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Archive for the ‘English’ Category

Other people’s thoughts on “Freedom and security issues on x86 platforms”

Saturday, July 2nd, 2016

A couple of months ago, we had a brief discussion on the FSFE discussion mailing list about the topic of “Uncorrectable freedom and security issues on x86 platforms“, but it just came to my attention that a bunch of other people were discussing our discussion, too. Hacker News is, of course, so very “meta”, but fortunately they got onto discussing the actual topic as well.

The initial message in the original discussion advocated adopting the Power computing architecture as a primary hardware platform for Free Software. Now, the Hacker News participants were surprised that nobody mentioned SPARC and yet I was sure that SPARC did get mentioned in our discussion. A brief search doesn’t find any mention of it, however, and I’m embarrassed to admit that I do know about things like LEON and even used SPARC-based hardware for many years. (The Sun 4 workstations at my university had SPARC CPUs, for instance.)

I suppose the disconnect here involves price, availability and performance of readily-available products. Certainly, a free hardware SPARC implementation can be synthesised for an FPGA, but the previous discussion covered things like RISC-V in a similar fashion: it’s nice to have the ability to deploy a “soft processor” in an FPGA, but customers of computing products usually expect “hard” CPU performance. And you can at least buy ARM and MIPS CPUs, even if they aren’t free hardware implementations, having decent-enough performance which support Free Software from the very bottom of the software stack.

The participants in the meta-discussion wondered why MIPS became so popular given that there are licensing fees involved, whereas Sun made certain SPARC designs available under the GPL, and given that the SPARC architecture is supposedly royalty-free. For some manufacturers, this is asking the wrong question: they did not seek to license the patent-encumbered versions of the MIPS architecture; like the OpenRISC initiative, they merely implemented the unencumbered versions instead.

It would be nice to have a high-performance, inexpensive, readily-available free hardware CPU for use in free hardware designs. And of course those designs would support Free Software completely. But until that comes to pass, we have to work with what we can get. And indeed, for whichever architecture seems to be favoured for such a role, we also need to have usable and accessible hardware that is compatible with our favoured architecture so that we may prepare ourselves for the day it finally gets rolled out.

There might be a reason why SPARC isn’t so well supported by things like GNU/Linux distributions. Sadly, unlike various competitors, inexpensive SPARC products seem to be thin on the ground, and without those the efforts to maintain ports of large Free Software collections inevitably grind to a halt, but I would be only too happy for someone to point me to a source of products that I may have overlooked. There is no inherent reason why SPARC couldn’t be a viable platform for Free Software, regardless of what people may have to say about register windows!

Making Python Programs Faster with Shedskin

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

A few months ago, I had the opportunity to combine two of my interests: retrocomputing and Python programming. The latter needs little additional explanation, but the former perhaps requires a few more words. Retrocomputing is the study and use of computing equipment from an earlier era in computing, where such equipment is typically no longer in use, or is no longer in widespread use. My own experiences with microcomputers began in the 1980s and are largely centred upon those manufactured by Acorn Computers, such as the Acorn Electron and BBC Microcomputer.

Some History

One of my earlier initiatives was to attempt to document and understand the functioning of the Acorn Electron’s ULA integrated circuit: the Uncommitted Logic Array employed in the computer to generate video and perform input/output tasks. When Acorn decided to make the Electron as a variant of the BBC Microcomputer, the engineers merged many of the functions performed by separate chips into a single one, for several good and not-so-good reasons:

  • To reduce system complexity: having to connect several components and make sure that they all work correctly and in time with each other can be challenging, and it is arguably best to reduce the number of things that can go wrong by just reducing the number of things involved in the first place.
  • To reduce system cost: production becomes less complicated and savings can potentially be realised by combining discrete components.
  • To deepen the organisation’s experience with integrated circuit design: this being the company that developed the ARM architecture and eventually brought the first ARM chipset (CPU, audio/video controller, memory management unit, and input/output controller) to market.
  • To make a proprietary component that others could not readily clone: this being something of an obsession in the early 1980s marketplace.

Now, the ULA has the job of reading from memory and translating what it reads into a sequence of colour values, thus generating a picture on the screen. However, it has the annoying limitation of locking the CPU out of the memory (in fact, only the RAM which resides in a certain region) while it generates each line of the displayed image. Depending on which “screen mode” is selected (determining the resolution and colour depth), it may still let the CPU access the RAM at a lower speed, or it may effectively suspend the CPU for the entire time taken to generate a single horizontal display line.

Consequently, the Acorn Electron is considerably slower than the BBC Microcomputer for this reason: the BBC Micro employs faster memory and lets the CPU and its own video circuitry take turns with the memory while they both run at full speed; the Electron used cheaper memory as another cost-saving measure; reviews of the Electron, while generally positive about getting BBC Micro features for less, tended to note this performance degradation with some disappointment.

The Acorn Electron ULA

The Acorn Electron ULA (with socket cover/heatsink removed)

Some Background

Normally, the matter of the CPU stalling for much of its time would be considered a disadvantage, but my brother and I were having a discussion about software running from ROM (or, in fact, in the area of memory not affected by the ULA), with the pitfalls of such software needing to access the RAM and potentially becoming stalled as the CPU finds itself waiting for the ULA to do its work. Somehow the notion arose that the ULA effectively provides a kind of synchronisation mechanism for software needing to run in the period between display lines.

So, a program can read instructions from ROM and then, when it needs to know that the display is not being updated, it can attempt to access RAM. Whether or not the program stalls remains unknown to the program itself, but when it gets the result of accessing the RAM – perhaps immediately, perhaps after a few microseconds – it can be certain that the ULA is not accessing the RAM because it just did so itself.

A screen image showing the update region

An image showing the display update region (the "test card" picture) when the ULA accesses memory, with the black border indicating the region (or time period) during which the CPU may access the lower region of the Electron's memory.

(See the BBC Test Cards for the origin of the above picture.)

One might wonder what kind of program would benefit from synchronising itself to the display line periods. Well, one thing that tended to happen back in the microcomputing era, was the trick of reprogramming the display palette – the selection of colours shown on screen – so that a greater number of colours can be displayed simultaneously on the screen than would normally be the case for that particular display configuration. For example, a screen mode normally offering only four colours could instead offer the full range – eight “proper” colours on an Electron – if it switched the palette during screen updates. Even a screen mode offering only two colours could offer eight by employing palette switching.

And with a certain amount of experimentation, a working solution was eventually delivered (with only limited input needed from my side). By running software in a ROM (or from RAM mapped into the same area of memory as a ROM), it became possible to reliably change the palette on a line-by-line basis, bridging the gap between a medium-resolution four-colour mode and a hypothetical eight-colour version that would only become available on Acorn’s ARM-based microcomputers. Although only four colours can be used per display line, each of the 256 display lines can employ four-colour combinations of the full eight colours, not quite making an eight-colour mode – which would, of course, allow eight colours on every display line – but still permitting graphical output much closer to a true eight-colour mode than can be contemplated with a restrictive four-colour mode.

Rainbow lorikeets on a lawn

Rainbow lorikeets on a lawn (left: 4 colours from 8 per display line; right: 8 colours per display line)

Palette Optimisation

With the trick in place to switch the palette on demand, all that remained was to make a program that could take an input image and to optimise the colours so that…

  1. Only the eight permitted colours (black, white, primary and secondary colours) are used in the image.
  2. No pixel row (display line) employs more than four different colours.

Expectations were rather low at first. First of all, in this era of bountiful quantities of fresh imagery, most pictures appear to have plenty of colours and are photographs, and so the easiest images to use are the ones that first need to be reduced in both resolution and colour depth. And once this is done, the job of optimising the colours to meet the second of the above criteria is required. So, initially, very simple techniques were employed to do both of these things.

Later, after some discussions, it appeared that integrating the two processing activities and, crucially, applying basic dithering and error propagation techniques, made it possible to represent complicated “deep-colour” images within the limited display representation.

Magnified details of the two representations

Magnified details of the two representations

Closer examination of the above images reveals how the algorithm attempts to spread the responsibility of representing colours across rows, being restricted to the choice of four colours (in the left image) to produce the appropriate tones that are more readily encoded using eight colours (in the right image).

Tuning the Implementation

To perform the optimisation process, I wrote a program which took an input image, rotated and scaled it to the target resolution, and processed the colours by inspecting the pixel data on each horizontal line (or row) of the image, calculating the appropriate four-colour combination for a line and generating suitable pixel data appropriate for this restricted palette. Since I am probably most comfortable with Python, and since Python also has various convenient image-processing libraries, I found myself developing a short Python program to do the work.

Now, Python doesn’t usually exhibit the highest performance, particularly for tasks such as this, and as the experimentation with different approaches started to lessen, with the most rewarding approaches making themselves evident, and with the temptation to convert lots of images just to see the results, my attentions turned to speeding up the program. Since I had been involved with packaging the Shedskin Python-to-C++ compiler for Debian, and thus the package was right there for me to use, it made sense to give it a try on this code.

At this point, the program was taking around 40 seconds to convert a 16 megapixel photographic image into the appropriate output representation. Despite using the Python Imaging Library to do the rotation and scaling, visiting each pixel in a Python program and doing some simple statistical and arithmetic operations was taking up rather a lot of time. In the past, I have used various “numeric” Python extensions – usually the ones supported by pygame – but things have moved on somewhat incoherently since then, and I also wanted to keep my code straightforward and readable, which is often something that is lost when making code “numeric”.

Time for Shedskin

I have used Shedskin before, and the first thing to think about when using it is how it will interact with non-Python code. Shedskin takes Python code and generates C++ which must then be compiled. If a whole program is translated to C++, the resulting executable can be run with no further work necessary. However, the program of interest here uses libraries that are actually implemented in C and are delivered as shared libraries that are loaded by CPython (the Python virtual machine implementation written in the C programming language). Shedskin cannot generally translate such a program in its entirety.

From the earliest days of Python, it was (and has remained) a common practice to first write library code in Python, desire better performance, and to then rewrite much of that code in the C programming language against the Python/C API (or CPython API) as an “extension module”, which is what these problematic shared libraries are. Such libraries act as part of the CPython virtual machine, more or less, and with suitable implementation choices made for performance, everything using such libraries will run much more quickly. Unfortunately, but understandably, Shedskin doesn’t seek to interact closely with the CPython implementation: it produces C++ code that works with its own runtime libraries.

So, instead of working with a single program file, I split my program up into a main program which deals with CPython extensions such as the Python Imaging Library, whose JPEG and PNG manipulation facilities are too convenient to abandon, along with a library module that does all the computation for this particular application. The library would provide its own image abstraction for pixel-level accesses, but be given the pixel data obtained by the main program, returning the processed data to the main program for saving to a file. By only compiling the library, Shedskin can produce a standalone library file containing hopefully high-performance implementations of the original Python code.

