Paul Boddie's Free Software-related blog

Paul's activities and perspectives around Free Software

Some Attention to Detail

I spent some time recently looking at my Python-like language, Lichen, and its toolchain. Although my focus was on improving support for floating point numbers and arithmetic, of which more may need to be written in a future article, I ended up noticing a few things that needed correcting and had escaped my attention. One of these probably goes a long way to solving a mystery raised in a previous article.

The investigation into floating point support necessitated some scrutiny of the way floating point numbers are allocated when compiled Lichen programs are run. CPython – the C language implementation of a virtual machine for the Python language – has various strategies for reserving memory for floating point numbers, this not being particularly surprising given what it does for integers, as we previously saw. What bothered me was how much time was being spent allocating space for numbers needed to store computation results.

I spent quite a bit of time looking at the run-time support code for compiled programs, trying different strategies to “preallocate” number instances and other things, but it was when I was considering various other optimisation strategies and running generated programs in the GNU debugger (gdb) that I happened to notice something about the type definitions that are generated for instances. For example, here is what a tuple instance type looks like:

typedef struct {
    const __table * table;
    __pos pos;
    __attr attrs[__csize___builtins___tuple_tuple];
} __obj___builtins___tuple_tuple;

And here is what it should look like:

typedef struct {
    const __table * table;
    __pos pos;
    __attr attrs[__isize___builtins___tuple_tuple];
} __obj___builtins___tuple_tuple;

Naturally, I will excuse you for not necessarily noticing the crucial difference, but it is the size of the attrs array, this defining the attributes that are available via each instance of the tuple type. And here, I had used a constant prefixed with “__csize” meaning class size, as opposed to “__isize” meaning instance size. With so many things to think about when finishing off my toolchain, I had accidentally presented the wrong kind of value to the code generating these type definitions.

So, what was going to happen was that instances were going to be given the wrong number of attributes: a potentially catastrophic fault! But it is in the case of types like the tuple where things get more interesting than that. Such types tend to have lots of methods associated with them, and these methods are, of course, stored as class attributes.

Meanwhile, tuple instances are likely to have far fewer attributes, and even when the tuple data is considered, since tuples frequently have few elements, such instances are also likely to be far smaller than the size of the tuple class’s structure. Indeed, the following definitions are more or less indicative of the sizes of the tuple class and of tuple instances:

__csize___builtins___tuple_tuple = 36
__isize___builtins___tuple_tuple = 2

And I had noticed this because, for some reason unknown to me at the time but obviously known to me now, floating point numbers were being allocated using far more space than I thought appropriate. Here are some definitions of interest:

__csize___builtins___float_float = 43
__isize___builtins___float_float = 1

Evidently, something was very wrong until I noticed my simple mistake: that in the code generating the definitions for program types, I had accidentally used the wrong constant for instance attribute arrays. Fixing this meant that the memory allocator probably only needed to find 16 bytes or so, as opposed to maybe 186 bytes, for each number!

Returning to tuples, though, it becomes interesting to see what effect this fix has on the performance of the benchmark previously discussed. We had previously seen that a program using tuples was inexplicably far slower than one employing objects to represent the same data. But with this unnecessary allocation occurring, it seems possible that this might have been making some extra work for the allocator and garbage collector.

Here is a table of measurements from running the benchmark before and after the fix had been applied:

Program Version Time Maximum Memory Usage
Tuples 24s 122M
Objects 15s 54M
Tuples (fixed) 17s 30M
Objects (fixed) 13s 30M

Although there is still a benefit to using objects to model data in Lichen as opposed to keeping such data in tuples, the benefit is not as pronounced as before, with the memory usage now clearly comparable as we would expect. With this fix applied, both versions of the benchmark are even faster than they were before, but it is especially gratifying that the object-based version is now ten times faster when compiled with the Lichen toolchain than the same program run by the CPython virtual machine.