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EURO 2012 in Free Software – qualification results June 3, 2011

Here are todays results of our EURO 2012 in Free Software and open standards.

Turkey vs. Belgium was difficult. I don’t know what happend in the meantime, but I feel that having developed an own distribution and have it installed on every school computer plus making Free Software part of the official curriculum should have […]

Free Software in Education – March/April 2011

Here is again a list of things I came across over the last two months:

There is an article on (warning: terrible commercial blocker!) which answers 8 claims that are often brought agains Free Software solutions in education:

Open source is way too expensive. We can’t afford to change everything! Our teachers won’t use […]

EURO2012 in Free Software qualification – March 25

After a few months pause, the qualification for our EURO 2012 in Free Software will keep me busy for the next few days. The results of today’s matches can be found in this posting. Any comment is welcome.

"German Michel" missing a revelution in 1848

Austria vs. Belgium again: no changes here. The funny […]

EURO 2012 – qualification day #2 results

Fans (cc-by 2.0 click for source)

Today, the second day of the qualification of the UEFA EURO 2012 in regards to Free Software usage and Open Standards took place. Here are the preliminary results. They stay preliminary until September 7th.

I found these matches particulary intersting:

Belgium vs. Germany

I think, both are strong […]

Migration to Free Software in public administration

I just read an article (German) which states that the migration process in German federal administration is making progress. They also launced a competence center for “open source”. Very interesting.

Is anybody aware of similar projects/bureaus that assist government agencies with their migration process in other European countries? I would think, the obstacles they […]