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Archive for the ‘cloud computing’ Category

On Not Liking Computers

Monday, November 21st, 2016

Adam Williamson recently wrote about how he no longer really likes computers. This attracted many responses from people who misunderstood him and decided to dispense career advice, including doses of the usual material about “following one’s passion” or “changing one’s direction” (which usually involves becoming some kind of “global nomad”), which do make me wonder how some of these people actually pay their bills. Do they have a wealthy spouse or wealthy parents or “an inheritance”, or do they just do lucrative contracting for random entities whose nature or identities remain deliberately obscure to avoid thinking about where the money for those jobs really comes from? Particularly the latter would be the “global nomad” way, as far as I can tell.

But anyway, Adam appears to like his job: it’s just that he isn’t interested in technological pursuits outside working hours. At some level, I think we can all sympathise with that. For those of us who have similarly pessimistic views about computing, it’s worth presenting a list of reasons why we might not be so enthusiastic about technology any more, particularly for those of us who also care about the ethical dimensions, not merely whether the technology itself is “any good” or whether it provides a sufficient intellectual challenge. By the way, this is my own list: I don’t know Adam from, well, Adam!

Lack of Actual Progress

One may be getting older and noticing that the same technological problems keep occurring again and again, never getting resolved, while seeing people with no sense of history provoke change for change’s – not progress’s – sake. After a while, or when one gets to a certain age, one expects technology to just work and that people might have figured out how to get things to communicate with each other, or whatever, by building on what went before. But then it usually seems to be the case that some boy genius or other wanted a clear run at solving such problems from scratch, developing lots of flashy features but not the mundane reliability that everybody really wanted.

People then get told that such “advanced” technology is necessarily complicated. Whereas once upon a time, you could pick up a telephone, dial a number, have someone answer, and conduct a half-decent conversation, now you have to make sure that the equipment is all connected up properly, that all the configurations are correct, that the Internet provider isn’t short-changing you or trying to suppress your network traffic. And then you might dial and not get through, or you might have the call mysteriously cut out, or the audio quality might be like interviewing a gang of squabbling squirrels speaking from the bottom of a dustbin/trashcan.

Depreciating Qualifications

One may be seeing a profession that requires a fair amount of educational investment – which, thanks to inept/corrupt politicians, also means a fair amount of financial investment – become devalued to the point that its practitioners are regarded as interchangeable commodities who can be coerced into working for as little as possible. So much for the “knowledge economy” when its practitioners risk ending up earning less than people doing so-called “menial” work who didn’t need to go through a thorough higher education or keep up an ongoing process of self-improvement to remain “relevant”. (Not that there’s anything wrong with “menial” work: without people doing unfashionable jobs, everything would grind to a halt very quickly, whereas quite a few things I’ve done might as well not exist, so little difference they made to anything.)

Now we get told that programming really will be the domain of “artificial intelligence” this time around. That instead of humans writing code, “high priests” will merely direct computers to write the software they need. Of course, such stuff sounds great in Wired magazine and rather amusing to anyone with any actual experience of software projects. Unfortunately, politicians (and other “thought leaders”) read such things one day and then slash away at budgets the next. And in a decade’s time, we’ll be suffering the same “debate” about a lack of “engineering talent” with the same “insights” from the usual gaggle of patent lobbyists and vested interests.

Neoliberal Fantasy Economics

One may have encountered the “internship” culture where as many people as possible try to get programmers and others in the industry to work for nothing, making them feel as if they need to do so in order to prove their worth for a hypothetical employment position or to demonstrate that they are truly committed to some corporate-aligned goal. One reads or hears people advocating involvement in “open source” not to uphold the four freedoms (to use, share, modify and distribute software), but instead to persuade others to “get on the radar” of an employer whose code has been licensed as Free Software (or something pretending to be so) largely to get people to work for them for free.

Now, I do like the idea of employers getting to know potential employees by interacting in a Free Software project, but it should really only occur when the potential employee is already doing something they want to do because it interests them and is in their interests. And no-one should be persuaded into doing work for free on the vague understanding that they might get hired for doing so.

The Expendable Volunteers

One may have seen the exploitation of volunteer effort where people are made to feel that they should “step up” for the benefit of something they believe in, often requiring volunteers to sacrifice their own time and money to do such free work, and often seeing those volunteers being encouraged to give money directly to the cause, as if all their other efforts were not substantial contributions in themselves. While striving to make a difference around the edges of their own lives, volunteers are often working in opposition to well-resourced organisations whose employees have the luxury of countering such volunteer efforts on a full-time basis and with a nice salary. Those people can go home in the evenings and at weekends and tune it all out if they want to.

No wonder volunteers burn out or decide that they just don’t have time or aren’t sufficiently motivated any more. The sad thing is that some organisations ignore this phenomenon because there are plenty of new volunteers wanting to “get active” and “be visible”, perhaps as a way of marketing themselves. Then again, some communities are content to alienate existing users if they can instead attract the mythical “10x” influx of new users to take their place, so we shouldn’t really be surprised, I suppose.

Blame the Powerless

One may be exposed to the culture that if you care about injustices or wrongs then bad or unfortunate situations are your responsibility even if you had nothing to do with their creation. This culture pervades society and allows the powerful to do what they like, to then make everyone else feel bad about the consequences, and to virtually force people to just accept the results if they don’t have the energy at the end of a busy day to do the legwork of bringing people to account.

So, those of us with any kind of conscience at all might already be supporting people trying to do the right thing like helping others, holding people to account, protecting the vulnerable, and so on. But at the same time, we aren’t short of people – particularly in the media and in politics – telling us how bad things are, with an air of expectation that we might take responsibility for something supposedly done on our behalf that has had grave consequences. (The invasion and bombing of foreign lands is one depressingly recurring example.) Sadly, the feeling of powerlessness many people have, as the powerful go round doing what they like regardless, is exploited by the usual cynical “divide and rule” tactics of other powerful people who merely see the opportunities in the misuse of power and the misery it causes. And so, selfishness and tribalism proliferate, demotivating anyone wanting the world to become a better place.

Reversal of Liberties

One may have had the realisation that technology is no longer merely about creating opportunities or making things easier, but is increasingly about controlling and monitoring people and making things complicated and difficult. That sustainability is sacrificed so that companies can cultivate recurring and rich profit opportunities by making people dependent on obsolete products that must be replaced regularly. And that technology exacerbates societal ills rather than helping to eradicate them.

We have the modern Web whose average site wants to “dial out” to a cast of recurring players – tracking sites, content distribution networks (providing advertising more often than not), font resources, image resources, script resources – all of which contribute to making the “signal-to-noise” ratio of the delivered content smaller and smaller all the time. Where everything has to maintain a channel of communication to random servers to constantly update them about what the user is doing, where they spent most of their time, what they looked at and what they clicked on. All of this requiring hundreds of megabytes of program code and data, burning up CPU time, wasting energy, making computers slow and steadily obsolete, forcing people to throw things away and to buy more things to throw away soon enough.

We have the “app” ecosystem experience, with restrictions on access, competition and interoperability, with arbitrarily-curated content: the walled gardens that the likes of Apple and Microsoft failed to impose on everybody at the dawn of the “consumer Internet” but do so now under the pretences of convenience and safety. We have social networking empires that serve fake news to each person’s little echo chamber, whipping up bubbles of hate and distracting people from what is really going on in the world and what should really matter. We have “cloud” services that often offer mediocre user experiences but which offer access from “any device”, with users opting in to both the convenience of being able to get their messages or files from their phone and the surveillance built into such services for commercial and governmental exploitation.

We have planned obsolescence designed into software and hardware, with customers obliged to buy new products to keep doing the things they want to do with those products and to keep it a relatively secure experience. And we have dodgy batteries sealed into devices, with the obligation apparently falling on the customers themselves to look after their own safety and – when the product fails – the impact of that product on the environment. By burdening the hapless user of technology with so many caveats that their life becomes dominated by them, those things become a form of tyranny, too.

