sight of their fellow citizens being obstructed, impoverished or even denied their rights.

Although Free Software organisations have tried to popularise unencumbered sources of mobile software and to promote techniques and technologies to lengthen the lifespan of mobile devices, more fundamental measures are required to reverse the harmful course taken by many of our societies. Some of these measures are political or social, and some are technological. All of them are necessary.

We must reject the notion that progress is dependent on technological consumption. While computers and computing devices have managed to keep getting faster, despite warnings that such trends would meet their demise one way or another, improvements in their operational effectiveness in many regards have been limited. We may be able to view higher quality video today than we could ten years ago, and user interfaces may be pushing around many more pixels, but the results of our interactions are not necessarily more substantial. Yet, the ever-increasing demands of things like Web browsers means that systems become obsolete and are replaced with newer, faster systems to do exactly the same things in any qualitative sense. This wastefulness, burdening individuals with needless expenditure and burdening the environment with even more consumption, must stop.

We must demand interoperability and openness with regard to public infrastructure and even commercial platforms. It should be forbidden to insist that specific products be used to interact with public services and amenities or with commercial operators. The definition and adoption of genuinely open standards would be central to any such demands, and we would need to insist that such standards must encompass every aspect of such interactions and activities, without permitting companies to extend them in incompatible, proprietary ways that would deliberately undermine such initiatives.

We must insist that individuals never be under any obligation to commercial interests when interacting with public infrastructure: that their obligations are only to the public bodies concerned. And, similarly, we should insist that when dealing with companies, they may not also require us to enter into ongoing commercial relationships with other companies, purely as a condition of any transaction. It is unacceptable, for example, that individuals require such a relationship with a foreign technology company purely to gain access to essential services or to conduct purchases or similar transactions.

Ideas for Remedies

In conclusion, we need to care about technological freedoms – our choices of hardware and software, things like online privacy, and all that – but we also need to recognise and care about the social, economic and political conditions that threaten such freedoms. We can’t expect to set up a nice Free Software computing system and to use it forever when forces in society compel us to upgrade every few years. Nor can we expect people to make the hardware for such systems, let alone at an affordable price, when technological indulgence drives the sophistication of hardware to levels where investment in open hardware production is prohibitively costly. And we can’t expect to use our Free Software systems if consumerist and/or corrupt choices sacrifice interoperability and pander to entrenched commercial interests.

The vision here, if we can even call it that, is that we might embrace the “essential” nature of our computing needs and thus embrace hardware with adequate levels of sophistication that could, if everyone were honest with themselves, get the job done just fine. Years ago, people used to say how “Linux is great because it works on older systems”, but these days you apparently cannot even install some distributions with less than 1GB of RAM, and Blue Hat is apparently going to put all the bloat of a “modern” Web browser into its installer. And once we have installed our system, do we really need a video playing in the background of a Web page as we navigate a simple list of train times? Do we even need something as sophisticated as a Web browser for that at all?

Embracing mature, proven, reliable, well-understood hardware would help hardware designers to get their efforts right, and if hardware standards and modularity were adopted, there would still be the chance to introduce improvements and enhancements. Such hardware characteristics would also help with the software support: instead of rushing the long, difficult journey of introducing support for poorly documented components from unhelpful manufacturers eager to retire those components and to start making future products, the aim would be to support components with long commercial lifespans whose software support is well established and hopefully facilitated by the manufacturer. And with suitably standardised or modular hardware, creativity and refinement could be directed towards other aspects of the hardware which are often neglected or underestimated such as ergonomics and the other aspects of traditional product design.

With stable hardware, there might be more software options, too. Although many would propose “just putting Linux on it” for any given device, one need only consider the realm of smartphones to realise that such convenient answers are not necessarily the most obviously correct ones, particularly for certain definitions of “Linux”. Instead of choosing Linux because it probably supports the hardware, only to find that as much time is spent fixing that support and swimming against the currents of upstream development as would have been spent implementing that support elsewhere, other systems with more desirable properties could be considered and deployed. We might even encourage different systems to share functionality, instead of wrapping it up in a specific framework that resists portability. Such systems would also aspire to avoid the churn throughout the GNU-plus-Linux-plus-graphical-stack-of-the-day familiar to many of us, potentially allowing us to use familiar software over much longer periods than we have generally been allowed to before, retrocomputing platforms aside.

But to let all of this happen and to offer a viable foundation, we must also ensure that such systems can be used in the wider world. Otherwise, this would merely be an exercise in retrocomputing. Now, there is an argument that there are plenty of existing standards that might facilitate this vision, and perhaps going along with the famous saying about standards (the good thing being that there are so many to choose from), we might wish to avoid the topic of yet another widely-referenced XKCD cartoon by actually adopting some of them instead of creating more of them. That is not to say that we would necessarily want to go along with the full breadth of some standards, however. XML deliberately narrowed down SGML to be a more usable technology, despite its own reputation for complexity. Since some standards were probably “front-run” by companies wishing to elevate their own products, within which various proposed features were already implemented, thus forcing their competitors to play catch up, it is entirely possible that various features are superfluous or frivolous.

There have already been attempts to simplify the Web or to make a simpler Web-like platform, Gemini being one of them, and there are persuasive arguments that such technologies should be considered as separate from the traditional Web. After all, the best of intentions in delivering a simple, respectful experience can easily be undermined by enthusiasm for the latest frameworks and fashions, or by the insistence that less than respectful techniques and technologies – user surveillance, to take one example – be introduced to “help understand” or “better serve” users. A distinct technology might offer easy ways of resisting such temptations by simply failing to support them conveniently, but the greater risk is that it might not even get adopted significantly at all.

New standards might well be necessary, but revising and reforming existing ones might well be more productive, and there is merit in focusing standards on the essentials. After all, people used the Web for real work twenty years ago, too. And some would argue that today’s Web is just reimplementing the client-server paradigm but with JavaScript on the front end, grinding your CPU, with application-specific communications conducted between the browser and the server. Such communications will, for the most part, not be specified and be prone to changing and breaking, interoperability being the last thing on everybody’s mind. Formalising such communications, and adopting technologies more appropriate to each device and to each user, might actually be beneficial: instead of megabytes of JavaScript passing across the network and through the browser, the user would get to choose how they access such services, which programs they might use, rather than having “an experience” foisted upon them.

Such an approach would actually return us to something close to the original vision of the Web. But standards surely have to be seen as the basis of the Free Software we might hope to use, and as the primary vehicle for the persuasion of others. Public institutions and businesses care about reaching the biggest possible audience, and this has brought us to a rather familiar sight: the anointment of two viable players in a particular market and no others. Back in the 1990s, the two chosen ones in desktop computing were Microsoft and Apple, the latter kept afloat by the former so as to avoid being perceived as a de-facto monopoly and thereby avoiding being subject to proper regulation. Today, Apple and Google are the gatekeepers in mobile computing, with even Microsoft being an unwelcome complication.

Such organisations want to offer solutions that supposedly reach “the most users”, will happily commission “apps” for the big two players (and Microsoft, sometimes, because habits and favouritism die hard), and will probably shy away from suggesting other solutions, labelling them as confusing or unreliable, mostly because they just don’t want to care: their job is done, the boxes ticked, more effort gives no more reward. But standards offer the possibility of reaching every user, of meeting legal accessibility requirements, and potentially allowing such organisations to delegate the provision of solutions to their favourite entity: “the market”. Naturally, some kind of validation of standards compliance would probably be required, but this need not be overly restrictive nor the business of every last government department or company.

So, I suppose a combination of genuinely open standards facilitating Free Software and accessible public and private services, with users able to adopt and retain open and long-lasting hardware, might be a glimpse of some kind of vision. How people might make good enough money to be able to live decently is another question entirely, but then again, perhaps cultivating simpler, durable, sustainable infrastructure might create opportunities in the development of products that use it, allowing people to focus on improving those products, that infrastructure and the services they collectively deliver as opposed to chasing every last fad and fashion, running faster and faster and yet having the constant feeling of falling behind. As many people seem to experience in many other aspects of their lives.

Well, I hope the positivity was in there somewhere!

Dataspaces and Paging in L4Re

March 19th, 2019

The experiments covered by my recent articles about filesystems and L4Re managed to lead me along another path in the past few weeks. I had defined a mechanism for providing access to files in a filesystem via a programming interface employing interprocess communication within the L4Re system. In doing so, I had defined calls or operations that would read from and write to a file, observing that some kind of “memory-mapped” file support might also be possible. At the time, I had no clear idea of how this would actually be made to work, however.

As can often be the case, once some kind of intellectual challenge emerges, it can become almost impossible to resist the urge to consider it and to formulate some kind of solution. Consequently, I started digging deeper into a number of things: dataspaces, pagers, page faults, and the communication that happens within L4Re via the kernel to support all of these things.

Dataspaces and Memory

Because the L4Re developers have put a lot of effort into making a system where one can compile a fairly portable program and probably expect it to work, matters like the allocation of memory within programs, the use of functions like malloc, and other things we take for granted need no special consideration in the context of describing general development for an L4Re-based system. In principle, if our program wants more memory for its own use, then the use of things like malloc will probably suffice. It is where we have other requirements that some of the L4Re abstractions become interesting.

