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EURO2012 qualifying: preparing for day #2

waiting for the matches

waiting for the matches (cc-by click for source)

As announced in a previous posting, I’ll compare the participating countries of the UEFA EURO 2012 in regards to Free Software usage and Open Standards. On September 3rd, the next qualification matches will take place. And it is going to be a busy day: 22 pairings. so, we’ll have to look at 44 countries…

Group team I team II
A Kazakhstan Turkey
A Belgium Germany
B Armenia Republic of Ireland
B Andorra Russia
B Slovakia Macedonia
C Faroe Islands Serbia
C Estonia Italy
C Slovenia Northern Ireland
D Romania Albania
D Luxembourg Bosnia-Herzegovina
D France Belarus
E Moldova Finland
E Sweden Hungary
E San Marino Netherlands
F Greece Georgia
F Latvia Croatia
G Montenegro Wales
G England Bulgaria
H Iceland Norway
H Portugal Cyprus
I Lithuania Scotland
I Liechtenstein Spain

The highlighted fields indicate that there is currently no data in the Fellowship wiki. So, these countries will loose for sure if it stays that way. If you know why they should win instead, please feed the wiki!