Finding Meaning

Many people need to find meaning in their work and to feel that their work aligns with their own priorities. Some people might be able to do work that is unchallenging or uninteresting and then pursue their interests and goals in their own time, but this may be discouraging and demotivating over the longer term. When people’s work is not orthogonal to their own beliefs and interests but instead actively undermines them, the result is counterproductive and even damaging to those beliefs and interests and to others who share them.

For example, developing proprietary software or services in a full-time job, although potentially intellectually challenging, is likely to undermine any realistic level of commitment in one’s own free time to Free Software that does the same thing. Some people may prioritise a stimulating job over the things they believe in, feeling that their work still benefits others in a different way. Others may feel that they are betraying Free Software users by making people reliant on proprietary software and causing interoperability problems when those proprietary software users start assuming that everything should revolve around them, their tools, their data, and their expectations.

Although Adam wasn’t framing this shift in perspectives in terms of his job or career, it might have an impact on some people in that regard. I sometimes think of the interactions between my personal priorities and my career. Indeed, the way that Adam can seemingly stash his technological pursuits within the confines of his day job, while leaving the rest of his time for other things, was some kind of vision that I once had for studying and practising computer science. I think he is rather lucky in that his employer’s interests and his own are aligned sufficiently for him to be able to consider his workplace a venue for furthering those interests, doing so sufficiently to not need to try and make up the difference at home.

We live in an era of computational abundance and yet so much of that abundance is applied ineffectively and inappropriately. I wish I had a concise solution to the complicated equation involving technology and its effects on our quality of life, if not for the application of technology in society in general, then at least for individuals, and not least for myself. Maybe a future article needs to consider what we should expect from technology, as its application spreads ever wider, such that the technology we use and experience upholds our rights and expectations as human beings instead of undermining and marginalising them.

It’s not hard to see how even those who were once enthusiastic about computers can end up resenting them and disliking what they have become.

When will they stop pretending and just rename Mozilla to Firefox?

Monday, October 19th, 2015

It’s an odd-enough question. After all, the Firefox browser is surely called “Mozilla Firefox” if you use its full name, and the organisation behind it is called “Mozilla Corporation“. Mozilla has been responsible for various products and projects over the years, but if you actually go to the Mozilla site and look around now, it’s all Firefox, Firefox and, digging deeper, Firefox. Well, there’s also a mention of something called Webmaker, “apps”, and some developer-related links, presented within a gallery of pictures of the cool people working for Mozilla.

Now, I use Iceweasel, which is Debian’s version of Firefox, and it’s a good browser. But what concerns me is what has happened to certain other products produced by Mozilla that people also happen to be using. In the buzz that Mozilla are trying to create around their Firefox-centred strategy, with Firefox-the-browser, Firefox-the-mobile-OS, and whatever else the Firefox name will soon be glued onto, what treatment do things like Thunderbird get? Go to the Mozilla site and try and find the page for it: it’s easier to just use a search engine instead.

And once you’ve navigated to the product page for Thunderbird, the challenge of finding useful, concrete information continues. It may very well be the case that most people just want a download button and to be in and out of the site as fast as possible, on their way to getting the software installed and running. (If so, one really hopes that they did use a search engine and didn’t go in via Mozilla’s front page.) But what if you want to find out more about the code, the community, the development processes? Dig too deep in the support section – a reasonable path to take – and you’ll be back in Firefox country where there are no Thunderbirds to be found.

Now, I don’t use Thunderbird for my daily e-mail needs: given that I’ve used KDE for a decade and a half, I’ve been happy with Kontact for my modest e-mail retrieving, reading, writing and sending activities. But Thunderbird is used by quite a few other people, and I did indeed use it for a few years in a former workplace. I didn’t always like how it worked, especially compared to Kontact, but then again Kontact needed quite a bit of tuning to work to my tastes, especially when I moved over to KDE 4 (or Plasma, if you insist) and had to turn off all sorts of things that were bolted on but didn’t really work. Generally, however, both products do their job well enough.

When Mozilla announced that Thunderbird would take a back seat to other activities (which looks more like being pushed off the desk now, but anyway), people complained a lot about it. One would have thought that leveraging the common Mozilla codebase to keep delivering a cross-platform, Free Software e-mail client would help uphold the kind of freedom and interoperability in messaging that the organisation seeks to uphold on the Web generally. But I suppose the influencers think that webmail is enough, not least because the browser remains central in such a strategy. Unfortunately, webmail doesn’t exactly empower end-users with things like encryption and control over their own data, at least in the traditional sense. (Projects like Mailpile which deliver a Web-based interface locally via the browser are different, of course.)

So, given any need to remedy deficiencies with Thunderbird, where should one go? Fortunately, I did some research earlier in the year – maybe Mozilla’s site was easier to navigate back then – and found the Thunderbird page on the Mozilla Wiki. Looking again, I was rather surprised to see recent activity at such a level that it apparently necessitates weekly status meetings. Such meetings aren’t really my kind of thing, but the fact that they are happening does give me a bit more confidence about a product that one might think is completely abandoned if one were only paying attention to the official Mozilla channels. My own interests are more focused on the Lightning calendar plugin, and its official page is more informative than that of Thunderbird, but there’s also a collection of wiki pages related to it as well.

Once upon a time, there was a company called Mosaic Communications Corporation that became Netscape Communications Corporation, both of these names effectively trading on the familiarity of the Mosaic and Netscape product names. Given Mozilla’s apparent focus on “Firefox”, it wouldn’t surprise me if they soon went the other way and called themselves Firefox Corporation. But I would rather they sought to deliver a coherent message through a broad range of freedom-upholding and genuinely useful products than narrowing everything to a single brand and one-and-a-bit products that – in case those things don’t work for you – leave you wondering what your options are, especially in this day and age of proprietary, cloud-based services and platforms that are increasingly hostile to interoperability.

Without even a peripheral Mozilla Messaging organisation to block the tidal flow towards “convenient” but exploitative cloud services, one has to question Mozilla’s commitment in this regard. But those responsible could at least fix up the incoherent Web site design that would leave many wondering whether Thunderbird and other actively-supported Mozilla products were just products of their own vivid and idealistic imagination.

Upholding Freedoms of Communication

Friday, September 18th, 2015

Recently, I was alerted to a blog post by Bradley Kuhn of the Software Freedom Conservancy where he describes the way in which proprietary e-mail infrastructure not only withholds the freedoms end-users should expect from their software, but where the operators of such infrastructure also stifle the free exchange of information by refusing to deliver mail, apparently denying delivery according to seemingly arbitrary criteria (if we are to be charitable about why, for example, Microsoft might block the mails sent by an organisation that safeguards the rights of Free Software users and developers).

The article acknowledges that preventing spam and antisocial activities is difficult, but it rightfully raises the possibility that if things continue in the same way they have been going, one day the only way to use e-mail will be through subscribing to an opaque service that, for all we as customers would know, censors our messages, gathers and exploits personal information about us, and prevents people from contacting each other based on the whims of the operator and whatever agenda they might have.

Solved and Boring

Sadly, things like e-mail don’t seem to get the glory amongst software and solutions developers that other methods of online communication have experienced in recent years: apparently, it’s all been about real-time chat, instant messaging, and social networking. I had a conversation a few years ago on the topic of social networking with an agreeable fellow who was developing a solution, but I rather felt that when I mentioned e-mail as the original social networking service and suggested that it could be tamed for a decent “social” experience, he regarded me as being somewhat insane to even consider e-mail for anything serious any more.

But anyway, e-mail is one of those things that has been regarded as a “solved problem“, meaning that the bulk of the work needed to support it is regarded as having been done a long time ago, and the work needed to keep it usable and up-to-date with evolving standards is probably now regarded as a chore (if anyone really thinks about that work at all, because some clearly do not). Instead of being an exciting thing bringing us new capabilities, it is at best seen as a demanding legacy that takes time away from other, more rewarding challenges. Still, we tell ourselves, there are solid Free Software solutions available to provide e-mail infrastructure, and so the need is addressed, a box is ticked, and we have nothing to worry about.