But how can such a library constructed by Shedskin be used? Would we now need to somehow translate the main program into C or C++ in order to be able to use it? Fortunately, but slightly confusingly, Shedskin can also generate the necessary CPython API wrapper around the translated code, making it possible for CPython to load this newly-created library after all.

(One might wonder how this is possible, but if one considers that arbitrary C or C++ code can be wrapped using the CPython API, with the values being sent in and out of a library only being converted at the interface, Shedskin has the luxury of generating something that lives by its own rules internally, with the wrapper doing the necessary “marshalling” of the values as they go in and come out. Such a wrapped library might be frowned upon in the Python world, not being a sophisticated extension module that takes full advantage of the CPython API, but such libraries were, and probably still are, the “bread and butter” of Python’s access to a wide array of tools and technologies.)

Knowing that this is a reasonable approach, I experienced a moment of excessive ambition. I tried to take the newly-broken-out library and compile it using the appropriate option:

shedskin -e

This took quite some time, and things did not go well…

*** SHED SKIN Python-to-C++ Compiler 0.9.2 ***
Copyright 2005-2011 Mark Dufour; License GNU GPL version 3 (See LICENSE)

[analyzing types..]
*WARNING* reached maximum number of iterations
[generating c++ code..]
*WARNING* 'get_combinations' function not exported (cannot convert argument 'c')
*WARNING* 'get_colours' function not exported (cannot convert return value)
*WARNING* 'balance' function not exported (cannot convert argument 'd')
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {None, int, tuple}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {float, int, tuple2}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {float, int, tuple}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {int, tuple}
*WARNING* variable 'data' has dynamic (sub)type: {None, int, tuple}
*WARNING* variable (class SimpleImage, 'data') has dynamic (sub)type: {None, int, tuple}

And then there were many more lines of a more specific nature:

*WARNING* function distance not called!
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {None, int, tuple}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {None, int, tuple}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {float, int, tuple2}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {int, tuple}

And so on. Now, if you are thinking that this will probably not end well, you would be right. Running make gives plenty of errors looking as scary as this…

optimiser.cpp: In function '__shedskin__::list<__shedskin__::tuple2<__shedskin__::tuple2<int, int>*, double>*>* __optimiser__::list_comp_0(__shedskin__::pyiter<double>*)':
optimiser.cpp:76:17: error: base operand of '->' is not a pointer
optimiser.cpp:77:21: error: base operand of '->' is not a pointer
optimiser.cpp:78:68: error: invalid conversion from '__shedskin__::tuple2<int, int>*' to 'int' [-fpermissive]
In file included from /usr/share/shedskin/lib/builtin.hpp:1204:0,
                 from optimiser.cpp:1:
/usr/share/shedskin/lib/builtin/tuple.hpp:211:28: error:   initializing argument 2 of '__shedskin__::tuple2<A, B>::tuple2(int, A, B) [with A = int; B = double]' [-fpermissive]
optimiser.cpp:78:70: error: no matching function for call to '__shedskin__::list<__shedskin__::tuple2<__shedskin__::tuple2<int, int>*, double>*>::append(__shedskin__::tuple2<int, double>*)'
optimiser.cpp:78:70: note: candidate is:
In file included from /usr/share/shedskin/lib/builtin.hpp:1203:0,
                 from optimiser.cpp:1:
/usr/share/shedskin/lib/builtin/list.hpp:96:25: note: void* __shedskin__::list<T>::append(T) [with T = __shedskin__::tuple2<__shedskin__::tuple2<int, int>*, double>*]
/usr/share/shedskin/lib/builtin/list.hpp:96:25: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from '__shedskin__::tuple2<int, double>*' to '__shedskin__::tuple2<__shedskin__::tuple2<int, int>*, double>*'

Of course, it would be unfair to expect this to have worked: Shedskin did indeed give us plenty of warnings! But we should at least try and understand such warnings if we are to make progress. After a few more iterations of this bold strategy, I realised that I had started out in the wrong fashion, presenting Shedskin with code that is too dynamic (and ambiguous) for it to reasonably infer sensible types and produce a compilable C++ representation.

First Things First

I started out by reintroducing some necessary changes gradually. First of all, I made a branch of my code committing the special image abstraction to be used in any future Shedskin-compiled version. Meanwhile, I looked at some things that might generally be performance-degrading in Python, and which might also help Shedskin deduce the program types more readily.

One thing that I had done in the initial implementation was to freely use sequences to represent colour triplets: the red, green and blue values. I was using code like this:

def invert(srgb):
    return tuple(map(lambda x: 1.0 - x, srgb))

This might be elegant – there’s no separate treatment of each element in the triplet – but there is likely to be more overhead in treating the triplet as a sequence, iterating over it, and so on. Moreover, Shedskin is likely to see objects appearing from a collection without any idea of what was put into that collection to start with. So, more mundane code was introduced in its place:

def invert(srgb):
    r, g, b = srgb
    return 1.0 - r, 1.0 - g, 1.0 - b

Such changes reduced the processing time from around 35 seconds to around 25 seconds. After various other performance modifications, such as avoiding the repeated computation of common values, this became around 18 to 19 seconds. Interestingly, merging such modifications into the branch with the special image abstraction reduced the running time to around 16 to 17 seconds. But at this point, obvious optimisation opportunities were more or less exhausted.

It then became time for another attempt to present this to Shedskin. This time, instead of calling the main program and the library, which is not particularly intuitive, I retained the name of the main program as and used the traditional naming for the library:

shedskin -e

This completed without any warnings, and running make produced a library file,, that Python recognises as an extension module. Running the program produced a palette-optimised image in just under 9 seconds!

Making the Difference

So, what were the differences that made Shedskin accept the library code? Since the splitting up of the code into two files makes comparisons between versions awkward, we can first compare the version of the program before our preparatory work with the version of the program that fed into our Shedskin version. There are four areas of changes:

  • The introduction of that image abstraction class – SimpleImage – to be used to manipulate images instead of using Python Imaging Library objects. (In fact, this is only used initially as a container for the raw pixel data, with such data being passed to library functions, as described below.)
  • Modifications to access the different components of colour triplets explicitly.
  • Some “common sense” performance modifications, avoiding the repeated computation of things that always produce the same result anyway.
  • Some local name adjustments.

This final point is something that the Shedskin documentation mentions prominently, but it can be easy to forget. Consider the following code (in the balance function of the library module):

dd = dict([(value, f) for f, value in d])

Originally, this looked like this:

d = dict([(value, f) for f, value in d])

This earlier version just reverses a dictionary mapping and assigns the result to the name of the original dictionary. Although this seems harmless enough, Shedskin’s analysis would be complicated substantially by having to deal with a name being reassigned and potentially being associated with completely different kinds of objects, even if in this case we are only dealing with dictionaries. (Even if the same type were only ever involved, as we see here, it would also prevent any analysis being done on the nature of the keys and values in the dictionaries.)

We can see the effect of this by trying to compile the functioning version with the earlier naming scheme reintroduced. First, we see a warning like this:

*WARNING* 'balance' function not exported (cannot convert argument 'd')

Since Shedskin propagates type information around the program, this leads to other problems:

*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {float, int, tuple2}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {float, int, tuple}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {int, tuple}
*WARNING* variable (function (function balance, 'list_comp_0'), 'value') has dynamic (sub)type: {int, tuple}
*WARNING* variable (function (function balance, 'list_comp_1'), 'f') has dynamic (sub)type: {float, int, tuple2}
*WARNING* variable (function (function balance, 'list_comp_1'), 'value') has dynamic (sub)type: {int, tuple}

And later in the messages, the more specific errors indicate the problem and its consequences:

*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {float, int, tuple2}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {float, int, tuple}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {int, tuple}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {float, int, tuple2}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {float, int, tuple}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {float, int, tuple2}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {float, int, tuple}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {float, int, tuple2}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {float, int, tuple}
*WARNING* class 'list' has no method 'items'
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {float, int, tuple2}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {float, int, tuple}
*WARNING* expression has dynamic (sub)type: {int, tuple}

And so on. Such warnings, which will cause errors if one tries to compile the result, can seem very intimidating, but within all these details the cause should be identifiable.

But another important aspect of the successful translation of the library module should not be forgotten: it is the matter of choosing the right initial functionality to give to Shedskin. Instead of trying to compile everything, it makes sense to concentrate on things like functions which are fairly self-contained, which do not call potentially vast regions of other program functionality, and which are invoked often, especially in loops that take a long time. Migrating a small piece of functionality at a time helps to keep the troubleshooting activity manageable.

By using the SimpleImage class as a convenient staging post for pixel data, simple library functions could be migrated first, and the library could be kept ignorant of the abstractions being maintained in the main program. Later on, as we shall see below, such abstractions and functions that require them could then be migrated themselves.

Broadening the Scope

With some core functionality migrated to a compilable extension module, it becomes possible to give other things the Shedskin treatment. At the start of the second attempt to get Shedskin to compile the code, quite a few functions were still being run by the CPython virtual machine, notably various image operations. With the functions called by these operations already migrated, it becomes possible to move each of these operations over into the extension module. The expectation here is that since these functions can now call each other without the overhead of the CPython API, as well as avoiding running code in the virtual machine, further performance improvements will occur.

And since Shedskin’s own runtime library supports certain Python standard library modules in accelerated form, it becomes interesting to migrate operations that employ such module functionality. For example, the get_combinations function can be moved to take advantage of Shedskin’s itertools implementation. And in addition to just moving functions, classes can also be compiled by Shedskin and potentially accessed more quickly, while remaining accessible to normal Python code that hasn’t been compiled.

Not all of these optimisations give the boost in performance that might be hoped for, perhaps even bringing performance penalties when first introduced. But it is important to look beyond any current, small optimisation to future optimisations that the accumulation of those small optimisations will permit. Moving the SimpleImage class into the extension module permits the migration of other code, with the consequence that the program when run takes around 6 seconds instead of 9 seconds: the apparent optimisation barrier is overcome, leading to yet more gains!

Some Conclusions

It is possible to make very useful performance gains just by revisiting code and writing it in a way that suits the language implementation. Starting out with an execution time of around 40 seconds, it was possible to make the program run in closer to 15 seconds, and that might have been enough for occasional conversion of images. But by adopting Shedskin and applying it to a subset of the program’s functionality, an execution time of 9 seconds was initially obtained. This might not be quite as impressive as the earlier two-and-a-half fold reduction in time (or, of course, a two-and-a-half fold increase in throughput), but it was obtained with little additional effort, with admittedly some planning for it being incorporated into the earlier optimisation work.

Ultimately, reaching around 6 seconds of execution time means that Shedskin was indeed able to more or less match earlier performance gains, but again with little actual optimisation effort. And one can argue that merely using Shedskin helped to inform those earlier gains, anyway. Regardless of what should take the credit, the program ended up running almost seven times faster than when we started out on this journey.

