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Protokoll des Fellowship-Treffens in Frankfurt am 4. Juni

Wir trafen uns wieder im Café Albatros, erstmalig draußen in diesem Jahr 🙂 Weil wir ein neues Gesicht dabei hatten gab es eine kurze Vorstellungsrunde und eine Einführung was die FSFE so macht und die Rolle des Fellowship-Programs. Es wurde die Wichtigkeit Freier Software angesprochen und auf die Bücher “Code” und “Program or be programmed” […]

Free Software in Education News – April

Here’s what we collected in April. If you come accross anything that might be worth mentioning in this series, please drop me a note, dump it in this pad or drop it on the edu-eu mailinglist!

FSFE Edu-Team activities Sebastian published an article in a booklet by the “Gesellschaft für Medienpädagogik und Kommunikationskultur” titled: Free […]

Working on FSFE’s education pages

In this post I want to share what is currently being discussed in the edu-team to get some more feedback to what the edu pages should look like. Please submit any comment or suggestion below, per email to the edu-team or this public etherpad.

The last thing we changed on the pages was the mission […]

Fellowship Meeting in Darmstadt

Last Wednesday, we finished our first round around Frankfurt with our Fellowship meeting in Darmstadt. Twelve Free Software enthusiasts met at Kneipe 41 and had delicious Pizza and drinks. I’ll list a fraction of the various topics below. On top of all the interesting things we discussed, it was a lot of fun again!

After […]

Free Software in Education NEWS – January

Here’s what I collected in January. If you come accross anything that might be worth mentioning in this series, please drop me a note, dump it in this pad or even better: drop it on the edu-eu mailinglist!

FSFE Edu-Team activities

We are still working on the edu pages on FSFE although I […]

Fellowship Meeting Rhein/Main in Frankfurt – Jan 2014

Last Wednesday, we had our first Fellowship Meeting in Frankfurt this year. Unfortunately, some people could not come for various reasons, but we had a nice, entertaining and very informative meeting nevertheless at Cafe Albatros.

Thanks “Sissi” for the tip! We had to find an alternative location quickly as the Club Voltaire had an event […]

First Fellowship meeting in Aschaffenburg

The third trip of our scheduled tour around Frankfurt went to Aschaffenburg (Just added the location to OpenStreetMap). Although one thought behind these excursions was to keep the commute of the Fellows short, only two of the 6 Fellows actually came from or near Aschaffenburg 🙂 We had two newcomers, one of them from Frankfurt.


Fellowship Treffen in Frankfurt im November

Gestern gab es wieder ein Fellowship-Treffen in Frankfurt. Es fanden sich wieder 7 Menschen zusammen um über Freie Software und gaplante Aktionen zu sprechen. Kurze Themenübersicht, die sich auch im Wiki für Ergänzungen findet.

ECM Bericht

Ich gab einen kurzen Überblick über das Treffen ähnlich dem von Lucile und Hugo über Infrastruktur und Tips für […]

Free Software in education news – October

Here’s what I collected in October. If you come accross anything that might be worth mentioning in this series, please drop me a note or, even better: drop it on the edu-eu mailinglist!

Edu-Team Peter blogged about FS edu again Elias blogged about why using US clould services in school is against the law (finnish). […]

Free Software in Education news – July 2013

FSFE Edu-Team activities Sebastian warns in a blog post to put the cost argument in front My last edu news summary was well received on the edu-eu mailinglist and let to the idea of creating an edu news planet. Anybody interested to join? We are working on updating the NLEDU campaign page as there […]