Getting it Right

Now, mail infrastructure can be an intimidating thing. As people will undoubtedly tell you, you don’t want to be putting a mail server straight onto the Internet unless you know what you are doing. And so begins the exercise of discovering what you should be doing, which either entails reading up about the matter or just paying someone else to do the thinking on your behalf, which in the latter case either takes the form of getting some outside expertise to get you set up or instead just paying someone else to provide you with a “mail solution”. In this day and age, that mail solution is quite likely to be a service – not some software that you have to install somewhere – and with the convenience of not having to manage anything, you rely completely on your service provider to do the right thing.

So to keep the software under your own control, as Bradley points out, Free Software needs to be well-documented and easy to adopt in a foolproof way. One might regard “foolproof” as an unkind term, but nobody should need to be an expert in everything, and everybody should be able to start out on the path to understanding without being flamed for being ignorant of the technical details. Indeed, I would go further and say that Free Software should lend itself to secure-by-default deployment which should hold up when integrating different components, as opposed to finger-pointing and admonishments when people try and figure out the best practices themselves. It is not enough to point people at “how to” documents and tell them to not only master a particular domain but also to master the nuances of specific technologies to which they have only just been introduced.

Thankfully, some people understand. The FreedomBox initiative is ostensibly about letting people host their own network services at home, which one might think is mostly a matter of making a computer small and efficient enough to sit around switched on all the time, combined with finding ways to let people operate such services behind potentially restrictive ISP barriers. But the work required to achieve this in a defensible and sustainable way involves providing software that is easily and correctly configured and which works properly from the moment the system is deployed. It is no big surprise that such work is being done in close association with Debian.

Signs of the Times

With regard to software that end-users see, the situation could be a lot worse. KDE’s Kontact and KMail have kept up a reasonably good experience over the years, despite signs of neglect and some fairly incoherent aspects of the user interface (at least as I see it on Debian); I guess Evolution is still out there and still gets some development attention, as is presumably the case with numerous other, less well-known mail programs; Thunderbird is still around despite signs that Mozilla presumably thought that people should have been using webmail solutions instead.

Indeed, the position of Mozilla’s leadership on Thunderbird says a lot about the times we live in. Web and mobile things – particularly mobile things – are the new cool, and if people aren’t excited by e-mail and don’t see the value in it, then developers don’t see the value in developing solutions for it, either. But sometimes those trying to focus on current fashions fail to see the value in the unfashionable, and a backlash ensued: after all, what would people end up using at work and in “the enterprise” if Thunderbird were no longer properly supported? At the same time, those relying on Thunderbird’s viability, particularly those supplying it for use in organisations, were perhaps not quite as forthcoming with support for the project as they could have been.

Ultimately, Thunderbird has kept going, which is just as well given that the Free Software cross-platform alternatives are not always obvious or necessarily as well-maintained as they could be. Again, a lesson was given (if not necessarily learned) about how neglect of one kind of Free Software can endanger the viability of Free Software in an entire area of activity.

Webmail is perhaps a slightly happier story in some ways. Roundcube remains a viable and popular Web-hosted mail client, and the project is pursuing an initiative called Roundcube Next that seeks to refactor the code in order to better support new interfaces and changing user expectations. Mailpile, although not a traditional webmail client – being more a personal mail client that happens to be delivered through a Web interface – continues to be developed at a steady pace by some very committed developers. And long-established solutions like SquirrelMail and Horde IMP still keep doing good service in many places.

Attitude Adjustment

In his article, Bradley points out that as people forsake Free Software solutions for their e-mail needs, whether deciding to use an opaque and proprietary webmail service for personal mail, or whether deciding that their organisation’s mail can entirely be delegated to a service provider, it becomes more difficult to make the case for Free Software. It may be convenient to “just get a Gmail account” and if your budget (of time and/or money) doesn’t stretch to using a provider that may be friendlier towards things like freedom and interoperability, you cannot really be blamed for taking the easiest path. But otherwise, people should be wary of what they are feeding with their reliance on such services.

And those advocating such services for others should be aware that the damage they are causing extends far beyond the impact on competing solutions. Even when everybody was told that there is a systematic programme of spying on individuals, that industrial and competitive espionage is being performed to benefit the industries of certain nations, and that sensitive data could end up on a foreign server being mined by random governmental and corporate agencies, decision-makers will gladly exhibit symptoms of denial dressed up in a theatrical display of level-headedness: making a point of showing that they are not at all bothered by such stories, which they doubt are true anyway, and will with proud ignorance more or less say so. At risk are the details of other people’s lives.

Indicating that privacy, control and sustainability are crucial to any organisation will, in the face of such fact-denial, indeed invite notions that anyone bringing such topics up is one of the “random crazy people” for doing so. And by establishing such a climate of denial and marginalisation, the forces that would control our communications are able to control the debate about such matters, belittling concerns and appealing to the myth of the benign corporation that wants nothing in return for its “free” or “great value” products and who would never do anything to hurt its customers.

We cannot at a stroke solve such matters of ignorance, but we can make it easier for people to do the right thing, and to make it more obvious and blatant when people have chosen to do the wrong thing in the face of more conveniently and appropriately doing the right thing. We can evolve our own attitudes more easily, making Free Software easier to deploy and use, and in the case of e-mail not perpetuate the myth that nothing more needs to be done.

We will always have work to do to keep our communications free and unimpeded, but the investment we need to make is insignificant in comparison to the value to society of the result.

Lenovo: What Were They Thinking?

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

In the past few days, there have been plenty of reports of Lenovo shipping products with a form of adware known as Superfish, originating from a company of the same name, that interferes with the normal operation of Web browser software to provide “shopping suggestions” in content displayed by the browser. This would be irritating enough all by itself, but what made the bundled software involved even more worrying was that it also manages to insert itself as an eavesdropper on the user’s supposedly secure communications, meaning that communications conducted between the user and Internet sites such as online banks, merchants, workplaces and private-and-confidential services are all effectively compromised.

Making things even worse still, the mechanism employed to pursue this undesirable eavesdropping managed to prove highly insecure in itself, exposing Lenovo customers to attack from others. So, we start this sordid affair with a Lenovo “business decision” about bundling some company’s software and end up with Lenovo’s customers having their security compromised for the dubious “benefit” of being shown additional, unsolicited advertisements in Web pages that didn’t have them in the first place. One may well ask what Lenovo’s decision-makers were thinking?

Symptoms of a Disease

Indeed, this affair gives us a fine opportunity to take a critical look at the way the bundling of software has corrupted the sale of personal computers for years, if not decades. First of all, most customers have never been given a choice of operating system or to be able to buy a computer without an operating system, considering the major channels and vendors to which most buyers are exposed: the most widely-available and widely-advertised computers only offer some Windows variant, and manufacturers typically insist that they cannot offer anything else – or even nothing at all – for a variety of feeble reasons. And when asked to provide a refund for this unwanted product that has been forced on the purchaser, some manufacturers even claim that it is free or that someone else has subsidised the cost, and that there is no refund to be had.

This subsidy – some random company acting like a kind of wealthy distant relative paying for the “benefit” of bundled proprietary software – obviously raises competition-related issues, but it also raises the issue of why anyone would want to pay for someone else to get something at no cost. Even in a consumer culture where getting more goodies is seen as surely being a good thing because it means more toys to play with, one cannot help but be a little suspicious: surely something is too good to be true if someone wants to give you things that they would otherwise make you pay for? And now we know that it is: the financial transaction that enriched Lenovo was meant to give Superfish access to its customers’ sensitive information.

Of course, Lenovo’s updated statement on the matter (expect more updates, particularly if people start to talk about class action lawsuits) tries to downplay the foul play: the somewhat incoherent language (example: “Superfish technology is purely based on contextual/image and not behavioral”) denies things like user profiling and uses terminology that is open to quite a degree of interpretation (example: “Users are not tracked nor re-targeted”). What the company lawyers clearly don’t want to talk about is what information was being collected and where it was being whisked off to, keeping the legal attack surface minimal and keeping those denials of negligence strenuous (“we did not know about this potential security vulnerability until yesterday”). Maybe some detail about those “server connections shut down in January” would shed some light on these matters, but the lawyers know that with that comes the risk of exposing a paper trail showing that everybody knew what they were getting into.

