Paul Boddie's Free Software-related blog
Paul's activities and perspectives around Free Software
Adventures in Kolab Packaging and pykolab
After my previous efforts at building Kolab packages using more traditional Debian methods, my attention then turned to the nature of the software itself, particularly since the Debian Kolab packages (as currently available from the Kolab project’s own repository) do not configure the software so that it is immediately usable: that job is assigned to a program called setup-kolab, which is provided in the kolab-conf Debian package but really lives in the pykolab software distribution. Thus, my focus shifted to what pykolab is and does, and to any ways I might be able to improve or adjust that software.
A quick examination of the Debian packages produced by the pykolab source package gives an indication of the different things pykolab provides: a command framework for configuration (kolab-conf), a command framework for administration (kolab-cli), and an underlying library that supports these and other packages (pykolab). It surprised me slightly that there was so much Python involved with Kolab – my perception had been that the project was mostly KDE-related C++ libraries combined with PHP Web applications (sitting on top of some fairly well-known and established programs and libraries) – and since my primary programming language has been Python for quite some time, I took the opportunity to go through the code and see if there were any trivial but worthwhile adjustments that could be made to make more substantial further improvements more convenient.
Upon emerging from some verbose tidying efforts, hopefully being merged into the upstream code in the near future, I turned my attention to the way setup-kolab behaves. Although the tool mostly does the job already, there are things about it that are perhaps not quite as convenient as they could be. For example, until now, setup-kolab has made the user specify database credentials to access the MySQL database system (unless an explicit component other than MySQL or Roundcube has been indicated as an argument to the program), and in many cases this is not really necessary: the required database may already exist, and on a Debian system there are established ways to query the database system about existing databases without asking the user for the login details. Another desirable feature is that of being able to run setup-kolab and not have it try and perform configuration tasks that have already been done: although prior LDAP directory instances are detected and setup-kolab refuses to go any further unless a special option is given as a command argument, it would be nice if setup-kolab just mentioned that no work needs to be done, at least for most of the components.
Ultimately, setup-kolab might itself be called from packaging scripts invoked during the installation of various different packages, perhaps bringing in the debconf framework to present a standardised interface on Debian systems, but hopefully not demanding the user’s attention at all. Until then, I hope that it can offer a convenient way of setting Kolab up and/or checking that the different components are ready to support Kolab in use.
More Fun with Packaging
Changing the actual pykolab source code did also involve building the different binary packages from the pykolab source package, but this meant that doing other packaging-related things was largely ignored until someone asked a question on the #kolab IRC channel about the free/busy component and how it should be configured to function. I had not looked very much at this component at all, and I discovered that I did not even have it installed. The kolab-freebusy package sits on top of the other Kolab-related packages, so as I had been installing the kolab package and watching various dependencies being pulled in, kolab-freebusy managed to avoid being installed. (This is understandable from a packaging perspective as the free/busy functionality is an extension to the basic services provided by Kolab.)
Upon inspecting the configuration of the kolab-freebusy package, I noticed that it had not been set up right, either in its default configuration or by setup-kolab. Some further investigation revealed that setup-kolab was trying to configure a file that the kolab-freebusy package had renamed, thus making configuration somewhat ineffective. Fortunately, although not without some duplicated work before I realised, this particular bug had already been fixed in a later version of the package. Still, one or two other things also needed changing and thus a trip via pbuilder was in order.
One of the things that needed changing, or at least refining, concerns the relationship between kolab-freebusy and kolab-utils. The latter package provides the “free/busy daemon”, and one may indeed wonder what this is when the free/busy functionality must surely be provided by the package with the more obvious name. In fact, this is where a picture can be very descriptive:

The basic free/busy architecture in Kolab (made with Graphviz and made nicer using vidarh's notugly.xsl template)
So, since Kolab stores calendar information in IMAP but wants to be able to publish it in a relatively efficient way, the daemon runs periodically and exports free/busy resources for calendar users. Such information is then provided upon request when clients access the free/busy Web service provided by the kolab-freebusy package.
Although one can install only the Web service (in the kolab-freebusy package) and ask for free/busy information, the exercise is rather pointless: there will be no information to retrieve, at least in the default configuration of the system and with the default functionality being offered; only after obtaining and running the daemon (in the kolab-utils package) will the Web service have any use. I am inclined to think that if someone wants to install and use kolab-freebusy, they should also have kolab-utils pulled in for their convenience (or perhaps a package that only provides the daemon).
In Conclusion
All in all, I think Kolab offers plenty of things to explore, review, and – on occasion – fix or improve, but it has to be mentioned that once the packages provided the right directories for logging and free/busy resource storage, and once the Web service started to use the correct configuration, everything seemed to work as intended. I hope that with some more polishing, we will see something that more people will be able to try out and perhaps feel comfortable using in their own organisation.
Some things I would like to see, as I noted on the mailing list, include…
- Getting some of my changes upstream and into the packaging. On the latter front, the Kolab packaging effort in Debian itself is apparently being revived: this will be highly beneficial in a number of ways, not least that of using Debian-native packaging tools instead of the less-than-optimal Open Build Service.
- A revival of the Kolab Wiki. It is nice to be able to write things up somewhere, evolve a consensus about how things might be done, and collaboratively describe how things are already done: it is rather hard to do this on mailing lists or using reference documentation tools like Sphinx, and blogging about it only achieves so much.
- Actually improving the functionality and not just the nuts and bolts of getting Kolab installed and set up.
Obviously, I aim to continue doing these things and not just ask for things and expect to see others doing them, and I am quite sure that there are others in the community who are similarly motivated. If your organisation could benefit from Kolab or does so already, or if it benefits from any Free Software groupware solution, please consider supporting the developers of those solutions in their work.
Without actively developed Free Software groupware, there is a risk that, over time, other Free Software deployed in the average organisation may be under threat as proprietary software vendors and uninformed decision-makers use excuse after excuse to flush out diversity and replace it with their own favourite monoculture of proprietary products and solutions. By supporting Free Software groupware and establishing basic infrastructure founded on Free Software and open standards in your own organisation, you establish an environment of fair competition, nurture a healthy and often necessary technological diversity, and you give your organisation the strategic freedom that would otherwise be denied to you.
To have the choice of Free Software in any particular application or field, we need to sustain those giving us that choice and not just say that we would use it “if only it were better” and then pay a proprietary vendor for something nicer or shinier instead. Please keep such things in mind when evaluating solutions for your organisation’s immediate and future needs.