Tools like Shedskin have a slightly controversial place in the Python world. People like to point out that Shedskin really only compiles a “restricted subset” of Python: one that Shedskin is able to analyse. And as the above exercise demonstrates, modifications to programs are likely to be required to take advantage of it. But the resulting programs are still Python programs, and the CPython virtual machine will still run them, just slower – three times slower in this case – than if they were compiled.

Authors of tools like Shedskin and alternative implementations of the Python language have a tough decision to make. They must either deal with the continuously changing “full-fat” version of the language, with new features being added all the time that they have to support, with the risk that they will never catch up and never be considered a “proper” implementation. Or they must impose limitations on the form of the language and the features they support, knowing that even if their software accepts programs written in Python, it will be marginalised and regarded as a distraction from “proper” Python programming. And yet, Python as delivered by CPython offers little in the way of things that Shedskin and similar tools seek to offer, so it should be no wonder that such tools have come to exist.

Instead, one might wonder why it is that the language must continue to evolve in ways that frustrate static analysis and enhancements to program performance and scalability. Indeed, my own interests in the analysis of Python code have been somewhat rekindled by this exercise, but unlike the valiant efforts of other developers (such as the author of Nuitka and his continuing quest to support the compilation of “full-fat” Python), I have no intention of using Python as my gold standard. In essence, Python is and has been a productive language to use – that is why I have used it here and many times before – but the very nature of the language should be open to question and review.

If, by discarding features, something like Python can be more predictable and better-performing, why would exploring this avenue of inquiry be a bad thing? Shedskin shows us that there are benefits in doing so, and I hope that this article has also shown some practical techniques for using and understanding the tool. And maybe this will encourage me and others to make some more progress with our own Python program analysis efforts as well, if only to offer alternatives that seek to deliver on some of the unrealised promise and potential that Python seemed to offer back when we first discovered it, so many years ago now.

Oslo architecture (4 from 8 colours with scaled original)

An architectural picture from Oslo with the left version using 4 colours from 8 on every display line, the right version being a scaled version of the original.

Testing Times for Free Software and Open Hardware

Tuesday, January 12th, 2016

The last few months haven’t been too kind on Free Software and open hardware initiatives in a number of ways. Here, in a shorter form than one might usually expect from me, are some problematic developments on topics that I may have covered in the past year.

Software Freedom Undervalued

About a couple of months ago, the Software Freedom Conservancy started a fund-raising campaign after it became apparent that companies could not be relied upon to support the organisation’s activities. Since the start of the campaign, many individuals have stepped up and pledged financial support of their own, which is very generous of them, as is the support of enlightened organisations that have offered to match individual contributions.

Sadly, such generosity seems not to be shared by many of the largest companies making money from Free Software and from Linux in particular, and thus from the non-financial contributions that make projects like Linux viable in the first place, with many of those even coming from those same generous individuals who have supported the Conservancy financially. And let us consider for a moment why one prominent umbrella organisation’s members might not want to enforce the GPL, especially given that some of them have been successfully prosecuted for violating that licence, in relation to various Free Software projects, in the past.

The Proprietary Instincts of the BBC

The BBC Micro Bit was a topic covered in the last year, when I indicated a degree of caution about the mistakes of the past being repeated needlessly. And indeed, for some time, everything was being done behind the curtain of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), meaning that very little information was being made available about the device and accompanying materials, and thus very little could be done by the average member of the public to prepare for the availability of the device, let alone develop their own materials, software, accessories or anything else for it.

Since then, a degree of secrecy has been eliminated, and efforts have been made to get the embedded variant of Python known as Micropython working on the board. However, certain parts of that work still appear to be encumbered by NDA, arguably making the effort of developing Python-related materials something of a social networking exercise. Meanwhile, notorious industry monopolist, Microsoft, somehow managed to muscle in on the initiative and take control of the principally-supported method of developing software with the device. I guess people at the BBC and their friends in politics and business don’t always learn from the mistakes of the past, particularly as they spend other people’s money.

The Walled Garden Party’s Hangover for Free Software Development

Just over twelve months ago, I made some observations about the Python core development group’s attraction to GitHub. It seems that the infatuation with the enthusiastic masses and their inevitable unleashing on Python assets, with the expectation of stimulating an exponential upturn in development activity, will now be gratified through a migration of various Python infrastructure components to the proprietary and centralised service that GitHub offers. (I have my doubts as to whether CPython contribution barriers are really the cause of Python’s current malaise, despite the usual clamour for Git and the associated “network effects” amongst a community of self-proclaimed version control wizards whose powers somehow don’t extend to mastering simple workflows with other tools.)

Anatoly Techtonik makes some interesting points, which will presumably go unheard because those involved have all decided not to listen to him any more. One of the more disturbing ones is that the “comparison shopping” mentality, where Free Software developers abandon their colleagues writing various tools and systems in favour of random corporations offering proprietary stuff at no cost, may well result in the Free Software solutions in such areas becoming seen as uncompetitive and unattractive. What those making such foolish decisions fail to realise is that their own projects can easily get the same treatment, if nobody bothers to see beyond the end of their own nose.

The result of all this is less funding and fewer resources for Free Software projects, with potentially fewer contributions, too, as the attraction of supporting “losing” solutions starts to fade. Community-oriented Free Software is arguably grossly underfunded as it is: we don’t really need other Free Software developers abandoning or undermining their colleagues while ridiculing those colleagues’ “ideological purity“. And, of course, volunteer effort will undoubtedly be burned up in the needless migration to the proprietary solution, setting everyone up for another costly transition down the road, which experience indicates is always more work than anyone anticipated (if they even bothered to think ahead at all).

PayPal: Doesn’t Pay, Not Your Pal

It has been a long time since I wrote about the Neo900 project. Things were looking promising: necessary components had been secured, and everyone was just waiting for Nikolaus to finish his work with the Pyra handheld console. And then we learned that PayPal had decided to hold a significant amount of money as a form of “security”, thus cutting off a vital source of funds for actually doing the work. Apparently, PayPal have a habit of doing this kind of thing, on one reported occasion even taking the opportunity to then offer loans to those people they deliberately put in such a difficult position.

If you supported the Neo900 project and pledged funds via PayPal, you need to tell PayPal to actually pay the project. You know: like the verb in their company name. Otherwise, in the worst case, you may not only not get a Neo900 and not see it developed to completion, but you will also have loaned your money to a large corporation for a substantial period and earned no interest on that involuntary loan, perhaps even incurring fees for the privilege. (So, please see the “How to fix it” section of the relevant article.)

Maybe in 2016, people will become a lot clearer about who their real friends are. Let us hope so!

Supporting the Software Freedom Conservancy

Saturday, December 5th, 2015

Daniel Pocock asks whether supporting the Software Freedom Conservancy is the right thing to do, given the recent announcement of a fund-raising drive inviting individuals to sustain the organisation’s activities. The short answer is “yes it is”, but the question and the longer answer are still worth thinking about.

An Overview

A certain focus has been placed on the Conservancy’s licensing compliance activities, which are valuable for a number of reasons that we shall consider in a moment, but let us also consider the other work done by the organisation:

Although other organisations exist to look after Free Software projects in certain ways, many only offer technical facilities to those projects, whereas others rely on copyright assignments or comparable instruments in order to act as stewards for those projects. Unusually, the Conservancy instead offers a framework where projects may delegate responsibility for activities that would otherwise take time away from the vital work of developing software, rather than assuming all responsibility and leadership for a project as a starting point for cooperation.

So, by working with the Conservancy, developers may retain their project’s autonomy while being able to get help from the Conservancy when they need it. Indeed, the merits of the Conservancy’s offerings complement the offerings of other organisations in such a way that Debian has chosen to work more closely with the Conservancy to safeguard the interests of those developers making their work available via the Debian software distribution.

The image of member project logos gives a representative indication of the organisation’s influence and importance in the Free Software world today. Many of these projects provide vital infrastructure and tools that Free Software users and developers rely upon every single day.

Compliance and Enforcement

But what about those licensing compliance or licensing enforcement activities undertaken by the Conservancy? Some people might wonder whether there is a real need to ensure that individuals and organisations adhere to Free Software licences, and if they do not, whether it is worthwhile taking those parties to task on such matters. Others, arguably with their own agenda, may even dislike the very idea of bringing anyone to account for not respecting the Free Software licensing of various works.

First of all, we must ask whether Free Software licences are being violated. The sad answer to this is “on an industrial scale“, given the glut of products being manufactured on the back of Free Software and then sold without even notifying customers of their rights. When companies are approached about the source code for the copyleft-licensed software provided in their products, it is by all accounts a rare occurrence to be directed to a well-managed repository of code that can be built, installed and used on the product. If one is lucky, a hastily-prepared bundle of sources might be thrown over the wall, leaving the enquirer with the task of verifying that it really does generate the originally-shipped software.

And beyond those more favourable outcomes is the case of the mystery “original design manufacturer”, who was merely passing on stuff concocted by the platform vendor, with everybody else insisting that they hardly touched anything and that the software is someone else’s responsibility. Or the manufacturer who declares that they are not affected by the software licensing and that anything they find on the Internet is presumably fair game to use as they please.

Now, some people would advise Free Software developers not to expect too much after contributing anything to a project. Such people would probably also advise developers to use permissive licences: that way, they won’t build up any expectations around what people might do with their work, nor hold out any hopes that others might benefit from seeing the source code down the line.

Certainly, it rather suits some of those people to cultivate the notion that getting one’s code out there into widespread use should be the principal reward for a Free Software developer, not because it actually encourages generosity or delivers a sense of satisfaction or recognition, but because it keeps those developers in their place and discourages them from expecting anything more. Meanwhile, various companies do very nicely out of repackaging and selling such code, denying end-users any insight into – or control over – the code they end up using, and (of course) denying them the right to give away or sell such code to others themselves.

When choosing to use a copyleft licence, Free Software developers are making a valid statement: they are actively stating that anyone who receives their software should enjoy the benefits of being able to modify, install, run and redistribute it to others who would also benefit from it. This is nothing that anyone should be ashamed of, nor should it be something that people should be forced to abandon because others (for whatever reason) do not share the same goals or vision. But at the same time, it perhaps requires more attention to be paid towards those redistributing the software. If others fail to uphold the licence, there needs to be some mechanism in place to demand a remedy.

Some people are obviously never going to like the idea of licence enforcement. For a start, licence violators are not going to like it: it means that they can no longer get away with their shoddy engineering practices and turning a quick profit on code they happened to find online. It has previously been made very apparent that apologists for licence violators are likely to claim that licence enforcement will only “scare away business from open source” (being of the ideological persuasion that considers “open source” as a business productivity tool, as opposed to Free Software which is about end-user freedoms), and they also tend to advocate for more permissively-licensed software so that it will be virtually impossible for the average software outfit not to accidentally clear the resulting lower threshold for licence compliance.