In my previous efforts to support MIPS-based systems, these other requirements have included the need to access memory with a fixed and known location so that the hardware can be told about it, thus supporting things like framebuffers that retain stored data for presentation on a display device. But perhaps most commonly in a system like L4Re, it is the need to share memory between processes or tasks that causes us to look beyond traditional memory allocation techniques at what L4Re has to offer.

Indeed, the filesystem work so far employs what are known as dataspaces to allow filesystem servers and client applications to exchange larger quantities of information conveniently via shared buffers. First, the client requests a dataspace representing a region of memory. It then associates it with an address so that it may access the memory. Then, the client shares this with the server by sending it a reference to the dataspace (known as a capability) in a message.

Opening a file using shared memory containing file information

Opening a file using shared memory containing file information

The kernel, in propagating the message and the capability, makes the dataspace available to the server so that both the client and the server may access the memory associated with the dataspace and that these accesses will just work without any further effort. At this level of sophistication we can get away with thinking of dataspaces as being blocks of memory that can be plugged into tasks. Upon obtaining access to such a block, reads and writes (or loads and stores) to addresses in the block will ultimately touch real memory locations.

Even in this simple scheme, there will be some address translation going on because each task has its own way of arranging its view of memory: its virtual address space. The virtual memory addresses used by a task may very well be different from the physical memory addresses indicating the actual memory locations involved in accesses.

An illustration of virtual memory corresponding to physical memory

An illustration of virtual memory corresponding to physical memory

Such address translation is at the heart of operating systems like those supported by the L4 family of microkernels. But the system will make sure that when a task tries to access a virtual address available to it, the access will be translated to a physical address and supported by some memory location.

Mapping and Paging

With some knowledge of the underlying hardware architecture, we can say that each task will need support from the kernel and the hardware to be able to treat its virtual address space as a way of accessing real memory locations. In my experiments with simple payloads to run on MIPS-based hardware, it was sufficient to define very simple tables that recorded correspondences between virtual and physical addresses. Processes or tasks would access memory addresses, and where the need arose to look up such a virtual address, the table would be consulted and the hardware configured to map the virtual address to a physical address.

Naturally, proper operating systems go much further than this, and systems built on L4 technologies go as far as to expose the mechanisms for normal programs to interact with. Instead of all decisions about how memory is mapped for each task being taken in the kernel, with the kernel being equipped with all the necessary policy and information, such decisions are delegated to entities known as pagers.

When a task needs an address translated, the kernel pushes the translation activity over to the designated pager for a decision to be made. And the event that demands an address translation is known as a page fault since it occurs when a task accesses a memory page that is not yet supported by a mapping to physical memory. Pagers are therefore present to receive page fault notifications and to respond in a way that causes the kernel to perform the necessary privileged actions to configure the hardware, this being one of the few responsibilities of the kernel.

The role of a pager in managing access to the contents of a dataspace

The role of a pager in managing access to the contents of a dataspace

Treating a dataspace as an abstraction for memory accessed by a task or application, the designated pager for the dataspace acts as a dataspace manager, ensuring that memory accesses within the dataspace can be satisfied. If an access causes a page fault, the pager must act to provide a mapping for the accessed page, leaving the application mostly oblivious to the work going on to present the dataspace and its memory as a continuously present resource.

An Aside

It is rather interesting to consider the act of delegation in the context of processor architecture. It would seem to be fairly common that the memory management units provided by various architectures feature built-in support for consulting various forms of data structures describing the virtual memory layout of a process or task. So, when a memory access fails, the information about the actual memory address involved can be retrieved from such a predefined structure.

However, the MIPS architecture largely delegates such matters to software: a processor exception is raised when a “bad” virtual address is used, and the job of doing something about it falls immediately to a software routine. So, there seems to be some kind of parallel between processor architecture and operating system architecture, L4 taking a MIPS-like approach of eager delegation to a software component for increased flexibility and functionality.

Messages and Flexpages

So, the high-level view so far is as follows:

  • Dataspaces represent regions of virtual memory
  • Virtual memory is mapped to physical memory where the data actually resides
  • When a virtual memory access cannot be satisfied, a page fault occurs
  • Page faults are delivered to pagers (acting as dataspace managers) for resolution
  • Pagers make data available and indicate the necessary mapping to satisfy the failing access

To get to the level of actual implementation, some familiarisation with other concepts is needed. Previously, my efforts have exposed me to the interprocess communications (IPC) central in L4Re as a microkernel-based system. I had even managed to gain some level of understanding around sending references or capabilities between processes or tasks. And it was apparent that this mechanism would be used to support paging.

Unfortunately, the main L4Re documentation does not seem to emphasise the actual message details or protocols involved in these fundamental activities. Instead, the library code is described in reference documentation with some additional explanation. However, some investigation of the code yielded some insights as to the kind of interfaces the existing dataspace implementations must support, and I also tracked down some message sending activities in various components.

When a page fault occurs, the first thing to know about it is the kernel because the fault occurs at the fundamental level of instruction execution, and it is the kernel’s job to deal with such low-level events in the first instance. Notification of the fault is then sent out of the kernel to the page fault handler for the affected task. The page fault handler then contacts the task’s pager to request a resolution to the problem.

Page fault handling in detail

Page fault handling in detail

In L4Re, this page fault handler is likely to be something called a region mapper (or perhaps a region manager), and so it is not completely surprising that the details of invoking the pager was located in some region mapper code. Putting together both halves of the interaction yielded the following details of the message:

  • map: offset, hot spot, flags → flexpage

Here, the offset is the position of the failing memory access relative to the start of the dataspace; the flags describe the nature of the memory to be accessed. The “hot spot” and “flexpage” need slightly more explanation, the latter being an established term in L4 circles, the former being almost arbitrarily chosen and not particularly descriptive.

The term “flexpage” may have its public origins in the “Flexible-Sized Page-Objects” paper whose title describes the term. For our purposes, the significance of the term is that it allows for the consideration of memory pages in a range of sizes instead of merely considering a single system-wide page size. These sizes start at the smallest page size supported by the system (but not necessarily the absolute smallest supported by the hardware, but anyway…) and each successively larger size is double the size preceding it. For example:

  • 4096 (212) bytes
  • 8192 (213) bytes
  • 16384 (214) bytes
  • 32768 (215) bytes
  • 65536 (216) bytes

When a page fault occurs, the handler identifies a region of memory where the failing access is occurring. Although it could merely request that memory be made available for a single page (of the smallest size) in which the access is situated, there is the possibility that a larger amount of memory be made available that encompasses this access page. The flexpage involved in a map request represents such a region of memory, having a size not necessarily decided in advance, being made available to the affected task.

This brings us to the significance of the “hot spot” and some investigation into how the page fault handler and pager interact. I must admit that I find various educational materials to be a bit vague on this matter, at least with regard to explicitly describing the appropriate behaviour. Here, the flexpage paper was helpful in providing slightly different explanations, albeit employing the term “fraction” instead of “hot spot”.

Since the map request needs to indicate the constraints applying to the region in which the failing access occurs, without demanding a particular size of region and yet still providing enough useful information to the pager for the resulting flexpage to be useful, an efficient way is needed of describing the memory landscape in the affected task. This is apparently where the “hot spot” comes in. Consider a failing access in page #3 of a memory region in a task, with the memory available in the pager to satisfy the request being limited to two pages:

Mapping available memory to pages in a task experiencing a page fault

Mapping available memory to pages in a task experiencing a page fault

Here, the “hot spot” would reference page #3, and this information would be received by the pager. The significance of the “hot spot” appears to be the location of the failing access within a flexpage, and if the pager could provide it then a flexpage of four system pages would map precisely to the largest flexpage expected by the handler for the task.

However, with only two system pages to spare, the pager can only send a flexpage consisting of those two pages, the “hot spot” being localised in page #1 of the flexpage to be sent, and the base of this flexpage being the base of page #0. Fortunately, the handler is smart enough to fit this smaller flexpage onto the “receive window” by using the original “hot spot” information, mapping page #2 in the receive window to page #0 of the received flexpage and thus mapping the access page #3 to page #1 of that flexpage.

So, the following seems to be considered and thus defined by the page fault handler:

  • The largest flexpage that could be used to satisfy the failing access.
  • The base of this flexpage.
  • The page within this flexpage where the access occurs: the “hot spot”.
  • The offset within the broader dataspace of the failing access, it indicating the data that would be expected in this page.

(Given this phrasing of the criteria, it becomes apparent that “flexpage offset” might be a better term than “hot spot”.)

With these things transferred to the pager using a map request, the pager’s considerations are as follows:

  • How flexpages of different sizes may fit within the memory available to satisfy the request.
  • The base of the most appropriate flexpage, where this might be the largest that fits within the available memory.
  • The population of the available memory with data from the dataspace.

To respond to the request, the pager sends a special flexpage item in its response message. Consequently, this flexpage is mapped into the task’s address space, and the execution of the task may resume with the missing data now available.