Your Money isn’t Good Enough

One might think that going to a retailer, giving them your money, and getting a product to take home would signal the start of a happy and productive experience with a purchase. But it seems that for some manufacturers, getting the customer’s money just isn’t enough: they just have to make a bit of money on the side, and perhaps keep making money from the product after the customer has taken it home, too. Consumer electronics and products from the “content industries” have in particular fallen victim to the introduction of advertising. Even though you thought you had bought something outright, advertisements and other annoyances sneak into the experience, often in the hope that you will pay extra to make them go away.

And so, you get the feeling that your money somehow isn’t good enough for these people. Maybe if you were richer or knew the right people, your money would be good enough and you wouldn’t need to suffer adverts or people spying on you, but you aren’t rich or well-connected and just have to go along with the indignity of it all. Naturally, the manufacturers would take offence at such assertions; they would claim that they have to take bribes subsidies to be able to keep their own prices competitive with the rest of the market, and of course everybody else is taking the money. That might be almost believable if it weren’t for the fact that the prices of things like bundled operating systems and “productivity software” – the stuff that you can’t get a refund for – are completely at the discretion of the organisations who make it. (It also doesn’t help these companies that they seem to be unable to deliver a quality product with a stable set of internal components, or that they introduce stupid hardware features that make their products excruciating to use.)

Everybody Hurts

For the most part, it probably is the case that if you are well-resourced and well-connected, you can buy the most expensive computer with the most expensive proprietary software for it, and maybe the likes of Lenovo won’t have tainted it with their adware-of-the-month. But naturally, proprietary software doesn’t provide you with any inherent assurances that it hasn’t been compromised: only Free Software can offer you that, and even then you must be able to insist on the right to be able to build and install that software on the hardware yourself. Coincidentally, I did once procure a Lenovo computer from a retailer that only supplied them with GNU/Linux preinstalled, with Lenovo being a common choice amongst such retailers because the distribution channel apparently made it possible for them to resell such products without Windows or other proprietary products ever becoming involved.

But sometimes the rich and well-connected become embroiled in surveillance and spying in situations of their own making. Having seen people become so infatuated with Microsoft Outlook that they seemingly need to have something bearing the name on every device they use, it is perhaps not surprising that members of the European Parliament had apparently installed Microsoft’s mobile application bearing the Outlook brand. Unfortunately for them, Microsoft’s “app” sends sensitive information including their authentication credentials off into the cloud, putting their communications (and the safety of their correspondents, in certain cases) at risk.

Some apologists may indeed claim that Microsoft and their friends and partners collecting everybody’s sensitive details for their own convenience is “not an issue for the average user”, but in fact it is a huge issue: when people become conditioned into thinking that surrendering their privacy, accepting the inconveniences of intrusive advertising, always being in debt to the companies from which they have bought things (even when those purchases have actually kept those companies in business), and giving up control of their own belongings are all “normal” things and that they do not deserve any better, then we all start to lose control over the ways in which we use technology as well as the technologies we are able to use. Notions of ownership and democracy quickly become attacked and eroded.

What Were They Thinking?

We ultimately risk some form of authority, accountable or otherwise, telling us that we no longer deserve to be able to enjoy things like privacy. Their reasons are always scary ones, but in practice it usually has something to do with them not wanting ordinary people doing unexpected or bothersome things that might question or undermine their own very comfortable (and often profitable) position telling everybody else what to do, what to worry about, what to buy, and so on. And it turns out that a piece of malware that just has to see everything in its rampant quest to monetize every last communication of the unwitting user now gives us a chance to really think about how we really want our computers and their suppliers to behave.

So, what were they thinking at Lenovo? That Superfish was an easy way to make a few extra bucks? That their customers don’t deserve anything better than to have their private communications infused with advertising? That their customers don’t need to know that people are tampering with their Internet connection? That the private information of their customers was theirs to sell to anyone offering them some money? Did nobody consider the implications of any of this at all, or was there a complete breakdown in ethics amongst those responsible? Was it negligence or contempt for their own customers that facilitated this pursuit of greed?

Sadly, the evidence from past privacy scandals involving major companies indicates that regulatory or criminal proceedings are unlikely, merely fuelling suspicions that supposed corporate incompetence – the existence of conveniently unlocked backdoors – actually serves various authorities rather nicely. It is therefore up to us to remain vigilant and, of course, to exercise our own forms of reward for those who act in our interests, along with punishment for those whose behaviour is unacceptable in a fair and democratic society.

Maybe after a break from seeing any of it for a while, our business and our money will matter more to Lenovo than that of some shady “advertising” outfit with the dubious and slightly unbelievable objective of showing more adverts to people while they do their online banking. And by then, maybe Lenovo (and everyone else) will let us install whatever software we like on their products, because many people aren’t going to be trusting the bundled software for a long time to come after this. Not that they should ever have trusted it in the first place, of course.

Making the Best of a Bad Deal

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

I had the opportunity over the holidays to browse the January 2015 issue of “Which?” – the magazine of the Consumers’ Association in Britain – which, amongst other things, covered the topic of “technology ecosystems“. Which? has a somewhat patchy record when technology matters are taken into consideration: on the one hand, reviews consider the practical and often mundane aspects of gadgets such as battery life, screen brightness, and so on, continuing their tradition of giving all sorts of items a once over; on the other hand, issues such as platform choice and interoperability are typically neglected.

Which? is very much pitched at the “empowered consumer” – someone who is looking for a “good deal” and reassurances about an impending purchase – and so the overriding attitude is one that is often in evidence in consumer societies like Britain: what’s in it for me? In other words, what goodies will the sellers give me to persuade me to choose them over their competitors? (And aren’t I lucky that these nice companies are throwing offers at me, trying to win my custom?) A treatment of ecosystems should therefore be somewhat interesting reading because through the mere use of the term “ecosystem” it acknowledges that alongside the usual incentives and benefits that the readership is so keen to hear about, there are choices and commitments to be made, with potentially negative consequences if one settles in the wrong ecosystem. (Especially if others are hell-bent on destroying competing ecosystems in a “war” as former Nokia CEO Stephen Elop – now back at Microsoft, having engineered the sale of a large chunk of Nokia to, of course, Microsoft – famously threatened in another poor choice of imagery as part of what must be the one of the most insensitively-formulated corporate messages of recent years.)

Perhaps due to the formula behind such articles in Which? and similar arenas, some space is used to describe the benefits of committing to an ecosystem.  Above the “expert view” describing the hassles of switching from a Windows phone to an Android one, the title tells us that “convenience counts for a lot”. But the article does cover problems with the availability of applications and services depending on the platform chosen, and even the matter of having to repeatedly buy access to content comes up, albeit with a disappointing lack of indignance for a topic that surely challenges basic consumer rights. The conclusion is that consumers should try and keep their options open when choosing which services to use. Sensible and uncontroversial enough, really.

The Consequences of Apathy

But sadly, Which? is once again caught in a position of reacting to technology industry change and the resulting symptoms of a deeper malaise. When reviewing computers over the years, the magazine (and presumably its sister publications) always treated the matter of platform choice with a focus on “PCs and Macs” exclusively, with the latter apparently being “the alternative” (presumably in a feeble attempt to demonstrate a coverage of choice that happens to exist in only two flavours). The editors would most likely protest that they can only cover the options most widely available to buy in a big-name store and that any lack of availability of a particular solution – say, GNU/Linux or one of the freely available BSDs – is the consequence of a lack of consumer interest, and thus their readership would also be uninterested.

Such an unwillingness to entertain genuine alternatives, and to act in the interests of members of their audience who might be best served by those solutions, demonstrates that Which? is less of a leader in consumer matters than its writers might have us believe. Refusing to acknowledge that Which? can and does drive demand for alternatives, only to then whine about the bundled products of supposed consumer interest, demonstrates a form of self-imposed impotence when faced with the coercion of proprietary product upgrade schedules. Not everyone – even amongst the Which? readership – welcomes the impending vulnerability of their computing environment as another excuse to go shopping for shiny new toys, nor should they be thankful that Which? has done little or nothing to prevent the situation from occurring in the first place.

