Paul Boddie's Free Software-related blog

Paul's activities and perspectives around Free Software

Porting L4Re and Fiasco.OC to the Ben NanoNote (Part 2)

Having undertaken some initial investigations into running L4Re and Fiasco.OC on the MIPS Creator CI20, I envisaged attempting to get this software running on the Ben NanoNote, too. For a while, I put this off, feeling confident that when I finally got round to it, it would probably be a matter of just choosing the right compiler options and then merely fixing all the mistakes I had made in my own driver code. Little did I know that even the most trivial activities would prove more complicated than anticipated.

As you may recall, I had noted that a potentially viable approach to porting the software would merely involve setting the appropriate compiler switches for “soft-float” code, thus avoiding the generation of floating point instructions that the JZ4720 – the SoC on the Ben NanoNote – would not be able to execute. A quick check of the GCC documentation indicated the availability of the -msoft-float switch. And since I have a working cross-compiler for MIPS as provided by Debian, there didn’t seem to be much more to it than that. Until I discovered that the compiler doesn’t seem to support soft-float output at all.

I had hoped to avoid building my own cross-compiler, and apart from enthusiastic (and occasionally successful) attempts to build the Debian ones before they became more generally available, the last time I really had anything to do with this was when I first developed software for the Ben. As part of the general support for the device an OpenWrt distribution had been made available. Part of that was the recipe for building the cross-compiler and other tools, needed for building a kernel and all the software one would deploy on a device. I am sure that this would still be a good place to look for a solution, but I had heard things about Buildroot and so set off to investigate that instead.

So although Buildroot, like OpenWrt, is promoted as a way of building an entire system, it too offers help in building just the toolchain if that is all you need. Getting it to build the appropriately-configured cross-compiler is a matter of the familiar “make menuconfig” seen from the Linux kernel source distribution, choosing things in a menu – for us, asking for a soft-float toolchain, also enabling C++ support – and then running “make toolchain”. As a result, I got a range of tools in the output/host/bin directory prefixed with mipsel-buildroot-linux-uclibc.

Some Assembly Required

Changing the compiler settings for Fiasco.OC (in kernel/fiasco/src/Makeconf.mips) and L4Re (in l4/mk/arch/Makeconf.mips), and making sure not to enable any floating point support in Fiasco.OC, and recompiling the code to produce soft-float output was straightforward enough. However, despite the portability of this software, it isn’t completely C and C++ code: lurking in various places (typically in mips or ARCH-mips directories) are assembly language source files with the .S prefix, and in some C and C++ files one can also find “asm” statements which embed assembly language instructions within higher-level code.

With the assumption that by specifying the right compiler switches, no floating point instructions will be produced from C or C++ source code, all that remains is to determine whether any of these other code sections mention such forbidden instructions. It was asserted that Fiasco.OC doesn’t use any floating point instructions at all. Meanwhile, I couldn’t find any floating point instructions in the generated code: “mipsel-linux-gnu-objdump -D some-output-file” (or, indeed, “mipsel-buildroot-linux-uclibc-objdump -D some-output-file”) now started to become a familiar acquaintance if not exactly a friend!

In fact, the assembly language files and statements would provide other challenges in the form of instructions unsupported by the JZ4720. Again, I had the choice of either trying to support MIPS32r2 instructions, like rdhwr, by providing “reserved instruction” handlers, or to rewrite these instructions in forms suitable for the JZ4720. At least within Fiasco.OC – the “kernel” – where the environment for executing instructions is generally privileged, it is possible to reformulate MIPS32r2 instructions in terms of others. I will return to the details of these instructions later on.

Where to Find Things

Having spent all this time looking around in the L4Re and Fiasco.OC code, it is perhaps worth briefly mentioning where certain things can be found. The heart of the action in the kernel is found in these places:

Directory Significance
kernel/fiasco/src The top-level directory of the kernel sources, having some MIPS-specific files
kernel/fiasco/src/drivers/mips Various hardware abstractions related to MIPS
kernel/fiasco/src/jdb/mips MIPS-specific support code for the kernel debugger (which I don’t use)
kernel/fiasco/src/kern/mips MIPS-specific support code for the kernel itself
kernel/fiasco/src/templates Device configuration details

As noted above, I don’t use the kernel debugger, but I still made some edits that might make it possible to use it later on. For the most part, the bulk of my time and effort was spent in the src/kern/mips hierarchy, occasionally discovering things in src/drivers/mips that also needed some attention.