But why should Free Software developers care about the convenience of blatantly profiteering, inept and often hostile companies? No-one forces those companies to use the software, and if they don’t like the licensing terms, they can always go and use something else. The problem here is firmly with the companies in question (and their apologists): they really want to use such software, but they also want to behave as if they own it, all so that they get to decide what kind of licence it might have, and all without having done the hard work of actually writing it themselves. In short, they want it all! Well, forgive the rest of us for not giving them the ingredients of a charmed existence on a silver platter!

Investments of Time and Money

Unfortunately, chasing up licence violators is costly in terms of time and money. The Conservancy actually takes a very gentle approach to seeking licensing compliance when you consider that other people accused of copyright infringement can expect hostile industry bodies working law-enforcement agencies like puppets and performing on-the-spot “audits” (not to mention the endless barrage of messaging about “piracy” aimed at individuals).

Here, Daniel gets on to something fairly important. While certain figures promote the virtues of volunteering one’s own time to write “open source” software, presumably around a day job which does not reward the average developer for writing Free Software, certain aspects of software development and distribution cannot be so easily covered by spontaneous volunteer contributions. Money is required, but that money has to come from somewhere. Again, people can be persuaded to donate their own money (alongside their own time) to help make things happen, but that money also has to come from somewhere.

Sadly, with the cultivation of the notion of the noble volunteer, together with the misguided idea that “open source” be promoted as the cheap or free-of-charge alternative to “commercial” software, the realm of Free Software development – as far as community-centred projects, not corporate projects, are concerned – has been left chronically underfunded. And when many corporate participants prioritise their own interests, the result is a funding gap that leaves vital projects undone or unfinished and a more general sustainability problem around how such projects may be started, staffed and supported.

Lately, I have read a few articles about people burning out, perhaps because they took on too much work, and perhaps because they believed that their “marketable skills” would be enhanced by a heavy portfolio of volunteer responsibilities, making them attractive to potential employers. Again, the interests of profit-making businesses are put before the needs or values of the individual, with the individual even feeling obliged to make this so. Indeed, there are commercial interests which gain from Free Software remaining perpetually underfunded: proprietary software vendors can portray Free Software solutions as being less capable and somehow worth less. That results in Free Software projects, whose offerings would be improved and more competitive with more available revenue, actually getting less and less funding, interest and support over time.

We should not be pandering to the interests of those who are effectively impoverishing us, degrading our life quality, or forcing us to choose between the things we believe in and the means to be able to live a decent-enough life. Quite how we can develop a sustainable stream of funding for projects that would benefit everybody, along with forms of organisation where such actual work may be undertaken, is a topic for another time. However, one way of stopping the exploitation of developers is to uphold the licences through which those developers have shared their contributions, and that requires us to realise that such efforts also require ongoing funding to become viable and to remain so.

So, of course, I believe that supporting the Software Freedom Conservancy is the right thing to do. And beyond the good work that is done by that organisation, sustained by what is effectively an investment in the continued viability of Free Software in a hostile world, I hope that people will gradually realise that investment is also more generally needed to sustain the creation and maintenance of Free Software as well.

imip-agent: Integrating Calendaring with E-Mail

Tuesday, November 17th, 2015

Longer ago than I had, until now, realised, I wrote an article about my ongoing exploration of groupware and, specifically, calendaring. As I noted in that article, I felt that a broader range of options may be needed for those wishing to expand their use of communications technologies beyond plain e-mail and into the structured exchange of other kinds of information, whilst retaining and building upon that e-mail infrastructure.

And I noted that more often than not, people wanting to increase their ambitions in this regard are often confronted with the prospect of abandoning what they already use successfully, instead being obliged to adopt a complete package of technologies, some of which they may not even need. While proprietary software and service vendors might pursue such strategies of persuasion – getting the big sale or the big contract – it is baffling that Free Software projects might also put potential users on the spot in the same way. After all, Free Software is very much about choice and control.

So, as I spelled out in that previous article, there may be some mileage in trying to offer extensions to existing infrastructure so that people can increase their communications capabilities whilst retaining the technologies they already know. And in some depth (and at some length), I described what a mail-centred calendaring solution might need to provide in order to address most people’s needs. Finally, I promised to make my own efforts available in this area so that anyone remotely interested in the topic might get some benefit from it.

Last month, I started a very brief exchange on a Debian- and groupware-related mailing list about such matters, just to see what people interested in groupware projects might think, also attempting to find out what they use for calendaring themselves. (Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be so many non-product-specific, public and open places to discuss matters such as this one. Search mail software lists for calendaring discussions and you may even get to see hostility towards anyone mentioning groupware.) Ultimately, to keep the discussion concrete, I decided to announce informally what I have been working on.

Introducing imip-agent

imip-agent logoCalendaring and distributed scheduling can be achieved over e-mail using the iMIP standard. My work relies on this standard to function, providing programs that are integrated in mail transfer agents (MTAs) acting as calendaring agents. Thus, I decided to call the project imip-agent.

Initially, and as noted previously, my interest in such matters started with the mail handling functionality of Kolab and the component called Wallace that is responsible for responding to requests sent to certain e-mail addresses. Meanwhile, Kolab provided (and maybe still provides) a rather inelegant way of preparing “free/busy” information describing the availability of calendar system participants: a daemon program would run periodically, scanning mailboxes for events stored in special folders, and generate completely new manifests of each user’s schedule. (This may have changed since I last looked at Kolab in any serious manner.)

It occurred to me that the exchange of messages between participants in a scheduling transaction should be sufficient to maintain a live record of each participant’s availability, and that some experimentation would demonstrate the feasibility or infeasibility of such an approach. I had already looked into how existing architectures prepare and consume free/busy information, and felt that I had enumerated the relevant essentials for a viable calendaring architecture based on e-mail exchanges alone.

And so I set about learning about mail handling programs and expanding my existing knowledge of calendar-related standards. Fortunately, my work trying to get Kolab configured in a nice way didn’t go entirely to waste after all, although I also wanted to support different MTAs and not use convoluted Postfix-specific integration mechanisms, and so had to read up about more convenient and approachable mechanisms that other systems use to integrate with mail pipelines without trying hard to be all “high performance” about it. And I also wanted to make it possible for people to adopt a solution that didn’t force them to roll out LDAP in a scary “cross your fingers and run this script” fashion, even if many organisations already rely on LDAP and are comfortable with it.

The resulting description of this work is now available on the Web, and an attempt has been made to document the many different aspects of development, deployment and integration. Naturally, it is a work in progress and not a finished product: one step on the road to hopefully becoming a dependable solution involves packaging for Free Software distributions, which would result in the effort currently required to configure the software being minimised for the person setting it up. But at the same time, the mechanisms for integration with other systems (such as mail, mailboxes and Web servers) still need to be documented so that such work may have a chance to proceed.

Why Bother?

For various reasons unrelated to the work itself, it has taken a bit longer to get to this point than previously anticipated. But the act of making it available is, for me, a very necessary part of what I regard as a contribution to a kind of conversation about what kinds of software and solutions might work for certain groups of people, touching upon topics like how such solutions might be developed and realised. For instance, the handling of calendar data, although already supported by various Python libraries, hasn’t really led to similar Python-based solutions being developed as far as I can tell. Perhaps my contribution can act as an encouragement there.

There are, of course, various Python-based CalDAV servers, but I regard the projects around them to be somewhat opaque, and I perceive a common tendency amongst them to provide something resembling a product that covers some specific needs but then leaves those people deploying that product with numerous open-ended questions about how they might address related needs. I also wonder whether there should be more library sharing between these projects for more than basic data interpretation, but I know that this is quite difficult to achieve in practice, even if these projects should be largely functionally identical.

With such things forming the background of Free Software groupware, I can understand why some organisations are pitching complete solutions that aim to do many things. But here, in certain regards, I perceive a lack of opportunity for that conversation I mentioned above: there’s either a monologue with the insinuation that some parties know better than others (or worse, that they have the magic formula to total market domination) or there’s a dialogue with one side not really extending the courtesy of taking the other side’s views or contributions seriously.

And it is clear that those wanting to use such solutions should also be part of a conversation about what, in the end, should work best for them. Now, it is possible that organisations might see the benefit in the incremental approach to improving their systems and services that imip-agent offers. But it is also possible that there are also organisations who will contrast imip-agent with a selection of all-in-one solutions, possibly being dangled in front of them on special terms by vendors who just want to “close the deal”, and in the comparison shopping exercise that ensues, they will buy into the sales pitch of one of those vendors.

Without a concerted education exercise, that latter group of potential users are never likely to be a serious participant in our conversations (although I would hope that they might ultimately see sense), but the former group of potential users should be most welcome to participate in our conversations and thus enrich the wealth of choices and options that we should be offering. They would, I hope, realise that it is not about what they can get out of other people for nothing (or next to nothing), but instead what expertise and guidance they can contribute so that they and others can benefit from a sustainable and durable solution that, above all else, serves them and their needs and interests.

What Next?

Some people might point out that calendaring is only a small portion of what groupware is, if the latter term can even be somewhat accurately defined. This is indeed true. I would like to think that Free Software projects in other domains might enter the picture here to offer a compelling, broader groupware alternative. For instance, despite the apparent focus on chat and real-time communications, one doesn’t hear too much about one of the most popular groupware technologies on the Web today: the wiki. When used effectively, and when the dated rhetoric about wikis being equivalent to anarchy has been silenced by demonstrating effective collaborative editing and content management techniques, a wiki can be a potent tool for collaboration and collective information management.

It also turns out that Free Software calendar clients could do with some improvement. Their deficiencies may be a product of an unfortunate but fashionable fascination with proprietary mail, scheduling and social networking services amongst the community of people who use and develop Free Software. Once again, even though imip-agent seeks to provide only basic functionality as a calendar client, I hope that such functionality may inform or, at the very least, inspire developers to improve existing programs and bring them up to the expected levels of functionality.

Alongside this work, I have other things I want (and need) to be looking at, but I will happily entertain enquiries about how it might be developed further or deployed. It is, after all, Free Software, and given sufficient interest, it should be developed and improved in a collaborative fashion. There are some future plans for it that I take rather seriously, but with the privileges or freedoms granted in the licence, there is nothing stopping it from having a life of its own from now on.

So, if you are interested in this kind of solution and want to know more about it, take a look at the imip-agent site. If nothing else, I hope that it reminds you of the importance of independently-developed solutions for communication and the value in retaining control of the software and systems you rely on for that communication.

