Paul Boddie's Free Software-related blog

Paul's activities and perspectives around Free Software

The Current Kolab Package Dependency Graph

A few weeks ago, I published a suggested dependency arrangement for Kolab in Debian. For completeness, here is a reasonably nice diagram showing the dependency arrangement used by the existing “vendor” packages:

The dependencies used by the current "vendor" packages for Kolab

The dependencies used by the current "vendor" packages for Kolab

As noted before, the experiment I have been performing reorganises the packages so that they can be configured one at a time, and I even managed to get the debconf system to ask the user any necessary installation-related questions.

(Once again, the slightly fancier than normal output is thanks to the notugly.xsl stylesheet – described here – and updated further by myself to fix a few things that seemed to go wrong. At some point, I’ll try and send my changes to vidarh and see if he likes them.)