Practicalities and Pitfalls

If the dataspace being provided by a pager were merely a contiguous region of memory containing the data, there would probably be little else to say on the matter, but in the above I hint at some other applications. In my example, the pager only uses a certain amount of memory with which it responds to map requests. Evidently, in providing a dataspace representing a larger region, the data would have to be brought in from elsewhere, which raises some other issues.

Firstly, if data is to be copied into the limited region of memory available for satisfying map requests, then the appropriate portion of the data needs to be selected. This is mostly a matter of identifying how the available memory pages correspond to the data, then copying the data into the pages so that the accessed location ultimately provides the expected data. It may also be the case that the amount of data available does not fill the available memory pages; this should cause the rest of those pages to be filled with zeros so that data cannot leak between map requests.

Secondly, if the available memory pages are to be used to satisfy the current map request, then what happens when we re-use them in each new map request? It turns out that the mappings made for previous requests remain active! So if a task traverses a sequence of pages, and if each successive page encountered in that traversal causes a page fault, then it will seem that new data is being made available in each of those pages. But if that task inspects the earlier pages, it will find that the newest data is exposed through those pages, too, banishing the data that we might have expected.

Of course, what is happening is that all of the mapped pages in the task’s dataspace now refer to the same collection of pages in the pager, these being dedicated to satisfying the latest map request. And so, they will all reflect the contents of those available memory pages as they currently are after this latest map request.

The effect of mapping the same page repeatedly

The effect of mapping the same page repeatedly

One solution to this problem is to try and make the task forget the mappings for pages it has visited previously. I wondered if this could be done automatically, by sending a flexpage from the pager with a flag set to tell the kernel to invalidate prior mappings to the pager’s memory. After a time looking at the code, I ended up asking on the l4-hackers mailing list and getting a very helpful response that was exactly what I had been looking for!

There is, in fact, a special way of telling the kernel to “unmap” memory used by other tasks (l4_task_unmap), and it is this operation that I ended up using to invalidate the mappings previously sent to the task. Thus the task, upon backtracking to earlier pages, finds that the mappings from virtual addresses to the physical memory holding the latest data are absent once again, and page faults are needed to restore the data in those pages. The result is a form of multiplexing access to a resource via a limited region of memory.

Applications of Flexible Paging

Given the context of my investigations, it goes almost without saying that the origin of data in such a dataspace could be a file in a filesystem, but it could equally be anything that exposes data in some kind of backing store. And with this backing store not necessarily being an area of random access memory (RAM), we enter the realm of a more restrictive definition of paging where processes running in a system can themselves be partially resident in RAM and partially resident in some other kind of storage, with the latter portions being converted to the former by being fetched from wherever they reside, depending on the demands made on the system at any given point in time.

One observation worth making is that a dataspace does not need to be a dedicated component in the system in that it is not a separate and special kind of entity. Anything that is able to respond to the messages understood by dataspaces – the paging “protocol” – can provide dataspaces. A filesystem object can therefore act as a dataspace, exposing itself in a region of memory and responding to map requests that involve populating that region from the filesystem storage.

It is also worth mentioning that dataspaces and flexpages exist at different levels of abstraction. Dataspaces can be considered as control mechanisms for accessing regions of virtual memory, and the Fiasco.OC kernel does not appear to employ the term at all. Meanwhile, flexpages are abstractions for memory pages existing within or even independently of dataspaces. (If you wish, think of the frame of Banksy’s work “Love is in the Bin” as a dataspace, with the shredded pieces being flexpages that are mapped in and out.)

One can envisage more exotic forms of dataspace. Consider an image whose pixels need to be computed, like a ray-traced image, for instance. If it exposed those pixels as a dataspace, then a task reading from pages associated with that dataspace might cause computations to be initiated for an area of the image, with the task being suspended until those computations are performed and then being resumed with the pixel data ready to read, with all of this happening largely transparently.

I started this exercise out of somewhat idle curiosity, but it now makes me wonder whether I might introduce memory-mapped access to filesystem objects and then re-implement operations like reading and writing using this particular mechanism. Not being familiar with how systems like GNU/Linux provide these operations, I can only speculate as to whether similar decisions have been taken elsewhere.

But certainly, this exercise has been informative, even if certain aspects of it were frustrating. I hope that this account of my investigations proves useful to anyone else wondering about microkernel-based systems and L4Re in particular, especially if they too wish there were more discussion, reflection and collaboration on the design and implementation of software for these kinds of systems.

Integrating libext2fs with a Filesystem Framework

February 20th, 2019

Given the content covered by my previous articles, there probably doesn’t seem to be too much that needs saying about the topic covered by this article. Previously, I described the work involved in building libext2fs for L4Re and testing the library, and I described a framework for separating filesystem providers from programs that want to use files. But, as always, there are plenty of little details, detours and learning experiences that help to make the tale longer than it otherwise might have been.

Although this file access framework sounds intimidating, it is always worth remembering that the only exotic thing about the software being written is that it needs to request system resources and to communicate with other programs. That can be tricky in itself in many programming environments, and I have certainly spent enough time trying to figure out how to use the types and functions provided by the many L4Re libraries so that these operations may actually work.

But in the end, these are programs that are run just like any other. We aren’t building things into the kernel and having to conform to a particularly restricted environment. And although it can still be tiresome to have to debug things, particularly interprocess communication (IPC) problems, many familiar techniques for debugging and inspecting program behaviour remain available to us.

A Quick Translation

The test program I had written for libext2fs simply opened a file located in the “rom” filesystem, exposed it to libext2fs, and performed operations to extract content. In my framework, I had directed my attention towards opening and reading files, so it made sense to concentrate on providing this functionality in a filesystem server or “provider”.

Accessing a filesystem server employing a "rom" file for the data

Accessing a filesystem server employing a "rom" file for the data

The user of the framework (shielded from the details by a client library) would request the opening of a file (thus obtaining a file descriptor able to communicate with a dedicated resource object) and then read from the file (causing communication with the resource object and some transfers of data). These operations, previously done in a single program employing libext2fs directly, would now require collaboration by two separate programs.

So, I would need to insert the appropriate code in the right places in my filesystem server and its objects to open a filesystem, search for a file of the given name, and to provide the file data. For the first of these, the test program was doing something like this in the main function:

retval = ext2fs_open(devname, EXT2_FLAG_RW, 0, 0, unix_io_manager, &fs);

In the main function of the filesystem server program, something similar needs to be done. A reference to the filesystem (fs) is then passed to the server object for it to use:

Fs_server server_obj(fs, devname);

When a request is made to open a file, the filesystem server needs to locate the file just as the test program needed to. The code to achieve this is tedious, employing the ext2fs_lookup function and traversing the directory hierarchy. Ultimately, something like this needs to be done to obtain a structure for accessing the file contents:

retval = ext2fs_file_open(_fs, ino_file, ext2flags, &file);

Here, the _fs variable is our reference in the server object to the filesystem structure, the ino_file variable refers to the place in the filesystem where the file is found (the inode), some flags indicate things like whether we are reading and/or writing, and a supplied file variable is set upon the successful opening of the file. In the filesystem server, we want to create a specific object to conduct access to the file:

Fs_object *obj = new Fs_object(file, EXT2_I_SIZE(&inode_file), fsobj, irq);

Here, this resource object is initialised with the file access structure, an indication of the file size, something encapsulating the state of the communication between client and server, and the IRQ object needed for cleaning up (as described in the last article). Meanwhile, in the resource object, the read operation is supported by a pair of libext2fs functions:

ext2fs_file_lseek(_file, _obj.position, EXT2_SEEK_SET, 0);
ext2fs_file_read(_file, _obj.buffer, to_transfer, &read);

These don’t appear next to each other in the actual code, but the first call is used to seek to the indicated position in the file, this having been specified by the client. The second call appears in a loop to read into a buffer an indicated amount of data, returning the amount that was actually read.

In summary, the work done by a collection of function calls appearing together in a single function is now spread out over three places in the filesystem server program:

  • The initialisation is done in the main function as the server starts up
  • The locating and opening of a file in the filesystem is done in the general filesystem server object
  • Reading and writing is done in the file-specific resource object

After initialisation, the performance of each part of the work only occurs upon receiving a distinct kind of message from a client program, of which more details are given below.

The Client Library

Although we cannot yet use the familiar C library functions for accessing files (fopen, fread, fwrite, fclose, and so on), we can employ functions that try to be as friendly. Thus, the following form of program may be used:

char buffer[80];
file_descriptor_t *desc = client_open("test.txt", O_RDONLY);

available = client_read(desc, buffer, 80);
if (available)
    fwrite((void *) buffer, sizeof(char), available, stdout); /* using existing fwrite function */

As noted above, the existing fwrite function in L4Re may be used to write file data out to the console. Ultimately, we would want our modified version of the function to be doing this job.

These client library functions resemble lower-level C library functions such as open, read, write, close, and so on. By targeting this particular level of functionality, it is hoped that much of the logic in functions like fopen can be preserved, this logic having to deal with things like mode strings (“r”, “r+”, “w”, and so on) which have little to do with the actual job of transmitting file content around the system.

In order to do their work, the client library functions need to send and receive IPC messages, or at least need to get other functions to deal with this particular work. My approach has been to write a layer of functions that only deals with messaging and that hides the L4-specific details from the rest of the code.