An actual user reports on his use of my parallel processing library

Monday, November 16th, 2015

A long time ago, when lots of people complained all the time about how it was seemingly “impossible” to write Python programs that use more than one CPU or CPU core, and given that Unix has always (at least in accessible, recorded history) allowed processes to “fork” and thus create new ones that run the same code, I decided to write a library that makes such mechanisms more accessible within Python programs. I wasn’t the only one thinking about this: another rather similar library called processing emerged, and the Python core development community adopted that one and dropped it into the Python standard library, renaming it multiprocessing.

Now, there are a few differences between multiprocessing and my own library, pprocess, largely because my objectives may have been slightly different. First of all, I had been inspired by renewed interest in the communicating sequential processes paradigm of parallel processing, which came to prominence around the Transputer system and Occam programming language, becoming visible once more with languages like Erlang, and so I aimed to support channels between processes as one of my priorities. Secondly, and following from the previous objective, I wasn’t trying to make multithreading or the kind of “shared everything at your own risk” model easier or even possible. Thirdly, I didn’t care about proprietary operating systems whose support for process-forking was at that time deficient, and presumably still is.

(The way that the deficiencies of Microsoft Windows, either inherently or in the way it is commonly deployed, dictates development priorities in a Free Software project is yet another maddening thing about Python core development that has increased my distance from the whole endeavour over the years, but that’s a rant for another time.)

User Stories

Despite pprocess making it into Debian all by itself – or rather, with the efforts of people who must have liked it enough to package it – I’ve only occasionally had correspondence about it, much of it regarding the package falling out of Debian and being supported in a specialised Debian variant instead. For all the projects I have produced, I just assume now that the very few people using them are either able to fix any problems themselves or are happy enough with the behaviour of the code that there just isn’t any reason for them to switch to something else.

Recently, however, I heard from Kai Staats who is using Python for some genetic programming work, and he had found the pprocess and multiprocessing libraries and was trying to decide which one would work best for him. Perhaps as a matter of chance, multiprocessing would produce pickle errors that he found somewhat frustrating to understand, whereas pprocess would not: this may have been a consequence of pprocess not really trying very hard to provide some of the features that multiprocessing does. Certainly, multiprocessing attempts to provide some fairly nice features, but maybe they fail under certain overly-demanding circumstances. Kai also noted some issues with random number generators that have recently come to prominence elsewhere, interestingly enough.

Some correspondence between us then ensued, and we both gained a better understanding of how pprocess could be applied to his problem, along with some insights into how the documentation for pprocess might be improved. Eventually, success was achieved, and this article serves as a kind of brief response to his conclusion of our discussions. He notes that the multiprocess model inhibits the sharing of global variables, almost as a kind of protection against “bad things”, and that the processes must explicitly communicate their results with each other. I must admit, being so close to my own work that the peculiarities of its use were easily assumed and overlooked, that pprocess really does turn a few things about Python programs on its head.

Update: Kai suggested that I add the following, perhaps in place of the remarks about the sharing of global variables…

Kai notes that pprocess allows passing more than one variable through the multi-core portal at once, identical to a standard Python method. This enables direct translation of a single CPU for-loop into a multiple-CPU model, with nearly the same number of lines of code.

Two Tales of Concurrency

If you choose to use threads for concurrency in Python, you’ll get the “shared everything at your own risk” model, and you can have your threads modifying global variables as they see fit. Since CPython employs a “global interpreter lock”, the modifications will succeed when considered in isolation – you shouldn’t see things getting corrupted at the lowest level (pointers or references, say) like you might if doing such things unsafely in a systems programming language – but without further measures, such modifications may end up causing inconsistencies in the global data as threads change things in an uncoordinated way.

Meanwhile, pprocess also lets you change global variables at will. However, other processes just don’t see those changes and continue happily on their way with the old values of those globals.

Mutability is a key concept in Python. For anyone learning Python, it is introduced fairly early on in the form of the distinction between lists and tuples, perhaps as a curiosity at first. But then, when dictionaries are introduced to the newcomer, the notion of mutability becomes somewhat more important because dictionary keys must be immutable (or, at least, the computed hash value of keys must remain the same if sanity is to prevail): try and use a list or even a dictionary as a key and Python will complain. But for many Python programmers, it is the convenience of passing objects into functions and seeing them mutated after the function has completed, whether the object is something as transparent as a list or whether it is an instance of some exotic class, that serves as a reminder of the utility of mutability.

But again, pprocess diverges from this behaviour: pass an otherwise mutable object into a created process as an argument to a parallel function and, while the object will indeed get mutated inside the created “child” process, the “parent” process will see no change to that object upon seeing the function apparently complete. The solution is to explicitly return – or send, depending on the mechanisms chosen – changes to the “parent” if those changes are to be recorded outside the “child”.

Awkward Analogies

Kai mentioned to me the notion of a portal or gateway through which data must be transferred. For a deeper thought experiment, I would extend this analogy by suggesting that the portal is situated within a mirror, and that the mirror portrays an alternative reality that happens to be the same as our own. Now, as far as the person looking into the mirror is concerned, everything on the “other side” in the mirror image merely reflects the state of reality on their own side, and initially, when the portal through the mirror is created, this is indeed the case.

But as things start to occur independently on the “other side”, with things changing, moving around, and so on, the original observer remains oblivious to those changes and keeps seeing the state on their own side in the mirror image, believing that nothing has actually changed over there. Meanwhile, an observer on the other side of the portal sees their changes in their own mirror image. They believe that their view reflects reality not only for themselves but for the initial observer as well. It is only when data is exchanged via the portal (or, in the case of pprocess, returned from a parallel function or sent via a channel) that the surprise of previously-unseen data arriving at one of our observers occurs.

Expectations and Opportunities

It may seem very wrong to contradict Python’s semantics in this way, and for all I know the multiprocessing library may try and do clever things to support the normal semantics behind the scenes (although it would be quite tricky to achieve), but anyone familiar with the “fork” system call in other languages would recognise and probably accept the semantic “discontinuity”. One thing I’ve learned is that it isn’t always possible to assume that people who are motivated to use such software will happen to share the same motivations as I and other library developers may have in writing that software.

However, it has also occurred to me that the behavioural differences caused in programs by pprocess could offer some opportunities. For example, programs can implement transactional behaviour by creating new processes which may or may not return data depending on whether the transactions performed by the new processes succeed or fail. Of course, it is possible to implement such transactional behaviour in Python already with some discipline, but the underlying copy-on-write semantics that allow “fork” and pprocess to function make it much easier and arguably more reliable.

With CPython’s scalability constantly being questioned, despite attempts to provide improved concurrency features (in Python 3, at least), and with a certain amount of enthusiasm in some circles for functional programming and the ability to eliminate side effects in parts of Python programs, maybe such broken expectations point the way to evolved forms of Python that possibly work better for certain kinds of applications or systems.

So, it turns out that user feedback doesn’t have to be about bug reports and support questions and nothing else: it can really get you thinking about larger issues, questioning long-held assumptions, and even be a motivation to look at certain topics once again. But for now, I hope that Kai’s programs keep producing correct data as they scale across the numerous cores of the cluster he is using. We can learn new things about my software another time!

When will they stop pretending and just rename Mozilla to Firefox?

Monday, October 19th, 2015

It’s an odd-enough question. After all, the Firefox browser is surely called “Mozilla Firefox” if you use its full name, and the organisation behind it is called “Mozilla Corporation“. Mozilla has been responsible for various products and projects over the years, but if you actually go to the Mozilla site and look around now, it’s all Firefox, Firefox and, digging deeper, Firefox. Well, there’s also a mention of something called Webmaker, “apps”, and some developer-related links, presented within a gallery of pictures of the cool people working for Mozilla.

Now, I use Iceweasel, which is Debian’s version of Firefox, and it’s a good browser. But what concerns me is what has happened to certain other products produced by Mozilla that people also happen to be using. In the buzz that Mozilla are trying to create around their Firefox-centred strategy, with Firefox-the-browser, Firefox-the-mobile-OS, and whatever else the Firefox name will soon be glued onto, what treatment do things like Thunderbird get? Go to the Mozilla site and try and find the page for it: it’s easier to just use a search engine instead.

And once you’ve navigated to the product page for Thunderbird, the challenge of finding useful, concrete information continues. It may very well be the case that most people just want a download button and to be in and out of the site as fast as possible, on their way to getting the software installed and running. (If so, one really hopes that they did use a search engine and didn’t go in via Mozilla’s front page.) But what if you want to find out more about the code, the community, the development processes? Dig too deep in the support section – a reasonable path to take – and you’ll be back in Firefox country where there are no Thunderbirds to be found.

Now, I don’t use Thunderbird for my daily e-mail needs: given that I’ve used KDE for a decade and a half, I’ve been happy with Kontact for my modest e-mail retrieving, reading, writing and sending activities. But Thunderbird is used by quite a few other people, and I did indeed use it for a few years in a former workplace. I didn’t always like how it worked, especially compared to Kontact, but then again Kontact needed quite a bit of tuning to work to my tastes, especially when I moved over to KDE 4 (or Plasma, if you insist) and had to turn off all sorts of things that were bolted on but didn’t really work. Generally, however, both products do their job well enough.

When Mozilla announced that Thunderbird would take a back seat to other activities (which looks more like being pushed off the desk now, but anyway), people complained a lot about it. One would have thought that leveraging the common Mozilla codebase to keep delivering a cross-platform, Free Software e-mail client would help uphold the kind of freedom and interoperability in messaging that the organisation seeks to uphold on the Web generally. But I suppose the influencers think that webmail is enough, not least because the browser remains central in such a strategy. Unfortunately, webmail doesn’t exactly empower end-users with things like encryption and control over their own data, at least in the traditional sense. (Projects like Mailpile which deliver a Web-based interface locally via the browser are different, of course.)

So, given any need to remedy deficiencies with Thunderbird, where should one go? Fortunately, I did some research earlier in the year – maybe Mozilla’s site was easier to navigate back then – and found the Thunderbird page on the Mozilla Wiki. Looking again, I was rather surprised to see recent activity at such a level that it apparently necessitates weekly status meetings. Such meetings aren’t really my kind of thing, but the fact that they are happening does give me a bit more confidence about a product that one might think is completely abandoned if one were only paying attention to the official Mozilla channels. My own interests are more focused on the Lightning calendar plugin, and its official page is more informative than that of Thunderbird, but there’s also a collection of wiki pages related to it as well.

Once upon a time, there was a company called Mosaic Communications Corporation that became Netscape Communications Corporation, both of these names effectively trading on the familiarity of the Mosaic and Netscape product names. Given Mozilla’s apparent focus on “Firefox”, it wouldn’t surprise me if they soon went the other way and called themselves Firefox Corporation. But I would rather they sought to deliver a coherent message through a broad range of freedom-upholding and genuinely useful products than narrowing everything to a single brand and one-and-a-bit products that – in case those things don’t work for you – leave you wondering what your options are, especially in this day and age of proprietary, cloud-based services and platforms that are increasingly hostile to interoperability.