Thus, Which? has done as much as the rest of the mainstream technology press to unquestioningly sustain the monopolistic practices of the anticompetitive corporate repeat offender, Microsoft, with only a cursory acknowledgement of other platforms in recent years, qualified by remarks that Free Software alternatives such as GNU/Linux and LibreOffice are difficult to get started with or not what people are used to. After years of ignoring such products and keeping them marginalised, this would be the equivalent of denying someone the chance to work and then criticising them for not having a long list of previous employers to vouch for them on their CV.  Noting that 1.1-billion people supposedly use Microsoft Office (“one in seven people on the planet”) makes for a nice statistic in the sidebar of the print version of the article, but how many people have a choice in doing so or, for that matter, in using other Microsoft products bundled with computers (or foisted on office workers or students due to restrictive or corrupt workplace or institutional policies)? Which? has never been concerned with such topics, or indeed the central matter of anticompetitive software bundling, or its role in the continuation of such practices in the marketplace: strange indeed for a consumer advocacy publication.

At last, obliged to review a selection of fundamentally different ecosystem choices – as opposed to pretending that different vendor badges on anonymous laptops provide genuine choice – Which? has had to confront the practical problems brought about by an absence of interoperability: that consumers might end up stranded with a large, non-transferable investment in something they no longer wish to be a part of. Now, the involvement of a more diverse selection of powerful corporate interests have made such matters impossible to ignore. One gets the impression that for now at least, the publication cannot wish such things away and return to the lazy days of recommending that everyone line up and pay a single corporation their dues, refusing to believe that there could be anything else out there, let alone usable Free Software platforms.

Beyond Treating the Symptoms

Elsewhere in the January issue, the latest e-mail scam is revealed. Of course, a campaign to widen the adoption of digitally-signed mail would be a start, but that is probably too much to expect from Which?: just as space is dedicated to mobile security “apps” in this issue, countless assortments of antivirus programs have been peddled and reviewed in the past, but solving problems effectively requires a leader rather than a follower. Which? may do the tedious job of testing kettles, toasters, washing-up liquids, and much more to a level of thoroughness that would exhaust most people’s patience and interest. And to the publication’s credit, a certain degree of sensible advice is offered on topics such as online safety, albeit with the usual emphasis on proprietary software for the copy of Windows that members of its readership were all forced to accept. But in technology, Which? appears to be a mere follower, suggesting workarounds rather than working to build a fair market for safe, secure and interoperable products.

It is surely time for Which? to join the dots and to join other organisations in campaigning for fundamental change in the way technology is delivered by vendors and used throughout society. Then, by upholding a fair marketplace, interoperability, access to digital signature and encryption technologies, true ownership of devices and of purchased content, and all the things already familiar to Free Software and online rights advocates, they might be doing their readership a favour after all.

People and their Walled Gardens

Monday, December 15th, 2014

I wasn’t the only one to notice a discussion about moving Python-related resources to GitHub recently. An article on LWN covered the matter and was followed by the usual assortment of comments, but having expected the usual expression of sentiments about how people should supposedly all migrate to Git (something I completely disagree with for a number of reasons), what I found surprising was a remark indicating that some people use GitHub as their “one stop” source of code for any project they might wish to use. In other words, GitHub is their “App Store”, curated experience, or “walled garden”: why should they bother with the rest of the Internet?

Of course, one could characterise such an interpretation of their remark as being somewhat unfair: after all, the author of the comment is not pushing their comment to GitHub to be magically pulled by LWN and published in a comment thread; they must therefore be actively using other parts of the Internet, too. But the “why bother with anything else?” mentality is worrying: demanding that everybody use a particular Internet site for their work to be considered as being something of value undermines freedom of choice, marginalises those who happen to prefer other solutions, and, in this case, cultivates a dependency on a corporate entity whose activities may not always prove to be benign. Corporate gatekeepers frequently act in ways that provoke accusations of censorship or of holding their users to ransom.

Sweetening a Bitter Pill

Many people seem to be infatuated with GitHub, perhaps because it offers conveniences that might make Git more bearable to use. I personally find Git’s command line interface to be incoherent in comparison to other tools, and despite praise of tools like gitk by Git advocates (with their claims of superior Git tooling), I find that things like the graphlog feature in Mercurial give me, in that particular instance, a proper graphical history at the command line in an instant, without messing around with some clumsy Tk-based interface with a suboptimal presentation of the different types of information (and I could always use things like TortoiseHg if I really wanted a graphical user interface myself). So maybe I wouldn’t see the point of a proprietary Web-based interface to use with Mercurial, especially since the built-in Web interface is pretty good and is in many ways better than attempts to provide similar functionality in a tool-neutral way.

People do seem rather willing to discard many of the benefits of the distributed nature of Git and are quite happy to have a single point of failure in their projects and businesses: when GitHub becomes unreachable in such environments, everything grinds to a halt, despite the fact that they all sit there with the code and could interact with each other directly. Popularity and the “network effect” seem to be the loudest arguments in favour of dumping all their code on some distant servers, with the idea being that “social” project hosting will bring in the contributors. Although I accept that for potential contributors who have no convenient way of hosting their own code, such services provide an obvious solution – “fork” the project, pull, make changes, push, dispatch a “pull request” – and allow them to avoid having to either provide hosting for their own code themselves or to coordinate their work in other ways, everything now has to go through the same infrastructure and everyone now has to sign up for the same service, adhere to the same terms and conditions, and risk interruptions to their work caused by anything from downtime and communications failures to the consequences of litigation or such services being obvious targets for criminal or politically-motivated misbehaviour. Not only do the custodians of a project no longer control their own project, but they also put that project at considerable risk.

Perhaps all the risks would be worth it if “going social” attracted contributors. When looking at project-hosting sites, I tend to see numerous forks of project code that mostly seem to have been created enthusiastically at some point in time, only to now be dormant and have seen no actual changes committed at all: whether the user concerned created a fork in an aspirational moment not unlike making a New Year’s resolution, or whether they have done it to demonstrate their supposed credibility (“look at me: I forked the Linux kernel!”), neither kind of motivation is helping such projects get any contributions of value. Making things easier is not a bad idea in itself, nor is getting the attention of the right people. The issue here is whether one finds the right people on such project-hosting sites, or whether one merely finds a lot of people who aspire to do something but who will still do very little regardless of how easy it supposedly is.

Body of Convenience

Although the original discussion is mostly concerned with the core development of the CPython implementation and the direction of the Python language, it is hard to separate the issues involved from the activities of the Python Software Foundation. Past experience suggests that some people involved with both of these things do not seem to prioritise ethical concerns – it is no coincidence that the word “pragmatic” appears in the LWN coverage – and it disappoints me greatly that when ethical concerns about GitHub’s corporate culture were raised, few people seemed interested in taking them into consideration. Once again, the label of “ideology” is wielded, together with the idea that doing the right thing is too complicated and therefore not worth pursuing at all, leading to the absurd conclusion that it is better to favour the party shown to have done wrong over all other parties who, as far as we know, have not done any wrong but should be suspected of it, anyway.

With the PSF taking diversity and equal opportunities seriously, one might expect people to “join the dots” on this matter and for people to be engaged in showing that the organisation is unconditionally committed to such causes and is willing to use its public influence for the common good, but I suppose that since GitHub is not a “Python company” anyone with a problem with the corporate culture in question is simply out of luck. Once again, ethics stand in the way of the toys, and “pragmatism” is a nice term to use to indicate that the core Python development community and the organisation that supports it should have as narrow a focus as possible, even if that means neglecting the social movements that brought about the environment that enabled Python to become the successful technology that it is today.

