♺ @openrheinruhr Wikipedia? Ist doch #irrelevant… #FSFE Fellow Rainer über die #Relevanzkriterien der dt. #Wikipedia: http://ur1.ca/1ofvg
♺ @openrheinruhr Wikipedia? Ist doch #irrelevant… #FSFE Fellow Rainer über die #Relevanzkriterien der dt. #Wikipedia: http://ur1.ca/1ofvg new results for !euro4fs are online: https://blogs.fsfe.org/guido/2010/09/euro-2012-qualification-day-3/ Another day of the qualification of the UEFA EURO 2012 in regards to Free Software usage and Open Standards came to its end. Most interesting to me was the match Norway vs. Portugal. On the wiki page for public administration, Portugal looks much weaker than Norway, but we have a lot of good news from […] !euro4fs qualification day 2 results are online: https://blogs.fsfe.org/guido/2010/09/euro-2012-qualification-day-2-results/ Fans (cc-by 2.0 click for source) Today, the second day of the qualification of the UEFA EURO 2012 in regards to Free Software usage and Open Standards took place. Here are the preliminary results. They stay preliminary until September 7th. I found these matches particulary intersting: Belgium vs. Germany I think, both are strong […] @soerenk it’s about #FS not food, but Belgium will win 4:3 tonight anyway !euro4fs btw: how can fries possibly beat beer?! 😉 |