Without even a peripheral Mozilla Messaging organisation to block the tidal flow towards “convenient” but exploitative cloud services, one has to question Mozilla’s commitment in this regard. But those responsible could at least fix up the incoherent Web site design that would leave many wondering whether Thunderbird and other actively-supported Mozilla products were just products of their own vivid and idealistic imagination.

Random Questions about Fairphone Source Code Availability

Saturday, September 26th, 2015

I was interested to read the recent announcement about source code availability for the first Fairphone device. I’ve written before about the threat to that device’s continued viability and Fairphone’s vague position on delivering a device that properly supports Free Software. It is nice to see that the initiative takes such matters seriously and does not seem to feel that letting its partners serve up what they have lying around is sufficient. However, a few questions arise, starting with the following quote from the announcement:

We can happily say that we have recently obtained a software license from all our major partners and license holders that allows us to modify the Fairphone 1 software and release new versions to our users. Getting that license also required us to obtain rights to use and distribute Mentor Graphics’s RTOS used on the phone. (We want to thank Mentor Graphics in making it possible for us to acquire the distribution license for their RTOS, as well as other partners for helping us achieve this.)

I noted before that various portions of the software are already subject to copyleft licensing, but if we ignore those (and trust that the sources were already being made available), it is interesting to consider the following questions:

  • What is “the Fairphone 1 software” exactly?
  • Fairphone may modify the software but what about its customers?
  • What role does the Mentor Graphics RTOS have? Can it be replaced by customers with something else?
  • Do the rights to use and distribute the RTOS extend to customers?
  • Do those rights extend to the source code of the RTOS, and do those rights uphold the four freedoms?

On further inspection, some contradictions emerge, perhaps most efficiently encapsulated by the following quote:

Now that Fairphone has control over the Fairphone 1 source code, what’s next? First of all, we can say that we have no plans to stop supporting the Fairphone hardware. We will continue to apply security fixes as long as it is feasible for the years to come. We will also keep exploring ways to increase the longevity of the Fairphone 1. Possibilities include upgrading to a more recent Android version, although we would like to manage expectations here as this is still very much a longshot dependent on cooperation from license holders and our own resources.

If Fairphone has control over the source code, why is upgrading to a more recent Android version dependent on cooperation with licence holders? If Fairphone “has control” then the licence holders should already have provided the necessary permissions for Fairphone to actually take control, just as one would experience with the four freedoms. One wonders which permissions have been withheld and whether these are being illegitimately withheld for software distributed under copyleft licences.

With a new device in the pipeline, I respect the persistence of Fairphone in improving the situation, but perhaps the following quote summarises the state of the industry and the struggle for sustainable licensing and licence compliance:

It is rather unusual for a small company like Fairphone to get such a license (usually ODMs get these and handle most of the work for their clients) and it is uncommon that a company attempts and manages to obtain such a license towards the end of the economic life cycle of the product.

Sadly, original design manufacturers (ODMs) have a poor reputation: often being known for throwing binaries over the wall whilst being unable or unwilling to supply the corresponding sources, with downstream manufacturers and retailers claiming that they have no leverage to rectify such licence violations. Although the injustices and hardships of those working to supply the raw materials for products like the Fairphone, along with those of the people working to construct the devices themselves, make other injustices seem slight – thinking especially of those experienced by software developers whose copyright is infringed by dubious industry practices – dealing with unethical and untidy practices wherever they may be found should be part of the initiative’s objectives.

From what I’ve seen and heard, Fairphone 2 should have a better story for chipset support and Free Software, but again, an inspection of the message raises some awkward questions. For example:

In the coming months we are going to launch several programs that address different aspects of creating fairer software. For now, one of the best tools for us to reach these goals is to embrace open source principles. With this in mind and without further ado, we’re excited to announce that we are going to release the complete build environment for Fairphone OS on Fairphone 2, which contains the full open source code, all the tools and the binary blobs that will allow users to build their own Fairphone OS.

To be fair, binary blobs are often difficult to avoid: desktop computers often use them for various devices, and even devices like the Neo900 that emphasise a completely Free Software stack will end up using them for certain functions (mitigating this by employing other technical measures). Making the build environment available is a good thing: frequently, this aspect is overlooked and anyone requesting the source code can be left guessing about build configuration details in an exercise that is effectively a matter of doing the vendor’s licence compliance work for them. But here, we are left wondering where the open source code ends, where binary blobs will be padding out the distribution, and what those blobs are actually for.

We need to keep asking difficult questions about such matters even if what Fairphone is doing is worthy in its own right. Not only does it safeguard the interests of the customers involved, but it also helps Fairphone to focus on doing the right thing. It does feel unkind to criticise what seems like a noble initiative for not doing more when they obviously try rather hard to do the right thing in so many respects. But by doing the right thing in terms of the software as well, Fairphone can uphold its own reputation and credibility: something that all businesses need to remember, as certain very large companies have very recently discovered.

Upholding Freedoms of Communication

Friday, September 18th, 2015

Recently, I was alerted to a blog post by Bradley Kuhn of the Software Freedom Conservancy where he describes the way in which proprietary e-mail infrastructure not only withholds the freedoms end-users should expect from their software, but where the operators of such infrastructure also stifle the free exchange of information by refusing to deliver mail, apparently denying delivery according to seemingly arbitrary criteria (if we are to be charitable about why, for example, Microsoft might block the mails sent by an organisation that safeguards the rights of Free Software users and developers).

The article acknowledges that preventing spam and antisocial activities is difficult, but it rightfully raises the possibility that if things continue in the same way they have been going, one day the only way to use e-mail will be through subscribing to an opaque service that, for all we as customers would know, censors our messages, gathers and exploits personal information about us, and prevents people from contacting each other based on the whims of the operator and whatever agenda they might have.

Solved and Boring

Sadly, things like e-mail don’t seem to get the glory amongst software and solutions developers that other methods of online communication have experienced in recent years: apparently, it’s all been about real-time chat, instant messaging, and social networking. I had a conversation a few years ago on the topic of social networking with an agreeable fellow who was developing a solution, but I rather felt that when I mentioned e-mail as the original social networking service and suggested that it could be tamed for a decent “social” experience, he regarded me as being somewhat insane to even consider e-mail for anything serious any more.

But anyway, e-mail is one of those things that has been regarded as a “solved problem“, meaning that the bulk of the work needed to support it is regarded as having been done a long time ago, and the work needed to keep it usable and up-to-date with evolving standards is probably now regarded as a chore (if anyone really thinks about that work at all, because some clearly do not). Instead of being an exciting thing bringing us new capabilities, it is at best seen as a demanding legacy that takes time away from other, more rewarding challenges. Still, we tell ourselves, there are solid Free Software solutions available to provide e-mail infrastructure, and so the need is addressed, a box is ticked, and we have nothing to worry about.

Getting it Right

Now, mail infrastructure can be an intimidating thing. As people will undoubtedly tell you, you don’t want to be putting a mail server straight onto the Internet unless you know what you are doing. And so begins the exercise of discovering what you should be doing, which either entails reading up about the matter or just paying someone else to do the thinking on your behalf, which in the latter case either takes the form of getting some outside expertise to get you set up or instead just paying someone else to provide you with a “mail solution”. In this day and age, that mail solution is quite likely to be a service – not some software that you have to install somewhere – and with the convenience of not having to manage anything, you rely completely on your service provider to do the right thing.

So to keep the software under your own control, as Bradley points out, Free Software needs to be well-documented and easy to adopt in a foolproof way. One might regard “foolproof” as an unkind term, but nobody should need to be an expert in everything, and everybody should be able to start out on the path to understanding without being flamed for being ignorant of the technical details. Indeed, I would go further and say that Free Software should lend itself to secure-by-default deployment which should hold up when integrating different components, as opposed to finger-pointing and admonishments when people try and figure out the best practices themselves. It is not enough to point people at “how to” documents and tell them to not only master a particular domain but also to master the nuances of specific technologies to which they have only just been introduced.

Thankfully, some people understand. The FreedomBox initiative is ostensibly about letting people host their own network services at home, which one might think is mostly a matter of making a computer small and efficient enough to sit around switched on all the time, combined with finding ways to let people operate such services behind potentially restrictive ISP barriers. But the work required to achieve this in a defensible and sustainable way involves providing software that is easily and correctly configured and which works properly from the moment the system is deployed. It is no big surprise that such work is being done in close association with Debian.

Signs of the Times

With regard to software that end-users see, the situation could be a lot worse. KDE’s Kontact and KMail have kept up a reasonably good experience over the years, despite signs of neglect and some fairly incoherent aspects of the user interface (at least as I see it on Debian); I guess Evolution is still out there and still gets some development attention, as is presumably the case with numerous other, less well-known mail programs; Thunderbird is still around despite signs that Mozilla presumably thought that people should have been using webmail solutions instead.

Indeed, the position of Mozilla’s leadership on Thunderbird says a lot about the times we live in. Web and mobile things – particularly mobile things – are the new cool, and if people aren’t excited by e-mail and don’t see the value in it, then developers don’t see the value in developing solutions for it, either. But sometimes those trying to focus on current fashions fail to see the value in the unfashionable, and a backlash ensued: after all, what would people end up using at work and in “the enterprise” if Thunderbird were no longer properly supported? At the same time, those relying on Thunderbird’s viability, particularly those supplying it for use in organisations, were perhaps not quite as forthcoming with support for the project as they could have been.

Ultimately, Thunderbird has kept going, which is just as well given that the Free Software cross-platform alternatives are not always obvious or necessarily as well-maintained as they could be. Again, a lesson was given (if not necessarily learned) about how neglect of one kind of Free Software can endanger the viability of Free Software in an entire area of activity.

Webmail is perhaps a slightly happier story in some ways. Roundcube remains a viable and popular Web-hosted mail client, and the project is pursuing an initiative called Roundcube Next that seeks to refactor the code in order to better support new interfaces and changing user expectations. Mailpile, although not a traditional webmail client – being more a personal mail client that happens to be delivered through a Web interface – continues to be developed at a steady pace by some very committed developers. And long-established solutions like SquirrelMail and Horde IMP still keep doing good service in many places.

Attitude Adjustment

In his article, Bradley points out that as people forsake Free Software solutions for their e-mail needs, whether deciding to use an opaque and proprietary webmail service for personal mail, or whether deciding that their organisation’s mail can entirely be delegated to a service provider, it becomes more difficult to make the case for Free Software. It may be convenient to “just get a Gmail account” and if your budget (of time and/or money) doesn’t stretch to using a provider that may be friendlier towards things like freedom and interoperability, you cannot really be blamed for taking the easiest path. But otherwise, people should be wary of what they are feeding with their reliance on such services.