(The matter at the centre of those ethical concerns was wrapped up either definitively or inconclusively depending on who you wish to believe and how credible you regard the company’s own review of the matter to be. This article does not intend to express a view on that matter itself, but does stress that where ethical concerns have been raised, those concerns should be addressed and not ignored.)

Easy Way Out

Python is getting a lot of competition from other technologies these days. For example, Google’s Go stole some thunder from Python both within the company and elsewhere, and there are people who admit to switching to Go in order to remedy some of the long-standing issues they experienced with Python implementations (mostly related to performance and scalability). As I noted before, had Python implementations, libraries and the language definition been improved to alleviate concerns about Python’s suitability in various domains, Python would be in a stronger position than it is now: a position which arguably resembles that of Perl at the height of its popularity. Sure, choosing Python for your next project in certain domains is an easy decision (just as Perl devotees used to annoyingly insist that people just “use Perl”), but there are plenty of other areas where Python has more or less forfeited the contest: how is Python doing on Android, for instance? People who do Python or Django all-day-every-day may not see a problem, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a fundamental problem waiting for a remedy.

It is understandable that people want to play the popularity card: if there’s an easy way of clawing back the masses, why not play it? Unfortunately, there may not be an easy way. Catching up with the development backlog may actually be achieved more effectively by addressing other shortcomings of the development workflow. And there’s an assumption that a crowd of ready-to-start contributors are lurking on GitHub when, despite the aforementioned evidence of people only wanting to play inside the walled garden, anyone sufficiently motivated to improve Python would surely have moved beyond a consumer mindset and would have sought out the development community already.

Python development is a relatively well-resourced activity compared to many voluntary endeavours, and the PSF is responsible for much of the infrastructure that supports the developer communities around Python. Although many benefits are derived from things like the mailing lists hosted at, there are always those who are enticed by other providers and technological platforms. In matters relating to the PSF, the occasional Google spreadsheet or form has been circulated, much to the dismay of some people who would rather not have to use online resources that may require a Google account (and if not that, then maybe a fast computer and cheap energy to power all the JavaScript). Bringing up additional PSF-driven services requires time and effort that may be in short supply (as I have experienced in recent months, despite the help of various stalwarts of the community, including one kind enough to drop my name into this particular debate!), and efforts to just procure help and bypass the community have arguably caused an even greater burden on volunteers, even leading to matters as severe as the temporary abandonment of valuable resources such as the Python Job Board (out of action since February 2014).

Concerns about the future relevance and popularity of Python itself may not be so easily addressed and overcome, but that is a topic for another time. But the task of rebalancing relationships – between the PSF, the core developers, and the community volunteers who keep the wheels turning on the Python online assets – is one that cannot be ignored, either. And retreating to the comfort of today’s favourite walled gardens is perhaps too much of an easy way out that ignores the lessons of the past (despite assertions to the contrary) and leaves such relationships in their current, somewhat precarious state, undermining those trying to uphold the independence and viability of the initiative, potentially causing even more work and inconvenience for infrastructure volunteers, presenting an incoherent collection of project resources to contributors, all in the vague hope of grabbing the attention of people who cannot otherwise be relied upon to look further than the ends of their own noses.

Maybe people should be looking for more substantial remedies than quick fixes in walled gardens to address Python’s contribution, popularity and development issues.

Students: Beware of the Academic Cloud!

Sunday, July 21st, 2013

Things were certainly different when I started my university degree many years ago. For a start, institutions of higher education provided for many people their first encounter with the Internet, although for those of us in the United Kingdom, the very first encounter with wide area networking may well have involved X.25 and PAD terminals, and instead of getting a “proper” Internet e-mail address, it may have been the case that an address only worked within a particular institution. (My fellow students quickly became aware of an Internet mail gateway in our department and the possibility, at least, of sending Internet mail, however.)

These days, students beginning their university studies have probably already been using the Internet for most of their lives, will have had at least one e-mail address as well as accounts for other online services, may be publishing blog entries and Web pages, and maybe even have their own Web applications accessible on the Internet. For them, arriving at a university is not about learning about new kinds of services and new ways of communicating and collaborating: it is about incorporating yet more ways of working online into their existing habits and practices.

So what should students expect from their university in terms of services? Well, if things have not changed that much over the years, they probably need a means of communicating with the administration, their lecturers and their fellow students, along with some kind of environment to help them do their work and provide things like file storage space and the tools they won’t necessarily be able to provide themselves. Of course, students are more likely to have their own laptop computer (or even a tablet) these days, and it is entirely possible that they could use that for all their work, subject to the availability of tools for their particular course, and since they will already be communicating with others on the Internet, communicating with people in the university is not really anything different from what they are already doing. But still, there are good reasons for providing infrastructure for students to use, even if those students do end up working from their laptops, uploading assignments when they are done, and forwarding their mail to their personal accounts.

The Student Starter Kit

First and foremost, a university e-mail account is something that can act as an official communications channel. One could certainly get away with using some other account, perhaps provided by a free online service like Google or Yahoo, but if something went wrong somewhere – the account gets taken over by an imposter and then gets shut down, for example – that channel of communication gets closed and important information may be lost.

The matter of how students carry out their work is also important. In computer science, where my experiences come from and where computer usage is central to the course, it is necessary to have access to suitable tools to undertake assignments. As everyone who has used technology knows, the matter of “setting stuff up” is one that often demands plenty of time and distracts from the task at hand, and when running a course that requires the participants to install programs before they can make use of the learning materials, considerable amounts of time are wasted on installing programs and troubleshooting. Thus, providing a ready-to-use environment allows students to concentrate on their work and to more easily relate to the learning materials.

There is the matter of the nature of teaching environments and the tools chosen. Teaching environments also allow students to become familiar with desirable practices when finding solutions to the problems in their assignments. In software engineering, for example, the use of version control software encourages a more controlled and rational way of refining a program under development. Although the process itself may not be recognised and rewarded when an assignment is assessed, it allows students to see how things should be done and to take full advantage of the opportunity to learn provided by the institution.

Naturally, it should be regarded as highly undesirable to train students to use specific solutions provided by selected vendors, as opposed to educating them to become familiar with the overarching concepts and techniques of a particular field. Schools and universities are not vocational training institutions, and they should seek to provide their students with transferable skills and knowledge that can be applied generally, instead of taking the easy way out and training those students to perform repetitive tasks in “popular” software that gives them no awareness of why they are doing those things or any indication that the rest of the world might be doing them in other ways.

Construction of the IT department's new building, University of Oslo

Minority Rule

So even if students arrive at their place of learning somewhat equipped to learn, communicate and do their work, there may still be a need for a structured environment to be provided for them. At that place of learning they will join those employed there who already have a structured environment in place to be able to do their work, whether that is research, teaching or administration. It makes a certain amount of sense for the students to join those other groups in the infrastructure already provided. Indeed, considering the numbers of people involved, with the students outnumbering all other groups put together by a substantial margin, one might think that the needs of the students would come first. Sadly, things do not always work that way.

First of all, students are only ever “passing through”. While some university employees may be retained for similar lengths of time – especially researchers and others on temporary contracts (a known problem with social and ethical dimensions of its own) – others may end up spending most of their working life there. As a result, the infrastructure is likely to favour such people over time as their demands are made known year after year, with any discomfort demanding to be remedied by a comfortable environment that helps those people do their work. Not that there is anything wrong with providing employees with a decent working environment: employers should probably do even more to uphold their commitments in this regard.

But when the demands and priorities of a relatively small group of people take precedence over what the majority – the students – need, one can argue that such demands and priorities have begun to subvert the very nature of the institution. Imposing restrictions on students or withholding facilities from them just to make life easier for the institution itself is surely a classic example of “the tail wagging the dog”. After all, without students and teaching an institution of higher education can no longer be considered a university.

