EuroPython 2010: Talks Selected and Announced!
Thursday, May 27th, 2010I wrote earlier about EuroPython 2010, the Python community conference taking place in Birmingham, United Kingdom in July this year. Well, the list of talks has finally been made available. In addition, there’s a tentative schedule that will probably be adjusted over the time before the conference as people request different slots, change their travel plans, and generally try and avoid leaving for the airport right after taking questions.
What’s new about EuroPython this year is that there are four days of talks, not three, across four (and a bit) simultaneous tracks. Although Python conferences have tried as many, if not more, tracks on various occasions, rarely have they attempted to exceed three days. Certainly, the PyCon UK organisers behind this year’s conference are nothing if not ambitious!

Outside the Conservatoire, Birmingham
This year, I aim to give a talk about Python, Wiki solutions, MoinMoin and other collaborative tools, based somewhat on what I have learned from working on the FSFE Fellowship Wiki and on other community Web sites. It won’t be possible to cover absolutely everything about planning, implementing and maintaining these kinds of sites, especially with the broad range of Free Software applications and tools that can be brought into action, but I hope to cover some essential topics in the allocated time, and there will naturally be some resources made available that people can study afterwards.
Once again, why not take a trip to Birmingham and take advantage of four whole days of Python-related talks and events? Should that not be enough, there are another two whole days of tutorials (albeit at a modest extra cost) featuring everything from Web framework development, testing, game programming (featuring PyWeek‘s very own Richard Jones!) and even the somewhat peripheral topic of Arduino-based hardware hacking. And after the main conference programme, the usual sprinting begins (included in the main conference fee).
Suddenly, even the full-price fee starts to look like very reasonable value for money indeed. Register here!