And those advocating such services for others should be aware that the damage they are causing extends far beyond the impact on competing solutions. Even when everybody was told that there is a systematic programme of spying on individuals, that industrial and competitive espionage is being performed to benefit the industries of certain nations, and that sensitive data could end up on a foreign server being mined by random governmental and corporate agencies, decision-makers will gladly exhibit symptoms of denial dressed up in a theatrical display of level-headedness: making a point of showing that they are not at all bothered by such stories, which they doubt are true anyway, and will with proud ignorance more or less say so. At risk are the details of other people’s lives.

Indicating that privacy, control and sustainability are crucial to any organisation will, in the face of such fact-denial, indeed invite notions that anyone bringing such topics up is one of the “random crazy people” for doing so. And by establishing such a climate of denial and marginalisation, the forces that would control our communications are able to control the debate about such matters, belittling concerns and appealing to the myth of the benign corporation that wants nothing in return for its “free” or “great value” products and who would never do anything to hurt its customers.

We cannot at a stroke solve such matters of ignorance, but we can make it easier for people to do the right thing, and to make it more obvious and blatant when people have chosen to do the wrong thing in the face of more conveniently and appropriately doing the right thing. We can evolve our own attitudes more easily, making Free Software easier to deploy and use, and in the case of e-mail not perpetuate the myth that nothing more needs to be done.

We will always have work to do to keep our communications free and unimpeded, but the investment we need to make is insignificant in comparison to the value to society of the result.

Hardware Experiments with Fritzing

Friday, August 28th, 2015

One of my other interests, if you can even regard it as truly separate to my interests in Free Software and open hardware, involves the microcomputer systems of the 1980s that first introduced me to computing and probably launched me in the direction of my current career. There are many aspects of such systems that invite re-evaluation of their capabilities and limitations, leading to the consideration of improvements that could have been made at the time, as well as more radical enhancements that unashamedly employ technology that has only become available or affordable in recent years. Such “what if?” thought experiments and their hypothetical consequences are useful if we are to learn from the strategic mistakes once made by systems vendors, to have an informed perspective on current initiatives, and to properly appreciate computing history.

At the same time, people still enjoy actually using such systems today, writing new software and providing hardware that makes such continuing usage practical and sustainable. These computers and their peripherals are certainly “getting on”, and acquiring or rediscovering such old systems does not necessarily mean that you can plug them in and they still work as if they were new. Indeed, the lifetime of magnetic media and the devices that can read it, together with issues of physical decay in some components, mean that alternative mechanisms for loading and storing software have become attractive for some users, having been developed to complement or replace the cassette tape and floppy disk methods that those of us old enough to remember would have used “back in the day”.

My microcomputer of choice in the 1980s was the Acorn Electron – a cut-down, less expensive version of the BBC Microcomputer hardware platform – which supported only cassette storage in its unexpanded form. However, some expansion units added the disk interfaces present on the BBC Micro, while others added the ability to use ROM-based software. On the BBC Micro, one would plug ROM chips directly into sockets, and some expansion units for the Electron supported this method, too. The official Plus 1 expansion chose instead to support the more friendly expansion cartridge approach familiar to users of other computing and console systems, with ROM cartridges being the delivery method for games, applications and utilities in this form, providing nothing much more than a ROM chip and some logic inside a convenient-to-use cartridge.

The Motivation

A while ago, my brother, David, became interested in delivering software on cartridge for the Electron, and a certain amount of discussion led him to investigate various flash memory integrated circuits (ICs, chips), notably the AMD Am29F010 series. As technological progress continues, such devices provide a lot of storage in comparison to the ROM chips originally used with the Electron: the latter having only 16 kilobytes of capacity, whereas the Am29F010 variant chosen here has a capacity of 128 kilobytes. Meanwhile, others chose to look at EEPROM chips, notably the AT28C256 from Atmel.

Despite the manufacturing differences, both device types behave in a very similar way: a good idea for the manufacturers who could then sell products that would be compatible straight away with existing products and the mechanisms they use. In short, some kind of de-facto standard seems to apply to programming these devices, and so it should be possible to get something working with one and then switch to the other, especially if one kind becomes too difficult to obtain.

Now, some people realised that they could plug such devices into their microcomputers and program them “in place” using a clever hack where writes to the addresses that correspond to the memory provided by the EEPROM (or, indeed, flash memory device) in the computer’s normal memory map can be trivially translated into addresses that have significance to the EEPROM itself. But not routinely using such microcomputers myself, and wanting more flexibility in the programming of such devices, not to mention also avoiding the issue of getting software onto such computers so that it can be written to such non-volatile memory, it seemed like a natural course of action to try to do the programming with the help of some more modern conveniences.

And so I considered the idea of getting a microcontroller solution like the Arduino to do the programming work. Since an Arduino can be accessed over USB, a ROM image could be conveniently transferred from a modern computer and, with a suitable circuit wired up, programmed into the memory chip. ROM images can thus be obtained in the usual modern way – say, from the Internet – and then written straight to the memory chip via the Arduino, rather than having to be written first to some other medium and transferred through a more convoluted sequence of steps.


Being somewhat familiar with Arduino experimentation, the first exercise was to make the circuit that can be used to program the memory device. Here, the first challenge presented itself: the chip employs 17 address lines, 8 data lines, and 3 control lines. Meanwhile, the Arduino Duemilanove only provides 14 digital pins and 6 analogue pins, with 2 of the digital pins (0 and 1) being unusable if the Arduino is communicating with a host, and another (13) being connected to the LED and being seemingly untrustworthy. Even with the analogue pins in service as digital output pins, only 17 pins would be available for interfacing.

The pin requirements
Arduino Duemilanove Am29F010
11 digital pins (2-12) 17 address pins (A0-A16)
6 analogue pins (0-6) 8 data pins (DQ0-DQ7)
3 control pins (CE#, OE#, WE#)
17 total 28 total

So, a way of multiplexing the Arduino pins was required, where at one point in time the Arduino would be issuing signals for one purpose, these signals would then be “stored” somewhere, and then at another point in time the Arduino would be issuing signals for another purpose. Ultimately, these signals would be combined and presented to the memory device in a hopefully coherent fashion. We cannot really do this kind of multiplexing with the control signals because they typically need to be coordinated to act in a timing-sensitive fashion, so we would be concentrating on the other signals instead.

So which signals would be stored and issued later? Well, with as many address lines needing signals as there are available pins on the Arduino, it would make sense to “break up” this block of signals into two. So, when issuing an address to the memory device, we would ideally be issuing 17 bits of information all at the same time, but instead we take approximately half of the them (8 bits) and issue the necessary signals for storage somewhere. Then, we would issue the other half or so (8 bits) for storage. At this point, we need only a maximum of 8 signal lines to communicate information through this mechanism. (Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten the other address bit! More on that in a moment!)

How would we store these signals? Fortunately, I had considered such matters before and had ordered some 74-series logic chips for general interfacing, including 74HC273 flip-flop ICs. These can be given 8 bits of information and will then, upon command, hold that information while other signals may be present on its input pins. If we take two of these chips and attach their input pins to those 8 Arduino pins we wish to use for communication, we can “program” each 74HC273 in turn – one with 8 bits of an address, the other with another 8 bits – and then the output pins will be presenting 16 bits of the address to the memory chip. At this point, those 8 Arduino pins could even be doing something else because the 74HC273 chips will be holding the signal values from an earlier point in time and won’t be affected by signals presented to their input pins.

Of all the non-control signals, with 16 signals out of the way, that leaves only 8 signals for the memory chip’s data lines and that other address signal to deal with. But since the Arduino pins used to send address signals are free once the addresses are sent, we can re-use those 8 pins for the data signals. So, with our signal storage mechanism, we get away with only using 8 Arduino pins to send 24 pieces of information! We can live with allocating that remaining address signal to a spare Arduino pin.

Address and data pins
Arduino Duemilanove 74HC273 Am29F010
8 input/output pins 8 output pins 8 address pins (A0-A7)
8 output pins 8 address pins (A8-A15)
8 data pins (DQ0-DQ7)
1 output pin 1 address pin (A16)
9 total 25 total

That now leaves us with the task of managing the 3 control signals for the memory chip – to make it “listen” to the things we are sending to it – but at the same time, we also need to consider the control lines for those flip-flop ICs. Since it turns out that we need 1 control signal for each of the 74HC273 chips, we therefore need to allocate 5 additional interfacing pins on the Arduino for sending control signals to the different chips.

The final sums
Arduino Duemilanove 74HC273 Am29F010
8 input/output pins 8 output pins 8 address pins (A0-A7)
8 output pins 8 address pins (A8-A15)
8 data pins (DQ0-DQ7)
1 output pin 1 address pin (A16)
3 output pins 3 control pins (CE#, OE#, WE#)
2 output pins 2 control pins (CP for both ICs)
14 total 28 total

In the end, we don’t even need all the available pins on the Arduino, but the three going spare wouldn’t be enough to save us from having to use the flip-flop ICs.

With this many pins in use, and the need to connect them together, there are going to be a lot of wires in use:

The breadboard circuit with the Arduino and ICs

The breadboard circuit with the Arduino and ICs

The result is somewhat overwhelming! Presented in a more transparent fashion, and with some jumper wires replaced with breadboard wires, it is slightly easier to follow:

An overview of the breadboard circuit

An overview of the breadboard circuit

The orange wires between the two chips on the right-hand breadboard indicate how the 8 Arduino pins are connected beyond the two flip-flop chips and directly to the flash memory chip, which would sit on the left-hand breadboard between the headers inserted into that breadboard (which weren’t used in the previous arrangement).

Making a Circuit Board

It should be pretty clear that while breadboarding can help a lot with prototyping, things can get messy very quickly with even moderately complicated circuits. And while I was prototyping this, I was running out of jumper wires that I needed for other things! Although this circuit is useful, I don’t want to have to commit my collection of components to keeping it available “just in case”, but at the same time I don’t want to have to wire it up when I do need it. The solution to this dilemma was obvious: I should make a “proper” printed circuit board (PCB) and free up all my jumper wires!

It is easy to be quickly overwhelmed when thinking about making circuit boards. Various people recommend various different tools for designing them, ranging from proprietary software that might be free-of-charge in certain forms but which imposes arbitrary limitations on designs (as well as curtailing your software freedoms) through to Free Software that people struggle to recommend because they have experienced stability or functionality deficiencies with it. And beyond the activity of designing boards, the act of getting them made is confused by the range of services in various different places with differing levels of service and quality, not to mention those people who advocate making boards at home using chemicals that are, shall we say, not always kind to the skin.