This lower-level layer of functions allows us to treat interprocess interactions like normal function calls, and in this framework those calls would have the following signatures, with the inputs arriving at the server and the outputs arriving back at the client:

  • fs_open: flags, buffer → file size, resource object
  • fs_flush: (no parameters) → (no return values)
  • fs_read: position → available
  • fs_write: position, available → written, file size
Here, the aim is to keep the interprocess interactions as simple and as infrequent as possible, with data buffered in the indicated buffer dataspace, and with reading and writing only occurring when the buffer is read or has been filled by writing. The more friendly semantics therefore need to be supported in the client library functions resting on top of these even-lower-level IPC messaging functions.

The responsibilities of the client library functions can be summarised as follows:

  • client_open: allocate memory for the buffer, obtain a server reference (“capability”) from the program’s environment
  • client_close: deallocate the allocated resources
  • client_flush: invoke fs_flush with any available data, resetting the buffer status
  • client_read: provide data to the caller from its buffer, invoking fs_read whenever the buffer is empty
  • client_write: commit data from the caller into the buffer, invoking fs_write whenever the buffer is full, also flushing the buffer when appropriate

The lack of a fs_close function might seem surprising, but as described in the previous article, the server process is designed to receive a notification when the client process discards a reference to the resource object dedicated to a particular file. So in client_close, we should be able to merely throw away the things acquired by client_open, and the system together with the server will hopefully handle the consequences.

Switching the Backend

Using a conventional file as the repository for file content is convenient, but since the aim is to replace the existing filesystem mechanisms, it would seem necessary to try and get libext2fs to use other ways of accessing the underlying storage. Previously, my considerations had led me to provide a “block” storage layer underneath the filesystem layer. So it made sense to investigate how libext2fs might communicate with a “block server” or “block device” in order to read and write raw filesystem data.

Employing a separate server to provide filesystem data

Employing a separate server to provide filesystem data

Changing the way libext2fs accesses its storage sounds like an ominous task, but fortunately some thought has evidently gone into accommodating different storage types and platforms. Indeed, the library code includes support for things like DOS and Windows, with this functionality evidently being used by various applications on those platforms (or, these days, the latter one, at least) to provide some kind of file browser support for ext2-family filesystems.

The kind of component involved in providing this variety of support is known as an “I/O manager”, and the one that we have been using is known as the “Unix” I/O manager, this employing POSIX or standard C library calls to access files and devices. Now, this may have been adequate until now, but with the requirement that we use the replacement IPC mechanisms to access a block server, we need to consider how a different kind of I/O manager might be implemented to use the client library functions instead of the C library functions.

This exercise turned out to be relatively straightforward and perhaps a little less work than envisaged once the requirements of initialising an io_channel object had been understood, this involving the allocation of memory and the population of a structure to indicate things like the block size, error status, and so on. Beyond this, the principal operations needing support are as follows:

  • open: initialises the io_channel and calls client_open
  • close: calls client_close
  • set block size: sets the block size for transfers, something that gets done at various points in the opening of a filesystem
  • read block: calls client_seek and client_read to obtain data from the block server
  • write block: calls client_seek and client_write to commit data to the block server

It should be noted that the block server largely acts like a single-file filesystem, so the same interface supported by the filesystem server is also supported by the block server. This is how we get away with using the client libraries.

Meanwhile, in the filesystem server code, the only changes required are to declare the new I/O manager, implemented in a separate library package, and to use it instead of the previous one:

retval = ext2fs_open(devname, ext2flags, 0, 0, blockserver_io_manager, &fs);

The Final Trick

By pushing use of the “rom” filesystem further down in the system, use of the new file access mechanisms can be introduced and tested, with the only “unauthentic” aspect of the arrangement being that a parallel set of file access functions is being used instead of the conventional ones. The only thing left to do would be to change the C library to incorporate the new style of file access, probably by incorporating the client library internally, thus switching the C library away from its previous method of accessing files.

With the conventional file abstractions reimplemented, access to files would go via the virtual filesystem and hopefully end up encountering block devices that are able to serve up the needed data directly. And ultimately, we could end up switching back to using the Unix I/O manager with libext2fs.

Introducing the new IPC mechanisms at the C library level

Introducing the new IPC mechanisms at the C library level

Changing things so drastically would also force us to think about maintaining access to the “rom” filesystem through the revised architecture, at least at first, because it happens to provide a very convenient way of getting access to data for use as storage. We could try and implement storage hardware support in order to get round this problem, but that probably isn’t convenient – or would be a distraction – when running L4Re on Fiasco.OC-UX as a kind of hosted version of the software.

Indeed, tackling the C library is probably too much of a challenge at this early stage. Fortunately, there are plenty of other issues to be considered first, with the use of non-standard file access functions being only a minor inconvenience in the broader scheme of things. For instance, how are permissions and user identities to be managed? What about concurrent access to the filesystem? And what mechanisms would need to be provided for grafting filesystems onto a larger virtual filesystem hierarchy? I hope to try and discuss some of these things in future articles.

Some Attention to Detail

February 14th, 2019

I spent some time recently looking at my Python-like language, Lichen, and its toolchain. Although my focus was on improving support for floating point numbers and arithmetic, of which more may need to be written in a future article, I ended up noticing a few things that needed correcting and had escaped my attention. One of these probably goes a long way to solving a mystery raised in a previous article.

The investigation into floating point support necessitated some scrutiny of the way floating point numbers are allocated when compiled Lichen programs are run. CPython – the C language implementation of a virtual machine for the Python language – has various strategies for reserving memory for floating point numbers, this not being particularly surprising given what it does for integers, as we previously saw. What bothered me was how much time was being spent allocating space for numbers needed to store computation results.

I spent quite a bit of time looking at the run-time support code for compiled programs, trying different strategies to “preallocate” number instances and other things, but it was when I was considering various other optimisation strategies and running generated programs in the GNU debugger (gdb) that I happened to notice something about the type definitions that are generated for instances. For example, here is what a tuple instance type looks like:

typedef struct {
    const __table * table;
    __pos pos;
    __attr attrs[__csize___builtins___tuple_tuple];
} __obj___builtins___tuple_tuple;

And here is what it should look like:

typedef struct {
    const __table * table;
    __pos pos;
    __attr attrs[__isize___builtins___tuple_tuple];
} __obj___builtins___tuple_tuple;

Naturally, I will excuse you for not necessarily noticing the crucial difference, but it is the size of the attrs array, this defining the attributes that are available via each instance of the tuple type. And here, I had used a constant prefixed with “__csize” meaning class size, as opposed to “__isize” meaning instance size. With so many things to think about when finishing off my toolchain, I had accidentally presented the wrong kind of value to the code generating these type definitions.

So, what was going to happen was that instances were going to be given the wrong number of attributes: a potentially catastrophic fault! But it is in the case of types like the tuple where things get more interesting than that. Such types tend to have lots of methods associated with them, and these methods are, of course, stored as class attributes.

Meanwhile, tuple instances are likely to have far fewer attributes, and even when the tuple data is considered, since tuples frequently have few elements, such instances are also likely to be far smaller than the size of the tuple class’s structure. Indeed, the following definitions are more or less indicative of the sizes of the tuple class and of tuple instances:

__csize___builtins___tuple_tuple = 36
__isize___builtins___tuple_tuple = 2

And I had noticed this because, for some reason unknown to me at the time but obviously known to me now, floating point numbers were being allocated using far more space than I thought appropriate. Here are some definitions of interest:

__csize___builtins___float_float = 43
__isize___builtins___float_float = 1

Evidently, something was very wrong until I noticed my simple mistake: that in the code generating the definitions for program types, I had accidentally used the wrong constant for instance attribute arrays. Fixing this meant that the memory allocator probably only needed to find 16 bytes or so, as opposed to maybe 186 bytes, for each number!

Returning to tuples, though, it becomes interesting to see what effect this fix has on the performance of the benchmark previously discussed. We had previously seen that a program using tuples was inexplicably far slower than one employing objects to represent the same data. But with this unnecessary allocation occurring, it seems possible that this might have been making some extra work for the allocator and garbage collector.

Here is a table of measurements from running the benchmark before and after the fix had been applied:

Program Version Time Maximum Memory Usage
Tuples 24s 122M
Objects 15s 54M
Tuples (fixed) 17s 30M
Objects (fixed) 13s 30M

Although there is still a benefit to using objects to model data in Lichen as opposed to keeping such data in tuples, the benefit is not as pronounced as before, with the memory usage now clearly comparable as we would expect. With this fix applied, both versions of the benchmark are even faster than they were before, but it is especially gratifying that the object-based version is now ten times faster when compiled with the Lichen toolchain than the same program run by the CPython virtual machine.

Filesystem Abstractions for L4Re

February 12th, 2019

In my previous posts, I discussed the possibility of using “real world” filesystems in L4Re, initially considering the nature of code to access an ext2-based filesystem using the library known as libext2fs, then getting some of that code working within L4Re itself. Having previously investigated the nature of abstractions for providing filesystems and file objects to applications, it was inevitable that I would now want to incorporate libext2fs into those abstractions and to try and access files residing in an ext2 filesystem using those abstractions.