Describing the Ben

So it started to make sense to consider how the Ben might be described in terms of a kernel configuration, and whether we might want to indicate a less sophisticated revision of the architecture so that we could test for it in the code and offer alternative sequences of instructions where possible. There are a few different places where hardware platforms are described within Fiasco.OC, and I ended up defining the following:

  • An architecture version (MIPS32r1) for the JZ4720 (in kernel/fiasco/src/kern/mips/Kconfig)
  • A definition for the Ben itself (in kernel/fiasco/src/templates/globalconfig.out.mips-qi_lb60)
  • A board entry for the Ben (in kernel/fiasco/src/kern/mips/bsp/qi_lb60/Kconfig) as part of a board-specific collection of functionality

This is not by any means enough, even disregarding any code required to do things specific to the Ben. But with the additional configuration setting for the JZ4720, which I called CPU_MIPS32_R1, it becomes possible to go around inside the kernel code and start to mark up places which need different instruction sequences for the Ben, using CONFIG_CPU_MIPS32_R1 as the symbol corresponding to this setting in the code itself. There are places where this new setting will also change the compiler’s behaviour: in kernel/fiasco/src/Makeconf.mips, the -march=mips32 compiler switch is activated by the setting, preventing the compiler from generating instructions we do not want.

For the board-specific functionality (found in kernel/fiasco/src/kern/mips/bsp/qi_lb60), I took the CI20’s collection of files as a starting point. Fortunately for me, the Ben’s JZ4720 and the CI20’s JZ4780 are so similar that I could, with reference to Linux kernel code and other sources of documentation, make a first effort at support for the Ben by transcribing and editing these files. Some things I didn’t understand straight away, and I only later discovered what some parameters to certain methods really mean.

But generally, this work was simply a matter of seeing what peripheral registers were mentioned in the CI20 version, figuring out whether those registers were present in the earlier SoC, and determining whether their locations were the same or whether they had been moved around from one product to the next. Let us take a brief look at the registers associated with the timer/counter unit (TCU) in the JZ4720 and JZ4780 (with apologies for WordPress converting “x” into a multiplication symbol in some places):

JZ4720 (Ben NanoNote) JZ4780 (MIPS Creator CI20)
Registers Offsets Size Registers Offsets Size
TER, TESR, TECR (timer enable, set, clear) 0x10, 0x14, 0x18 8-bit TER, TESR, TECR (timer enable, set, clear) 0x10, 0x14, 0x18 16-bit
TFR, TFSR, TFCR (timer flag, set, clear) 0x20, 0x24, 0x28 32-bit TFR, TFSR, TFCR (timer flags, set, clear) 0x20, 0x24, 0x28 32-bit
TMR, TMSR, TMCR (timer mask, set, clear) 0x30, 0x34, 0x38 32-bit TMR, TMSR, TMCR (timer mask, set, clear) 0x30, 0x34, 0x38 32-bit
TDFR0, TDHR0, TCNT0, TCSR0 (timer data full match, half match, counter, control) 0x40, 0x44, 0x48, 0x4c 16-bit TDFR0, TDHR0, TCNT0, TCSR0 (timer data full match, half match, counter, control) 0x40, 0x44, 0x48, 0x4c 16-bit
TSR, TSSR, TSCR (timer stop, set, clear) 0x1c, 0x2c, 0x3c 8-bit TSR, TSSR, TSCR (timer stop, set, clear) 0x1c, 0x2c, 0x3c 32-bit

We can see how the later product (JZ4780) has evolved from the earlier one (JZ4720), with some registers supporting more bits, exposing control over an increased number of timers. A lot of the details are the same, which was fortunate for me! Even the oddly-located timer stop registers, separated by intervals of 16 bytes (0x10) instead of 4 bytes, have been preserved between the products.

One interesting difference is the absence of the “operating system timer” in the JZ4720. This is a 64-bit counter provided by the JZ4780, but for the Ben it seems that we have to make do with the standard 16-bit timers provided by both products. Otherwise, for this part of the hardware, it is a matter of making sure the fundamental operations look reasonable – whether the registers are initialised sensibly – and then seeing how this functionality is used elsewhere. A file called tcu_jz4740.cpp in the board-specific directory for the Ben preserves this information. (Note that the JZ4720 is largely the same as the JZ4740 which can be considered as a broader product category that includes the JZ4720 as a variant with slightly reduced functionality.)

In the same directory, there is a file covering timer functionality from the perspective of the kernel: timer-jz4740.cpp. Here, the above registers are manipulated to realise certain operations – enabling and disabling timers, reading them, indicating which interrupt they may cause – and the essence of this work again involves checking documentation sources, register layouts, and making sure that the intent of the code is preserved. It may be mundane work, but any little detail that is not correct may prevent the kernel from working.

Covering the Ground

At this point, the essential hardware has mostly been described, building on all the work done by others to port the kernel to the MIPS architecture and to the CI20, merely adding a description of the differences presented by the Ben. When I made these changes, I was slowly immersing myself in the code, writing things that I felt I mostly understood from having previously seen code accessing certain hardware features of the Ben. But I knew that there will still some way to go before being able to expect anything to actually work.

From this point, I would now need to confront the unimplemented instructions, deal with the memory layout, and figure out how the kernel actually gets launched in the first place. This would also mean that I could no longer keep just adding and changing code and feeling like progress was being made: I would actually have to try and get the Ben to run something. And as those of us who write software know very well, there can be nothing more punishing than being confronted with the behaviour of a program that is incorrect, with the computer caring not about intentions or aspirations but only about executing the logic whether it is correct or not.