Outsourcing Responsibility

With students showing up every year and with an obligation to provide services to them, one might imagine that an institution might take the opportunity to innovate and to evaluate ways in which it might stand out amongst the competition, truly looking after the group of people that in today’s increasingly commercialised education sector are considered the institution’s “customers”. When I was studying for my degree, the university’s mathematics department was in the process of developing computer-aided learning software for mathematics, which was regarded as a useful way of helping students improve their understanding of the course material through the application of knowledge recently acquired. However, such attempts to improve teaching quality are only likely to get substantial funding either through teaching-related programmes or by claiming some research benefit in the field of teaching or in another field. Consequently, developing software to benefit teaching is likely to be an activity located near the back of the queue for attention in a university, especially amongst universities whose leadership regard research commercialisation as their top priority.

So it becomes tempting for universities to minimise costs around student provision. Students are not meant to be sophisticated users whose demands must be met, mostly because they are not supposed to be around for long enough to be comfortable and for those providing services to eventually have to give in to student demands. Moreover, university employees are protected by workplace regulation (in theory, at least) whereas students are most likely protected by much weaker regulation. To take one example, whereas a university employee could probably demand appropriate accessibility measures for a disability they may have, students may have to work harder to get their disabilities recognised and their resulting needs addressed.

The Costs of Doing Business

So, with universities looking to minimise costs and to maximise revenue-generating opportunities, doing things like running infrastructure in a way that looks after the needs of the student and researcher populations seems like a distraction. University executives look to their counterparts in industry and see that outsourcing might offer a solution: why bother having people on the payroll when there are cloud computing services run by friendly corporations?

Let us take the most widely-deployed service, e-mail, as an example. Certainly, many students and employees might not be too concerned with logging into a cloud-based service to access their university e-mail – many may already be using such services for personal e-mail, and many may already be forwarding their university e-mail to their personal account – and although they might be irritated by the need to use one service when they have perhaps selected another for their personal use, a quick login, some adjustments to the mail forwarding settings, and logging out (never to return) might be the simple solution. The result: the institution supposedly saves money by making external organisations responsible for essential services, and the users get on with using those services in the ways they find most bearable, even if they barely take advantage of the specially designated services at all.

However, a few things may complicate this simplified scenario somewhat: reliability, interoperability, lock-in, and privacy. Reliability is perhaps the easiest to consider: if “Office 365” suddenly becomes “Office 360” for a few days, cloud-based services cannot be considered suitable for essential services, and if the “remedy” is to purchase infrastructure to bail out the cloud service provider, one has to question the decision to choose such an external provider in the first place. As for interoperability, if a user prefers Gmail, say, over some other hosted e-mail solution where that other solution doesn’t exchange messages properly with Gmail, that user will be in the awkward position of having to choose between a compromised experience in their preferred solution or an experience they regard as inconvenient or inferior. With services more exotic and less standardised than e-mail, the risk is that a user’s preferred services or software will not work with the chosen cloud-based service at all. Either way, users are forced to adopt services they dislike or otherwise have objections to using.

Miscellaneous waste

Product Placement

With users firmly parked on a specific vendor’s cloud-based platform, the temptation will naturally grow amongst some members of an organisation to “take advantage” of the other services on that platform whether they support interoperability or not. Users will be forced to log into the solution they would rather avoid or ignore in order to participate in processes and activities initiated by those who have actively embraced that platform. This is rather similar to the experience of getting a Microsoft Office document in an e-mail by someone requesting that one reads it and provides feedback, even though recipients may not have access to a compatible version of Microsoft Office or even run the software in question at all. In an organisational context, legitimate complaints about poor workflow, inappropriate tool use, and even plain unavailability of software (imagine being a software developer using a GNU/Linux or Unix workstation!) are often “steamrollered” by management and the worker is told to “deal with it”. Suddenly, everyone has to adapt to the tool choices of a few managerial product evangelists instead of participating in a standards-based infrastructure where the most important thing is just getting the work done.

We should not be surprised that vendors might be very enthusiastic to see organisations adopt both their traditional products as well as cloud-based platforms. Not only are the users exposed to such vendors’ products, often to the exclusion of any competing or alternative products, but by having to sign up for those vendors’ services, organisations are effectively recruiting customers for the vendor. Indeed, given the potential commercial benefits of recruiting new customers – in the academic context, that would be a new group of students every year – it is conceivable that vendors might offer discounts on products, waive the purchase prices, or even pay organisations in the form of services rendered to get access to new customers and increased revenue. Down the line, this pays off for the vendor: its organisational customers are truly locked in, cannot easily switch to other solutions, and end up paying through the nose to help the vendor recruit new customers.

How Much Are You Worth?

All of the above concerns are valid, but the most important one of all for many people is that of privacy. Now, most people have a complicated relationship with privacy: most people probably believe that they deserve to have a form of privacy, but at the same time many people are quite happy to be indiscreet if they think no-one else is watching or no-one else cares about what they are doing.

So, they are quite happy to share information about themselves (or content that they have created or acquired themselves) with a helpful provider of services on the Internet. After all, if that provider offers services that permit convenient ways of doing things that might be awkward to do otherwise, and especially if no money is changing hands, surely the meagre “payment” of tedious documents, mundane exchanges of messages, unremarkable images and videos, and so on, all with no apparently significant value or benefit to the provider, gets the customer a product worth far more in return. Everybody wins!

Well, there is always the matter of the small print – the terms of use, frequently verbose and convoluted – together with how other people perceive the status of all that content you’ve been sharing. As your content reaches others, some might perceive it as fair game for use in places you never could have imagined. Naturally, unintended use of images is no new phenomenon: I once saw one of my photographs being used in a school project (how I knew about it was that the student concerned had credited me, although they really should have asked me first, and an Internet search brought up their page in the results), whereas another photograph of mine was featured in a museum exhibition (where I was asked for permission, although the photograph was a lot less remarkable than the one found by the student).

One might argue that public sharing of images and other content is not really the same as sharing stuff over a closed channel like a social network, and so the possibility of unintended or undesirable use is diminished. But take another look at the terms of use: unlike just uploading a file to a Web site that you control, where nobody deems to claim any rights to what you are sharing, social networking and content sharing service providers frequently try and claim rights to your work.

Privacy on Parade

When everyone is seeking to use your content for their own goals, whether to promote their own businesses or to provide nice imagery to make their political advocacy more palatable, or indeed to support any number of potential and dubious endeavours that you may not agree with, it is understandable that you might want to be a bit more cautious about who wants a piece of your content and what they intend to do with it once they have it. Consequently, you might decide that you only want to deal with the companies and services you feel you can trust.

What does this have to do with students and the cloud? Well, unlike the services that a student may already be using when they arrive at university to start their studies, any services chosen by the institution will be imposed on the student, and they will be required to accept the terms of use of such services regardless of whether they agree with them or not. Now, although it might be said that the academic work of a student might be somewhat mundane and much the same as any other student’s work (even if this need not be the case), and that the nature of such work is firmly bound to the institution and it is therefore the institution’s place to decide how such work is used (even though this could be disputed), other aspects of that student’s activities and communications might be regarded as beyond the interests of the institution: who the student communicates with, what personal views they may express in such communications, what academic or professional views they may have.

One might claim that such trivia is of no interest to anyone, and certainly not to commercial entities who just want to sell advertising or gather demographic data or whatever supposedly harmless thing they might do with the mere usage of their services just to keep paying the bills and covering their overheads, but one should still be wary that information stored on some remote server in some distant country might somehow make its way to someone who might take a closer and not so benign interest in it. Indeed, the matter of the data residing in some environment beyond their control is enough for adopters of cloud computing to offer specially sanctioned exemptions and opt-outs. Maybe it is not so desirable that some foreign student writing about some controversial topic in their own country has their work floating around in the cloud, or as far as a university’s legal department is concerned, maybe it does not look so good if such information manages to wander into the wrong hands only for someone to ask the awkward question of why the information left the university’s own systems in the first place.

A leaflet for a tourist attraction in the Cambridge area

Excuses, Excuses

Cloud-based service providers are likely to respond to fears articulated about privacy violations and intrusions by insisting that such fears are disproportionate: that no-one is really looking at the data stored on their servers, that the data is encrypted somewhere/somehow, that if anything does look at the data it is merely an “algorithm” and not a person. Often these protests of innocence contradict each other, so that at any point in time there is at least one lie being told. But what if it is “only an algorithm” looking at your data? The algorithm will not be keeping its conclusions to itself.