It should be remembered that L4Re already provides a framework for filesystem access, known as Vfs or “virtual file system”. This appears to be the way the standard file access functions are supported, with the “rom” part of the filesystem hierarchy being supported by a “namespace filesystem” library that understands the way that the deployed payload modules are made available as files. To support other kinds of filesystem, other libraries must apparently be registered and made available to programs.

Although I am sure that the developers of the existing Vfs framework are highly competent, I found the mechanisms difficult to follow and quite unlike what I expected, which was to see a clear separation between programs accessing files and other programs providing those files. Indeed, this is what one sees when looking at other systems such as Minix 3 and its virtual filesystem. I must also admit that I became tired of having to dig into the code to understand the abstractions in order to supplement the reference documentation for the Vfs framework in L4Re.

An Alternative Framework

It might be too soon to label what I have done as a framework, but at the very least I needed to decide upon a few mechanisms to implement an alternative approach to providing file-like abstractions to programs within L4Re. There were a few essential characteristics to be incorporated:

  • A way of requesting access to a named file
  • The provision of objects maintaining the state of access to an opened file
  • The transmission of file content to file readers and from file writers
  • A way of cleaning up when programs are no longer accessing files

One characteristic that I did want to uphold in any solution was to make programs largely oblivious to the nature of the accessed filesystems. They would navigate a virtual filesystem hierarchy, just as one does in Unix-like systems, with certain directories acting as gateways to devices exposing potentially different filesystems with superficially similar semantics.

Requesting File Access

In a system like L4Re, with notions of clients and servers already prevalent, it seems natural to support a mechanism for requesting access to files that sees a client – a program wanting to access a file – delegating the task of locating that file to a server. How the server performs this task may be as simple or as complicated as we wish, depending on what kind of architecture we choose to support. In an operating system with a “monolithic” kernel, like GNU/Linux, we also see such delegation occurring, with the kernel being the entity having to support the necessary wiring up of filesystems contributing to the virtual filesystem.

So, it makes sense to support an “open” system call just like in other operating systems. The difference here, however, is that since L4Re is a microkernel-based environment, both the caller and the target of the call are mere programs, with the kernel only getting involved to route the call or message between the programs concerned. We would first need to make sure that the program accessing files has a reference (known as a “capability”) to another program that provides a filesystem and can respond to this “open” message. This wiring up of programs is a task for the system’s configuration file, as featured in some of my previous articles.

We may now consider what the filesystem-providing program or filesystem “server” needs to do when receiving an “open” message. Let us consider the failure to find the requested file: the filesystem server would, in such an event, probably just return a response indicating failure without any real need to do anything else. It is in the case of a successful lookup that the response to the caller or client needs some more consideration: the server could indicate success, but what is the client going to do with such information? And how should the server then facilitate further access to the file itself?

Providing Objects for File Access

It becomes gradually clearer that the filesystem server will need to allocate some resources for the client to conduct its activities, to hold information read from the filesystem itself and to hold data sent for writing back to the opened file. The server could manage this within a single abstraction and support a range of different operations, accommodating not only requests to open files but also operations on the opened files themselves. However, this might make the abstraction complicated and also raise issues around things like concurrency.

What if this server object ends up being so busy that while waiting for reading or writing operations to complete on a file for one program, it leaves other programs queuing up to ask about or gain access to other files? It all starts to sound like another kind of abstraction would be beneficial for access to specific files for specific clients. Consequently, we end up with an arrangement like this:

Accessing a filesystem and a resource

Accessing a filesystem and a resource

When a filesystem server receives an “open” message and locates a file, it allocates a separate object to act as a contact point for subsequent access to that file. This leaves the filesystem object free to service other requests, with these separate resource objects dealing with the needs of the programs wanting to read from and write to each individual file.

The underlying mechanisms by which a separate resource object is created and exposed are as follows:

  1. The instantiation of an object in the filesystem server program holding the details of the accessed file.
  2. The creation of a new thread of execution in which the object will run. This permits it to handle incoming messages concurrently with the filesystem object.
  3. The creation of an “IPC gate” for the thread. This effectively exposes the object to the wider environment as what often appears to be known as a “kernel object” (rather confusingly, but it simply means that the kernel is aware of it and has to do some housekeeping for it).

Once activated, the thread created for the resource is dedicated to listening for incoming messages and handling them, invoking methods on the resource object as a proxy for the client sending those messages to achieve the same effect.

Transmitting File Content

Although we have looked at how files manifest themselves and may be referenced, the matter of obtaining their contents has not been examined too closely so far. A program might be able to obtain a reference to a resource object and to send it messages and receive responses, but this is not likely to be sufficient for transferring content to and from the file. The reason for this is that the messages sent between programs – or processes, since this is how we usually call programs that are running – are deliberately limited in size.

Thus, another way of exchanging this data is needed. In a situation where we are reading from a file, what we would most likely want to see is a read operation populate some memory for us in our process. Indeed, in a system like GNU/Linux, I imagine that the Linux kernel shuttles the file data from the filesystem module responsible to an area of memory that it has reserved and exposed to the process. In a microkernel-based system, things have to be done more “collaboratively”.

The answer, it would seem to me, is to have dedicated memory that is shared between processes. Fortunately, and arguably unsurprisingly, L4Re provides an abstraction known as a “dataspace” that provides the foundation for such sharing. My approach, then, involves requesting a dataspace to act as a conduit for data, making the dataspace available to the file-accessing client and the file-providing server object, and then having a protocol to notify each other about data being sent in each direction.

I considered whether it would be most appropriate for the client to request the memory or whether the server should do so, eventually concluding that the client could decide how much space it would want as a buffer, handing this over to the server to use to whatever extent it could. A benefit of doing things this way is that the client may communicate initialisation details when it contacts the server, and so it becomes possible to transfer a filesystem path – the location of a file from the root of the filesystem hierarchy – without it being limited to the size of an interprocess message.

Opening a file using a path written to shared memory

Opening a file using a path written to shared memory

So, the “open” message references the newly-created dataspace, and the filesystem server reads the path written to the dataspace’s memory so that it may use it to locate the requested file. The dataspace is not retained by the filesystem object but is instead passed to the resource object which will then share the memory with the application or client. As described above, a reference to the resource object is returned in the response to the “open” message.

It is worthwhile to consider the act of reading from a file exposed in this way. Although both client (the application in the above diagram) and server (resource object) should be able to access the shared “buffer”, it would not be a good idea to let them do so freely. Instead, their roles should be defined by the protocol employed for communication with one another. For a simple synchronous approach it would look like this:

Reading data from a resource via a shared buffer

Reading data from a resource via a shared buffer

Here, upon the application or client invoking the “read” operation (in other words, sending the “read” message) on the resource object, the resource is able to take control of the buffer, obtaining data from the file and writing it to the buffer memory. When it is done, its reply or response needs to indicate the updated state of the buffer so that the client will know how much data there is available, potentially amongst other things of interest.

Cleaning Up

Many of us will be familiar with the workflow of opening, reading and writing, and closing files. This final activity is essential not only for our own programs but also for the system, so that it does not tie up resources for activities that are no longer taking place. In the filesystem server, for the resource object, a “close” operation can be provided that causes the allocated memory to be freed and the resource object to be discarded.

However, merely providing a “close” operation does not guarantee that a program would use it, and we would not want a situation where a program exits or crashes without having invoked this operation, leaving the server holding resources that it cannot safely discard. We therefore need a way of cleaning up after a program regardless of whether it sees the need to do so itself.

In my earliest experiments with L4Re on the MIPS Creator CI20, I had previously encountered the use of interrupt request (IRQ) objects, in that case signalling hardware-initiated events such as the pressing of physical switches. But I also knew that the IRQ abstraction is employed more widely in L4Re to allow programs to participate in activities that would normally be the responsibility of the kernel in a monolithic architecture. It made me wonder whether there might be interrupts communicating the termination of a process that could then be used to clean up afterwards.

One area of interest is that concerning the “IPC gate” mentioned above. This provides the channel through which messages are delivered to a particular running program, and up to this point, we have considered how a resource object has its own IPC gate for the delivery of messages intended for it. But it also turns out that we can also enable notifications with regard to the status of the IPC gate via the same mechanism.

By creating an IRQ object and associating it with a thread as the “deletion IRQ”, when the kernel decides that the IPC gate is no longer needed, this IRQ will be delivered. And the kernel will make this decision when nothing in the system needs to use the IPC gate any more. Since the IPC gate was only created to service messages from a single client, it is precisely when that client terminates that the kernel will realise that the IPC gate has no other users.

Resource deletion upon the termination of a client

Resource deletion upon the termination of a client

To enable this to actually work, however, a little trick is required: the server must indicate that it is ready to dispose of the IPC gate whenever necessary, doing so by decreasing the “reference count” which tracks how many things in the system are using the IPC gate. So this is what happens:

  1. The IPC gate is created for the resource thread, and its details are passed to the client, exposing the resource object.
  2. An IRQ object is bound to the thread and associated with the IPC gate deletion event.
  3. The server decreases its reference count, relinquishing the IPC gate and allowing its eventual destruction.
  4. The client and server communicate as desired.
  5. Upon the client terminating, the kernel disassociates the client from the IPC gate, decreasing the reference count.
  6. The kernel notices that the reference count is zero and sends an IRQ telling the server about the impending IPC gate deletion.
  7. The resource thread in the server deallocates the resource object and terminates.
  8. The IPC gate is deleted.