Fortunately, I had heard of an initiative called Fritzing some time ago, initially in connection with various interesting products being sold in an online store, but whose store then appeared to be offering a service – Fritzing Fab – to fabricate individual circuit boards. What isn’t clear, or wasn’t really clear to me straight away, was that Fritzing is also some Free Software that can be used to design circuit boards. Conveniently, it is also available as a Debian package.

The Fritzing software aims to make certain tasks easy that would perhaps otherwise require a degree of familiarity with the practice of making circuit boards. For instance, having decided that I wanted to interface my circuit to an Arduino as a shield which sits on top and connects directly to the connectors on the Arduino board, I can choose an Arduino shield PCB template in the Fritzing software and be sure that if I then choose to get the board made, the dimensions and placement of the various connections will all be correct. So for my purposes and with my level of experience, Fritzing seems like a reasonable choice for a first board design.

Replicating the Circuit

Fritzing probably gets a certain degree of disdain from experienced practitioners of electronic design because it seems to emphasise the breadboard paradigm, rather than insisting that a proper circuit diagram (or schematic) acts as the starting point. Here is what my circuit looks like in Fritzing:

The breadboard view of my circuit in Fritzing

The breadboard view of my circuit in Fritzing

You will undoubtedly observe that it isn’t much tidier than my real-life breadboard layout! Having dragged a component like the Arduino Uno (mostly compatible with the Duemilanove) onto the canvas along with various breadboards, and then having dragged various other components onto those breadboards, all that remains is that we wire them up like we managed to do in reality. Here, Fritzing helps out by highlighting connections between things, so that breadboard columns appear green as wires are connected to them, indicating that an electrical connection is made and applies to all points in that column on that half of the breadboard (the upper or lower half as seen in the above image). It even highlights things that are connected together according to the properties of the device, so that any attempt to modify to a connection that leads to one of the ground pins on the Arduino also highlights the other ground pins as the modification is being done.

I can certainly understand criticism of this visual paradigm. Before wiring up the real-life circuit, I typically write down which things will be connected to each other in a simple table like this:

Example connections
Arduino 74HC273 #1 74HC273 #2 Am29F010
A5 CE#
A4 OE#
A3 WE#
2 CP
3 CP
4 D3 D3 DQ3

If I were not concerned with prototyping with breadboards, I would aim to use such information directly and not try and figure out which size breadboard I might need (or how many!) and how to arrange the wires so that signals get where they need to be. When one runs out of points in a breadboard column and has to introduce “staging” breadboards (as shown above by the breadboard hosting only incoming and outgoing wires), it distracts from the essential simplicity of a circuit.

Anyway, once the circuit is defined, and here it really does help that upon clicking on a terminal/pin, the connected terminals or pins are highlighted, we can move on to the schematic view and try and produce something that makes a degree of sense. Here is what that should look like in Fritzing:

The schematic for the circuit in Fritzing

The schematic for the circuit in Fritzing

Now, the observant amongst you will notice that this doesn’t look very tidy at all. First of all, there are wires going directly between terminals without any respect for tidiness whatsoever. The more observant will notice that some of the wires end in the middle of nowhere, although on closer inspection they appear to be aimed at a pin of an IC but are shifted to the right on the diagram. I don’t know what causes this phenomenon, but it would seem that as far as the software is concerned, they are connected to the component. (I will come back to how components are defined and the pitfalls involved later on.)

Anyway, one might be tempted to skip over this view and try and start designing a PCB layout directly, but I found that it helped to try and tidy this up a bit. First of all, the effects of the breadboard paradigm tend to manifest themselves with connections that do not really reflect the logical relationships between components, so that an Arduino pin that feeds an input pin on both flip-flop ICs as well as a data pin on the flash memory IC may have its connectors represented by a wire first going from the Arduino to one of the flip-flop ICs, then to the other flip-flop IC, and finally to the flash memory IC in some kind of sequential wiring. Although electrically this is not incorrect, with a thought to the later track routing on a PCB, it may not be the best representation to help us think about such subsequent problems.

So, for my own sanity, I rearranged the connections to “fan out” from the Arduino as much as possible. This was at times a frustrating exercise, as those of you with experience with drawing applications might recognise: trying to persuade the software that you really did select a particular thing and not something else, and so on. Again, selecting the end of a connection causes some highlighting to occur, and the desired result is that selecting a terminal highlights the appropriate terminals on the various components and not the unrelated ones.

Sometimes that highlighting behaviour provides surprising and counter-intuitive results. Checking the breadboard layout tends to be useful because Fritzing occasionally thinks that a new connection between certain pins has been established, and it helpfully creates a “rats nest” connection on the breadboard layout without apparently saying anything. Such “rats nest” connections are logical connections that have not been “made real” by the use of a wire, and they feature heavily in the PCB view.

PCB Layout

For those of us with no experience of PCB layout who just admire the PCBs in everybody else’s products, the task of laying out the tracks so that they make electrical sense is a daunting one. Fritzing will provide a canvas containing a board and the chosen components, but it is up to you to combine them in a sensible way. Here, the circuit board actually corresponds to the Arduino in the breadboard and schematic views.

But slightly confusing as the depiction of the Arduino is in the breadboard view, the pertinent aspects of it are merely the connectors on that device, not the functionality of the device itself which we obviously aren’t intending to replicate. So, instead of the details of an actual Arduino or its functional equivalent, we instead merely see the connection points required by the Arduino. And by choosing a board template for an Arduino shield, those connection points should appear in the appropriate places, as well as the board itself having the appropriate size and shape to be an Arduino shield.

Here’s how the completed board looks:

The upper surface of the PCB design in Fritzing

The upper surface of the PCB design in Fritzing

Of course, I have spared you a lot of work by just showing the image above. In practice, the components whose outlines and connectors feature above need to be positioned in sensible places. Then, tracks need to be defined connecting the different connection points, with dotted “rats nest” lines directly joining logically-connected points needing to be replaced with physical wiring in the form of those tracks. And of course, tracks do not enjoy the same luxury as the wires in the other views, of being able to cross over each other indiscriminately: they must be explicitly routed to the other side of the board, either using the existing connectors or by employing vias.

The lower surface of the PCB design in Fritzing

The lower surface of the PCB design in Fritzing

Hopefully, you will get to the point where there are no more dotted lines and where, upon selecting a connection point, all the appropriate points light up, just as we saw when probing the details of the other layouts. To reassure myself that I probably had connected everything up correctly, I went through my table and inspected the pin-outs of the components and did a kind of virtual electrical test, just to make sure that I wasn’t completely fooling myself.

With all this done, there isn’t much more to do before building up enough courage to actually get a board made, but one important step that remains is to run the “design checks” via the menu to see if there is anything that would prevent the board from working correctly or from otherwise being made. It can be the case that tracks do cross – the maze of yellow and orange can be distracting – or that they are too close and might cause signals to go astray. Fortunately, the hours of planning paid off here and only minor adjustments needed to be done.

It should be noted that the exercise of routing the tracks is certainly not to be underestimated when there are as many connections as there are above. Although an auto-routing function is provided, it failed to suggest tracks for most of the required connections and produced some bizarre routing as well. But clinging onto the memory of a working circuit in real three-dimensional space, along with the hope that two sides of a circuit board are enough and that there is enough space on the board, can keep the dream of a working design alive!

The Components

I skipped over the matter of components earlier on, and I don’t really want to dwell on the matter too much now, either. But one challenge that surprised me given the selection of fancy components that can be dragged onto the canvas was the lack of a simple template for a 32-pin DIP (dual in-line package) socket for the Am29F010 chip. There were socket definitions of different sizes, but it wasn’t possible to adjust the number of pins.

Now, there is a parts editor in Fritzing, but I tend to run away from graphical interfaces where I suspect that the matter could be resolved in more efficient ways, and it seems like other people feel the same way. Alongside the logical definition of the component’s connectors, one also has to consider the physical characteristics such as where the connectors are and what special markings will be reproduced on the PCB’s silk-screen for the component.

After copying an existing component, ransacking the Fritzing settings files, editing various files including those telling Fritzing about my new parts, I achieved my modest goals. But I would regard this as perhaps the weakest part of the software. I didn’t resort to doing things the behind-the-scenes way immediately, but the copy-and-edit paradigm was incredibly frustrating and doesn’t seem to be readily documented in a way I could usefully follow. There is a Sparkfun tutorial which describes things at length, but one cannot help feeling that a lot of this should be easier, especially for very simple component changes like the one I needed.

The Result

With some confidence and only modest expectations of success, I elected to place an order with the Fritzing Fab service and to see what the result would end up like. This was straightforward for the most part: upload the file created by Fritzing, fill out some details (albeit not via a secure connection), and then proceed to payment. Unfortunately, the easy payment method involves PayPal, and unfortunately PayPal wants random people like myself to create an account with them before they will consider letting me make a credit card payment, which is something that didn’t happen before. Fortunately, the Fritzing people are most accommodating and do support wire transfers as an alternative payment method, and they were very responsive to my queries, so I managed to get an order submitted even more quickly than I thought might happen (considering that fabrication happens only once a week).

Just over a week after placing my order, the board was shipped from Germany, arriving a couple of days later here in Norway. Here is what it looked like:

The finished PCB from Fritzing

The finished PCB from Fritzing

Now, all I had to do was to populate the board and to test the circuit again with the Arduino. First, I tested the connections using the Arduino’s 5V and GND pins with an LED in series with a resistor in an “old school” approach to the problem, and everything seemed to be as I had defined it in the Fritzing software.

Given that I don’t really like soldering things, the act of populating the board went about as well as expected, even though I could still clean up the residue from the solder a bit (which would lead me onto a story about buying the recommended chemicals that I won’t bother you with). Here is the result of that activity:

The populated board together with the Arduino

The populated board together with the Arduino

And, all that remained was the task of getting my software running and testing the circuit in its new form. Originally, I was only using 16 address pins, holding the seventeenth low, and had to change the software to handle these extended addresses. In addition, the issuing of commands to the flash memory device probably needed a bit of refinement as well. Consequently, this testing went on for a bit longer than I would have wished, but eventually I managed to successfully replicate the programming of a ROM image that had been done some time ago with the breadboard circuit.

The outcome did rely on a certain degree of good fortune: the template for the Arduino Uno is not quite compatible with the Duemilanove, but this was rectified by clipping two superfluous pins from one of the headers I soldered onto the board; two of the connections belonging to the socket holding the flash memory chip touch the outside of the plastic “power jack” socket, but not enough to cause a real problem. But I would like to think that a lot of preparation dealt with problems that otherwise might have occurred.

Apart from liberating my breadboards and wires, this exercise has provided useful experience with PCB design. And of course, you can find the sources for all of this in my repository, as well as a project page for the board on the Fritzing projects site. I hope that this account of my experiences will encourage others to consider trying it out, too. It isn’t as scary as it would first appear, after all, although I won’t deny that it was quite a bit of work!