How would you know what is really being done with your data? Not only is the code being run on a remote server, but with the most popular cloud services the important code is completely proprietary – service providers may claim to support Free Software and even contribute to it, but they do so only for part of their infrastructure – and you have no way of verifying any of their claims. Disturbingly, some companies want to enforce such practices within your home, too, so that when Microsoft claims that the camera on their most recent games console has to be active all the time but only for supposedly benign reasons and that the data is only studied by algorithms, the company will deny you the right to verify this for yourself. For all you know the image data could be uploaded somewhere, maybe only on command, and you would not only be none the wiser but you would also be denied the right to become wiser about the matter. And even if the images were not shared with mysterious servers, there are still unpleasant applications of “the algorithm”: it could, for example, count people’s faces and decide whether you were breaking the licensing conditions on a movie or other content by holding a “performance” that goes against the arbitrary licensing that accompanies a particular work.

Back in the world of the cloud, companies like Microsoft typically respond to criticism by pointing the finger at others. Through “shell” or “front” organisations the alleged faults of Microsoft’s competitors are brought to the attention of regulators, and in the case of the notorious FairSearch organisation, to take one example, the accusing finger is pointed at Google. We should all try and be aware of the misdeeds of corporations, that unscrupulous behaviour may have occurred, and we should insist that such behaviour be punished. But we should also not be distracted by the tactics of corporations that insist that all the problems reside elsewhere. “But Google!” is not a reason to stop scrutinising the record of a company shouting it out loud, nor is it an excuse for us to disregard any dubious behaviour previously committed by the company shouting it the loudest. (It is absurd that a company with a long history of being subject to scrutiny for anticompetitive practices – a recognised monopoly – should shout claims of monopoly so loudly, and it is even more absurd for anyone to take such claims at face value.)

We should be concerned about Google’s treatment of user privacy, but that should not diminish our concern about Microsoft’s treatment of user privacy. As it turns out, both companies – and several others – have some work to do to regain our trust.

I Do Not Agree

So why should students specifically be worried about all this? Does this not also apply to other groups, like anyone who is made to use software and services in their job? Certainly, this does affect more than just students, but students will probably be the first in line to be forced to accept these solutions or just not be able to take the courses they want at the institutions they want to attend. Even in countries with relatively large higher education sectors like the United Kingdom, it can be the case that certain courses are only available at a narrow selection of institutions, and if you consider a small country like Norway, it is entirely possible that some courses are only available at one institution. For students forced to choose a particular institution and to accept that institution’s own technological choices, the issue of their online privacy becomes urgent because such institutional changes are happening right now and the only way to work around them is to plan ahead and to make it immediately clear to those institutions that the abandonment of the online privacy rights (and other rights) of their “customers” is not acceptable.

Of course, none of this is much comfort to those working in private businesses whose technological choices are imposed on employees as a consequence of taking a job at such organisations. The only silver lining to this particular cloud is that the job market may offer more choices to job seekers – that they can try and identify responsible employers and that such alternatives exist in the first place – compared to students whose educational path may be constrained by course availability. Nevertheless, there exists a risk that both students and others may be confronted with having to accept undesirable conditions just to be able to get a study place or a job. It may be too disruptive to their lives not to “just live with it” and accept choices made on their behalf without their input.

But this brings up an interesting dilemma. Should a person be bound by terms of use and contracts where that person has been effectively coerced into accepting them? If their boss tells them that they have to have a Microsoft or Google account to view and edit some online document, and when they go to sign up they are presented with the usual terms that nobody can reasonably be expected to read, and given that they cannot reasonably refuse because their boss would then be annoyed at that person’s attitude (and may even be angry and threaten them with disciplinary action), can we not consider that when this person clicks on the “I agree” button it is only their employer who really agrees, and that this person not only does not necessarily agree but cannot be expected to agree, either?

Excuses from the Other Side

Recent events have probably made people wary of where their data goes and what happens with it once it has left their own computers, but merely being concerned and actually doing something are two different things. Individuals may feel helpless: all their friends use social networks and big name webmail services; withdrawing from the former means potential isolation, and withdrawing from the latter involves researching alternatives and trying to decide whether those alternatives can be trusted more than one of the big names. Certainly, those of us who develop and promote Free Software should be trying to provide trustworthy alternatives and giving less technologically-aware people the lifeline that they need to escape potentially exploitative services and yet maintain an active, social online experience. Not everyone is willing to sacrifice their privacy for shiny new online toys that supposedly need to rifle through your personal data to provide that shiny new online experience, nor is everyone likely to accept such constraints on their privacy when made aware of them. We should not merely assume that people do not care, would just accept such things, and thus do not need to be bothered with knowledge about such matters, either.

As we have already seen, individuals can make their own choices, but people in organisations are frequently denied such choices. This is where the excuses become more irrational and yet bring with them much more serious consequences. When an organisation chooses a solution from a vendor known to share sensitive information with other, potentially less friendly, parties, they might try and explain such reports away by claiming that such behaviour would never affect “business applications”, that such applications are completely separate from “consumer applications” (where surveillance is apparently acceptable, but no-one would openly admit to thinking this, of course), and that such a vendor would never jeopardise their relationship with customers because “as a customer we are important to them”.

But how do you know any of this? You cannot see what their online services are actually doing, who can access them secretly, whether people – unfriendly regimes, opportunistic law enforcement agencies, dishonest employees, privileged commercial partners of the vendor itself – actually do access your data, because how all that stuff is managed is secret and off-limits. You cannot easily inspect any software that such a vendor provides to you because it will be an inscrutable binary file, maybe even partially encrypted, and every attempt will have been made to forbid you from inspecting it both through licence agreements and legislation made at the request of exactly these vendors.

And how do you know that they value your business, that you are important to them? Is any business going to admit that no, they do not value your business, that you are just another trophy, that they share your private data with other entities? With documentation to the contrary exposing the lies necessary to preserve their reputation, how do you know you can believe anything they tell you at all?

Clouds over the IT building, University of Oslo

The Betrayal

It is all very well for an individual to make poor decisions based on wilful ignorance, but when an organisation makes poor decisions and then imposes them on other people for those people to suffer, this ignorance becomes negligence at the very least. In a university or other higher education institution, apparently at the bottom of the list of people to consult about anything, the bottoms on seats, the places to be filled, are the students: the first in line for whatever experiment or strategic misadventure is coming down the pipe of organisational reform, rationalisation, harmonisation, and all the other buzzwords that look great on the big screen in the boardroom.

Let us be clear: there is nothing inherently wrong with storing content on some network-accessible service, provided that the conditions under which that content is stored and accessed uphold the levels of control and privacy that we as the owners of that data demand, and where those we have elected to provide such services to us deserve our trust precisely by behaving in a trustworthy fashion. We may indeed select a service provider or vendor who respects us, rather than one whose terms and conditions are unfathomable and who treats its users and their data as commodities to be traded for profits and favours. It is this latter class of service providers and vendors – ones who have virtually pioneered the corrupted notion of the consumer cloud, with every user action recorded, tracked and analysed – that this article focuses on.

Students should very much beware of being sent into the cloud: they have little influence and make for a convenient group of experimental subjects, with few powerful allies to defend their rights. That does not mean that everyone else can feel secure, shielded by employee representatives, trade unions, industry organisations, politicians, and so on. Every group pushed into the cloud builds the pressure on every subsequent group until your own particular group is pressured, belittled and finally coerced into resignation. Maybe you might want to look into what your organisation is planning to do, to insist on privacy-preserving infrastructure, and to advocate Free Software as the only effective way of building that infrastructure.

And beware of the excuses – for the favourite vendor’s past behaviour, for the convenience of the cloud, for the improbability that any undesirable stuff could happen – because after the excuses, the belittlement of the opposition, comes the betrayal: the betrayal of sustainable and decentralised solutions, the betrayal of the development of local and institutional expertise, the betrayal of choice and real competition, and the betrayal of your right to privacy online.