Using the “gate label”, the thread handling communications for the resource object is able to distinguish between the interrupt condition and normal messages from the client. Consequently, it is able to invoke the appropriate cleaning up routine, to discard the resource object, and to terminate the thread. Hopefully, with this approach, resource objects will no longer be hanging around long after their clients have disappeared.

Other Approaches

Another approach to providing file content did also occur to me, and I wondered whether this might have been a component of the “namespace filesystem” in L4Re. One technique for accessing files involves mapping the entire file into memory using a “mmap” function. This could be supported by requesting a dataspace of a suitable size, but only choosing to populate a region of it initially.

The file-accessing program would attempt to access the memory associated with the file, and upon straying outside the populated region, some kind of “fault” would occur. A filesystem server would have the job of handling this fault, fetching more data, allocating more memory pages, mapping them into the file’s memory area, and disposing of unwanted pages, potentially writing modified pages to the appropriate parts of the file.

In effect, the filesystem server would act as a pager, as far as I can tell, and I believe it to be the case that Moe – the root task – acts in such a way to provide the “rom” files from the deployed payload modules. Currently, I don’t find it particularly obvious from the documentation how I might implement a pager, and I imagine that if I choose to support such things, I will end up having to trawl the code for hints on how it might be done.

Client Library Functions

To present a relatively convenient interface to programs wanting to use files, some client library functions need to be provided. The intention with these is to support the traditional C library paradigms and for these functions to behave like those that C programmers are generally familiar with. This means performing interprocess communications using the “open”, “read”, “write”, “close” and other messages when necessary, hiding the act of sending such messages from the library user.

The details of such a client library are probably best left to another article. With some kind of mechanism in place for accessing files, it becomes a matter of experimentation to see what the demands of the different operations are, and how they may be tuned to reduce the need for interactions with server objects, hopefully allowing file-accessing programs to operate efficiently.

The next article on this topic is likely to consider the integration of libext2fs with this effort, along with the library functionality required to exercise and test it. And it will hopefully be able to report some real experiences of accessing ext2-resident files in relatively understandable programs.

Using ext2 Filesystems with L4Re

February 5th, 2019

Previously, I described my initial investigations into libext2fs and the development of programs to access and populate ext2/3/4 filesystems. With a program written and now successfully using libext2fs in my normal GNU/Linux environment, the next step appeared to be the task of getting this library to work within the L4Re system. The following steps were envisaged:

  1. Figuring out the code that would be needed, this hopefully being supportable within L4Re.
  2. Introducing the software as a package within L4Re.
  3. Discovering the configuration required to build the code for L4Re.
  4. Actually generating a library file.
  5. Testing the library with a program.

This process is not properly completed in that I do not yet have a good way of integrating with the L4Re configuration and using its details to configure the libext2fs code. I felt somewhat lazy with regard to reconciling the use of autotools with the rather different approach taken to build L4Re, which is somewhat reminiscent of things like Buildroot and OpenWrt in certain respects.

So, instead, I built the Debian package from source in my normal environment, grabbed the config.h file that was produced, and proceeded to use it with a vastly simplified Makefile arrangement, also in my normal environment, until I was comfortable with building the library. Indeed, this exercise of simplified building also let me consider which portions of the libext2fs distribution would really be needed for my purposes. I did not really fancy having to struggle to build files that would ultimately be superfluous.

Still, as I noted, this work isn’t finished. However, it is useful to document what I have done so far so that I can subsequently describe other, more definitive, work.

Making a Package

With a library that seemed to work with the archiving program, written to populate filesystems for eventual deployment, I then set about formulating this simplified library distribution as a package within L4Re. This involves a few things:

  • Structuring the files so that the build system may process them.
  • Persuading the build system to install things in places for other packages to find.
  • Formulating the appropriate definitions to build the source files (and thus producing the right compiler and linker invocations).
Here are some notes about the results.

The Package Structure

Currently, I have the following arrangement inside the pkg/libext2fs directory:


To follow L4Re conventions, public header files have been moved into the include hierarchy. This breaks assumptions in the code, with header files being referenced without a prefix (like “ext2fs”, “et”, “e2p”, and so on) in some places, but being referenced with such a prefix in others. The original build system for the code gets away with this by using the “ext2fs” and other prefixes as the directory names containing the code for the different libraries. It then indicates the parent “lib” directory of these directories as the place to start looking for headers.

But I thought it worthwhile to try and map out the header usage and distinguish between public and private headers. At the very least, it helps me to establish the relationships between the different components involved. And I may end up splitting the different components into their own packages, requiring some formalisation of their interactions.

Meanwhile, I defined a Control file to indicate what the package provides:

provides: libblkid libe2p libet libext2fs libsupport libuuid

This appears to be used in dependency resolution, causing the package to be built if another package requires one of the named entities in its own Control file.

Header File Locations

In each include subdirectory (such as include/libext2fs) is a Makefile indicating a couple of things, the following being used for libext2fs:

PKGNAME = libext2fs

The effect of this is to install the headers into a include/contrib/libext2fs directory in the build output.

In the corresponding lib subdirectory (which is lib/libext2fs), the following seems to be needed:

CONTRIB_INCDIR = libext2fs

Hopefully, with this, other packages can depend on libext2fs and have the headers made available to it by an include statement like this:

#include <ext2fs/ext2fs.h>

(The ext2fs prefix is provided by a directory inside include/libext2fs.)

Otherwise, headers may end up being put in a special “l4” hierarchy, and then code would need changing to look something like this:

#include <l4/ext2fs/ext2fs.h>

So, avoiding this and having the original naming seems to be the benefit of the “contrib” settings, as far as I can tell.

Defining Build Files

The Makefile in each specific lib subdirectory employs the usual L4Re build system definitions:

TARGET          = libext2fs.a
PC_FILENAME     = libext2fs

The latter of these is used to identify the build products so that the appropriate compiler and linker options can be retrieved by the build system when this library is required by another. Here, PC is short for “package config” but the notion of “package” is different from that otherwise used in this article: it just refers to the specific library being built in this case.

An important aspect related to “package config” involves the requirements or dependencies of this library. These are specified as follows for libext2fs:

REQUIRES_LIBS   = libet libe2p

We saw these things in the Control file. By indicating these other libraries, the compiler and linker options to find and use these other libraries will be brought in when something else requires libext2fs. This should help to prevent build failures caused by missing headers or libraries, and it should also permit more concise declarations of requirements by allowing those declarations to omit libet and libe2p in this case.

Meanwhile, the actual source files are listed using a SRC_C definition, and the PRIVATE_INCDIR definition lists the different paths to be used to search for header files within this package. Moving the header files around complicates this latter definition substantially.

There are other complications with libext2fs, notably the building of a tool that generates a file to be used when building the library itself. I will try and return to this matter at some point and figure out a way of doing this within the build system. Such generation of binaries for use in build processes can be problematic, particularly if there is some kind of assumption that the build system is the same as the target system, but such assumptions are probably not being made here.

Building the Library

Fortunately, the build system mostly takes care of everything else, and a command like this should see the package being built and libraries produced:

make O=mybuild S=pkg/libext2fs

The “S” option is a real time saver, and I wish I had made more use of it before. Use of the “V” option can be helpful in debugging command options, since the normal output is abridged:

make O=mybuild S=pkg/libext2fs V=1

I will admit that since certain header files are not provided by L4Re, a degree of editing of the config.h file was required. Things like HAVE_LINUX_FD_H, indicating the availability of Linux-specific headers, needed to be removed.

Testing the Library

An appropriate program for testing the library is really not much different from one used in a GNU/Linux environment. Indeed, I just took some code from my existing program that lists a directory inside a filesystem image. Since L4Re should provide enough of a POSIX-like environment to support such unambitious programs, practically no changes were needed and no special header files were included.

A suitable Makefile is needed, of course, but the examples package in L4Re provides plenty of guidance. The most important part is this, however:

REQUIRES_LIBS   = libext2fs

A Control file requiring libext2fs is actually not necessary for an example in the examples hierarchy, it would seem, but such a file would otherwise be advisible. The above library requirements pull in the necessary compiler and linker flags from the “package config” universe. (It also means that the libext2fs headers are augmented by the libe2p and libet headers, as defined in the required libraries for libext2fs itself.)

As always, deploying requires a suitable configuration description and a list of modules to be deployed. The former looks like this:

local L4 = require("L4");

local l = L4.default_loader;

    log = { "ext2fstest", "g" },
  "rom/ex_ext2fstest", "rom/ext2fstest.fs", "/");

The interesting part is right at the end: a program called ex_ext2fstest is run with two arguments: the name of a file containing a filesystem image, and the directory inside that image that we want the program to show us. Here, we will be using the built-in “rom” filesystem in L4Re to serve up the data that we will be decoding with libext2fs in the program. In effect, we use one filesystem to bootstrap access to another!

Since the “rom” filesystem is merely a way of exposing modules as files, the filesystem image therefore needs to be made available as a module in the module list provided in the conf/modules.list file, the appropriate section starting off like this:

entry ext2fstest
roottask moe rom/ext2fstest.cfg
module ext2fstest.cfg
module ext2fstest.fs
module l4re
module ned
module ex_ext2fstest
# plus lots of library modules

All these experiments are being conducted with L4Re running on the UX configuration of Fiasco.OC, meaning that the system runs on top of GNU/Linux: a sort of “user mode L4”. Running the set of modules for the above test is a matter of running something like this:

make O=mybuild ux E=ext2fstest

This produces a lot of output and then some “logged” output for the test program:

ext2fste| Opened rom/ext2fstest.fs.
ext2fste| /
ext2fste| drwxr-xr-x-       0     0        1024 .
ext2fste| drwxr-xr-x-       0     0        1024 ..
ext2fste| drwx-------       0     0       12288 lost+found
ext2fste| -rw-r--r---    1000  1000       11449 e2access.c
ext2fste| -rw-r--r---    1000  1000        1768 file.c
ext2fste| -rw-r--r---    1000  1000        1221 format.c
ext2fste| -rw-r--r---    1000  1000        6504 image.c
ext2fste| -rw-r--r---    1000  1000        1510 path.c

It really isn’t much to look at, but this indicates that we have managed to access an ext2 filesystem within L4Re using a program that calls the libext2fs library functions. If nothing else, the possibility of porting a library to L4Re and using it has been demonstrated.

But we want to do more than that, of course. The next step is to provide access to an ext2 filesystem via a general interface that hides the specific nature of the filesystem, one that separates the work into a different program from those wanting to access files. To do so involves integrating this effort into my existing filesystem framework, then attempting to re-use a generic file-accessing program to obtain its data from ext2-resident files. Such activities will probably form the basis of the next article on this topic.

Filesystem Familiarisation

January 29th, 2019

I previously noted that accessing filesystems would be a component in my work with microkernel-based systems, and towards the end of last year I began an exercise in developing a simple “toy” filesystem that could hold file-like entities. Combining this with some L4Re-based components that implement seemingly reasonable mechanisms for providing access to files, I was able to write simple test programs that open and access these files.

The starting point for all this was the observation that a normal system file – that is, something stored in the filesystem in my GNU/Linux environment – can be treated like an archive containing multiple files and therefore be regarded as providing a filesystem itself. Such a file can then be embedded in a payload providing a L4Re system by specifying it as a “module” in conf/modules.list for a particular payload entry:

module image_root.fs

Since L4Re provides a rudimentary “rom” filesystem that exposes the modules embedded in the payload, I could open this “toy” filesystem module as a file within L4Re using the normal file access functions.

fp = fopen("rom/image_root.fs", "r");

And with that, I could then use my own functions to access the files stored within. Some additional effort went into exposing file access via interprocess communication, which forms the basis of those mechanisms mentioned above, those mechanisms being needed if such filesystems are to be generally usable in the broader environment rather than by just a single program.

Preparing Filesystems

The first step in any such work is surely to devise how a filesystem is to be represented. Then, code must be written to access the filesystem, firstly to write files and directories to it, and then to be able to perform the necessary task of reading that file and directory information back out. At some point, an actual filesystem image needs to be prepared, and here it helps a lot if a convenient tool can be developed to speed up testing and further development.

I won’t dwell on the “toy” representation I used, mostly because it was merely chosen to let me explore the mechanisms and interfaces to be provided as L4Re components. The intention was always to switch to a “real world” filesystem and to use that instead. But in order to avoid being overwhelmed with learning about existing filesystems alongside learning about L4Re and developing file access mechanisms, I chose some very simple representations that I thought might resemble “real world” filesystems sufficiently enough to make the exercise realistic.

With the basic proof of concept somewhat validated, my attentions have now turned to “real world” filesystems, and here some interesting observations can be made about tools and libraries. If you were to ask someone about how they might prepare a filesystem, particularly a GNU/Linux user, it would be unsurprising to me if they suggested preparing a file…

dd if=/dev/zero of=image_root.fs bs=1024 count=1 seek=$SIZE_IN_KB

…then a filesystem in the file…

/sbin/mkfs.ext2 image_root.fs

…and then mounting it as follows:

sudo mount image_root.fs $MOUNTPOINT

Here, an ext2 filesystem is prepared in a normal system file, and then the operating system is asked to mount the filesystem and to expose it via a mountpoint, this being a directory in the general hierarchy of files and filesystems. But this last step requires special privileges and for the kernel to get involved, and yet all we are doing is accessing a file with the data inside it stored in a particular way. So why is there not a more straightforward, unprivileged way of writing data to that file in the required format?

Indeed, other projects of mine have needed to initialise filesystems, and such mounting operations have been a necessary aspect of those, given the apparent shortage of other methods. It really seemed that filesystems and kernel mechanisms were bound to each other, requiring us to always get the kernel involved. But it turns out that there are other solutions.

A History Lesson

I am reminded of the mtools suite of programs for accessing floppy disks. Once upon a time, when I was in my first year of university studies, practically all of our class’s programming was performed on a collection of DECstations. Although networked, each of these also provided a floppy drive capable of supporting 2.88MB disks: an uncommon sight, for me at least, with the availability of media and compatibility concerns dictating the use of 720KB and 1.44MB disks instead.

Presumably, within the Ultrix environment we were using, normal users were granted access to the floppy drive when logged in. With a disk inserted, mtools could then be used to access the disk as one big file, interpreting the contents and presenting the user with a view onto files and directories. Of course, mtools exposes a DOS-like interface to the disk, with DOS-like commands providing DOS-like output, and it does not attempt to integrate the contents of a disk within the general Unix filesystem hierarchy.

Indeed, the mechanisms of integrating such foreign data into the general filesystem hierarchy are denied to mere programs, this being a motivation for pursuing alternative operating system architectures like GNU Hurd which support such integration. But the point here is that filesystems – in this example, DOS-based filesystems on floppy disks – can readily be interpreted with the appropriate tools and without “operator” privileges.

Decoding Filesystem Data

Since filesystems are really just data structures encoded in storage, there should really be no magic involved in decoding and accessing them. After all, the code in the Linux kernel and in other operating system kernels has to do just that, and these things are just programs that happen to run under certain special conditions. So it would make sense if some of the knowledge encoded in these kernels had been extracted and made available as library code for other purposes. After all, it might come in useful elsewhere.

Fortunately, it is likely that such library code is already installed on your system, at least if you are using the ext2 family of filesystems. A search for some common utilities can be informative in this respect. Here is a query being issued for the appropriate filesystem checking utility on a Debian system:

$ dpkg -S e2fsck
e2fsprogs: /usr/share/man/man5/e2fsck.conf.5.gz
e2fsprogs: /sbin/e2fsck
e2fsprogs: /usr/share/man/man8/e2fsck.8.gz

And for the filesystem initialisation utility mentioned above:

$ dpkg -S mkfs.ext2
e2fsprogs: /sbin/mkfs.ext2
e2fsprogs: /usr/share/man/man8/mkfs.ext2.8.gz

The e2fsprogs package itself depends on a package called libext2fs2 – or e2fslibs on earlier distribution versions – and ultimately one discovers that these tools and their libraries are provided by a software distribution, e2fsprogs, whose aim is to provide programs and libraries for general access to the ext2/3/4 filesystem format. So it turns out to be possible and indeed feasible to write programs accessing filesystems without needing to make use of code residing in some kernel or other.

Tooling Up

Had I bothered to investigate further, I might have discovered another useful package. Running one or both of the following commands on a Debian system lets us see which other packages make use of the library functionality of e2fsprogs:

apt-cache rdepends e2fslibs
apt-cache rdepends libext2fs2

Amongst those listed is e2tools which offers a suite of commands resembling those provided by mtools, albeit with a Unix flavour instead of a DOS flavour. Investigating this, I discovered that these tools inherit somewhat from the utilities provided by e2fsprogs, particularly the debugfs utility.

However, investigating e2fsprogs by myself gave me a chance to become familiar with the details of libext2fs and how the different utilities managed to use it. Since it is not always obvious to me how the library should be used, and I find myself missing some good documentation for it, the more program code I can find to demonstrate its use, the better.

For my purposes, accessing individual files and directories is not particularly interesting: I really just want to treat an ext2 filesystem like an archive when preparing my L4Re payload; it is only within L4Re that I actually want to access individual things. Outside L4Re, having an equivalent to the tar command, but with the output being a filesystem image instead of a tar file, would be most useful for me. For example:

e2archive --create image_root.fs $ROOTFS

Currently, this can be made to populate a filesystem for eventual deployment, although the breadth of support for the filesystem features is rather limited. It is possible that I might adopt e2tools as the basis of this archiving program, given that it is merely a shell script that calls another program. Then again, it might be useful to gain direct experience with libext2fs for my other activities.

Future Directions

And so, in the GNU/Linux environment, the creation of such archives has been the focus of my experiments. Meanwhile, I need to develop library functions to support filesystem operations within L4Re, which means writing code to support things like file descriptor abstractions and the appropriate functions for accessing and manipulating files and directories. The basics of some of this is already done for the “toy” filesystem, but it will be a matter of figuring out which libext2fs functions and abstractions need to be used to achieve the same thing for ext2 and its derivatives.

Hopefully, once I can demonstrate file access via the same interprocess communications mechanisms, I can then make a start in replacing the existing conventional file access functions with versions that use my mechanisms instead of those provided in L4Re. This will most likely involve work on the C library support in L4Re, which is a daunting prospect, but some familiarity with that is probably beneficial if a more ambitious project to replace the C library is to be undertaken.

But if I can just manage to get the dynamic linker to be able to read shared libraries from an ext2 filesystem, then a rather satisfying milestone will have been reached. And this will then motivate work to support storage devices on various hardware platforms of interest, permitting the hosting of filesystems and giving those systems some potential as L4Re-based general-purpose computing devices, too.

Some Ideas for 2019

January 23rd, 2019

Well, after my last article moaning about having wishes and goals while ignoring the preconditions for, and contributing factors in, the realisation of such wishes and goals, I thought I might as well be constructive and post some ideas I could imagine working on this year. It would be a bonus to get paid to work on such things, but I don’t hold out too much hope in that regard.

In a way, this is to make up for not writing an article summarising what I managed to look at in 2018. But then again, it can be a bit wearing to have to read through people’s catalogues of work even if I do try and make my own more approachable and not just list tons of work items, which is what one tends to see on a monthly basis in other channels.

In any case, 2018 saw a fair amount of personal focus on the L4Re ecosystem, as one can tell from looking at my article history. Having dabbled with L4Re and Fiasco.OC a bit in 2017 with the MIPS Creator CI20, I finally confronted certain aspects of the software and got it working on various devices, which had been something of an ambition for at least a couple of years. I also got back into looking at PIC32 hardware and software experiments, tidying up and building on earlier work, and I keep nudging along my Python-like language and toolchain, Lichen.

Anyway, here are a few ideas I have been having for supporting a general strategy of building flexible, sustainable and secure computing environments that respect the end-user. Such respect not being limited to software freedom, but also extending to things like privacy, affordability and longevity that are often disregarded in the narrow focus on only one set of end-user rights.

Building a General-Purpose System with L4Re

Apart from writing unfinished articles about supporting hardware devices on the Ben NanoNote and Letux 400, I also spent some time last year considering the mechanisms supporting filesystems in L4Re. For an outsider like myself, the picture isn’t particularly clear, but the mechanisms don’t really seem particularly well documented, and I am not convinced that the filesystem support is what people might expect from a microkernel-based system.

Like L4Re’s device support, the way filesystems are made available to tasks appears to use libraries extensively, whereas I would expect more use of individual programs, with interprocess messages and shared memory being employed to move the data around. To evaluate my expectations, I have been writing programs that operate in such a way, employing a “toy” filesystem to test the viability of such an approach. The plan is to make use of libext2fs to expose ext2/3/4 filesystems to L4Re components, then to try and replace the existing file access mechanisms with ones that access these file-serving components.

It is unfortunate that systems like these no longer seem to get much attention from the wider Free Software community. There was once a project to port GNU Hurd to L4-family microkernels, but with the state of the art having seemingly been regarded as insufficient or inappropriate, the focus drifted off onto other things, and now there doesn’t seem to be much appetite to resume such work. Even the existing Hurd implementation doesn’t get that much interest these days, either. And yet there are plenty of technical, social and practical reasons for not just settling for using the Linux kernel and systems based on it for every last application and device.

Extending Hardware Support within L4Re

It is all very well developing filesystem support, but there also has to be support for the things that provide the storage on which those filesystems reside. This is something I didn’t bother to look at when getting L4Re working on various devices because the priority was to have something to show, meaning that the display had to work, along with testing and demonstrating other well-understood peripherals, with the keyboard or keypad being something that could be supported with relative ease and then used to demonstrate other aspects of the solution.

It seems perverse that one must implement support for SD or microSD card storage all over again when the software being run is already being loaded from such storage, but this is rather like the way that “live CD” versions of GNU/Linux would load an environment directly from a CD, yet an installed version of such an environment might not have the capability to access the CD drive. Still, this is an unavoidable step along the path to make a practical system.

It might also be nice to make the CI20 support a bit better. Although a device notionally supported by L4Re, various missing pieces of hardware support needed to be added, and the HDMI output capability remains unavailable. Here, the mystery hardware left undocumented by the datasheet happens to be used in other chipsets and has been supported in the Linux kernel for many of them for quite some time. Hopefully, the exercise will not be too frustrating.

Another device that might be a good candidate for L4Re is the Efika MX Smartbook. Although having a modest specification by today’s bloated-Web and pointless-eye-candy standards, it has a nice keyboard (with a more sensible layout than the irritating HP Elitebook, as I recently discovered) and is several times more powerful than the Letux 400. My brother, David, has already investigated certain aspects of the hardware, and it might make the basis of a nice portable system. And since support in Linux and other more commonly-used technologies has been left to rot, why not look into developing a more lasting alternative?

Reviving Mail-Based Communication

It is tiresome to see the continuing neglect of the health of e-mail, despite it being used as the bedrock of the Internet’s activities, while proprietary and predatory social media platforms enjoy undeserved attention and promotion in mass media and in society at large. Governmental and corporate negligence mean that the average person is subjected to an array of undesirable, disturbing and generally unwanted communications from chancers and criminals through their e-mail accounts which, if it had ever happened to the same degree with postal mail, would have seen people routinely arrested and convicted for their activities.

It is tempting to think that “they” do not want “us” to have a more reliable form of mail-based communication because that would involve things like encryption and digital signatures. Even when these things are deemed necessary, they always seem to be rolled out as part of a special service that hosts “our” encryption and signing keys for us, through which we must go to access our messages. It is, I suppose, yet another example of the abandonment of common infrastructure: that when something better is needed, effort and attention is siphoned off from the “commons” and ploughed into something separate that might make someone a bit of money.

There are certainly challenges involved in making e-mail better, with any discussion of managing identities, vouching for and recognising correspondents, and the management of keys most likely to lead to dispute about the “best” way of doing things. But in the end, we probably find ourselves pursuing perfect solutions that do everything whilst proprietary competitors just focus on doing a handful of things effectively. So I envisage turning this around and evaluating whether a more limited form of mail-based communication can be done in the way that most people would need.

I did look fairly recently at a selection of different projects seeking to advise and support people on providing their own e-mail infrastructure. That is perhaps worth an article in its own right. And on the subject of mail-based communication, I hope to look a bit more at imip-agent again after neglecting it for so long.

Sustaining a Python Alternative

One motivation for developing my Python-like language and toolchain, Lichen, was to explore ways in which Python might have been developed to better suit my own needs and preferences. Although I still use Python extensively, I remain mindful of the need to write conservative, uncomplicated code without the kind of needless tricks and flourishes that Python’s expanding feature set can tempt the developer with, and thus I almost always consider the possibility of being able to use the Lichen toolchain with my projects one day.

Lichen may still be a proof of concept, but there has been work done on gradually pushing it towards being genuinely usable. I spent some time considering the way floating point numbers might be represented, and this raised some interesting issues around how they might be stored within instances. Like the tuple performance optimisations, I hope to introduce floating point support into the established feature set of Lichen and hopefully offer decent-enough performance, with the latter aspect being yet another path of investigation this year.

Documenting and Publishing

A continuing worry I have is whether I should still be running MoinMoin sites or even sites derived from MoinMoin “export dumps” for published information that is merely static. I have spent some time developing a parsing and formatting tool to generate static content from Moin content, thus avoiding running Moin altogether and also avoiding having to run a script acting as a URL-preserving front-end to exported Moin content (which is unfortunately required because of how the “export dump” seems to work).

Currently, this tool supports HTML and Moin output, the latter to test the parsing activity, with Graphviz content rendered as inline SVG or in other supported formats (although inline SVG is really what you want). Some macros are supported, but I need to add support for others, like the search macros which are useful for generating page listings. Themes are also supported, but I need to make sure that things like tables of contents – already supported with a macro – can be styled appropriately.

Already, I can generate the bulk of my existing project documentation, and the aim here is to be able to focus on improving that documentation, particularly for things like Lichen that really need explanations to be written before I need to start reviewing the code from scratch as if I were a total newcomer to the work. I have also considered using this tool as the basis for a decentralised wiki solution, but that can probably wait for a while given how many other things I have said I want to do!

Anything More?

There are probably other things that are worth looking at, but these are perhaps the ones I feel are most pressing. It could be said that pursuing all these at once would spread me and my efforts very thin, but I tend to cycle through projects periodically and hope that I can catch up with what I was previously doing, hence the mention above of documenting my work.

I wonder how much other people think about the year ahead, whether it is a productive and ultimately rewarding exercise to state aspirations and goals in this kind of way. New Year’s resolutions are a familiar practice, of course, but here I make no promises!

Nevertheless, a belated Happy New Year to anyone still reading! I hope we can all pursue our objectives enthusiastically over the year ahead and make a real and positive difference to computing, its users and to our societies.