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Looking around, I notice only naked brunches. Except for the rosemary bush in front of the window, which is constantly loosing leafs due to culinary reasons, the other plants around are the type of ever-green-cemetery-like bushes. I realise, I really miss the blossoming trees already.
So, looking here and there, I found the 10 […]
Some issues are very uncomfortable to talk about, and extremely difficult to make a movie out of. There is always a risk of being either too mentoring in one or the other direction, or too disgusting in the way that sensitive topic is represented.
I remembered “Kissed” while reading the Twilight saga (I will […]
If you think you really did the best for your bonsai tiger – think again. Those folks from Asahi Kasei introduced completely new lifestyle for those divine creatures.
“We are all gonna die – 100 meters of existence” is made by the photographer Simon Hoegsberg and I am keeping it open already three days, watching the faces and discovering new details every time.
The shots was taken during the summer of 2007 in one of my ultimate cities, at the place, I […]
A wonderful pictures collection of the most beautiful kukeri!
Mummers day (Kukerovden) is another tradition, Bulgarians inherited from the ancient Thracia. Mummers fests are similar to the Western Europe’s carnivals. In the past they used to go to dance at night, to chase bad spirits away from the villages and fields. That’s why, people would […]
I hate social networks. Social networks are like a nest of bored old ladies. They are welcoming you in, only to suck your energy and leave the feeling of their dead-mackerel-cold-fingers on your face. Because, you are food. You are just another gossip provider.
Nowadays, people are really expecting you to track their life […]
An interesting test, evaluating your moral judgements towards some bizarre situations. The situations presented are activities which are harmless (at least in a narrow sense), private and consensual, yet violate strong social norms. For example, how would you morally evaluate the actions of a family, which cat has been killed by a car in front […]
You must be thinking of St. Valentine’s day, but it is not about it. At last not all about it.
In my lands, there is another festival on that day, called Trifon Zarezan, the patron of vineyards and wine. The legend about his nickname “Zarezan” says, he cut his nose off while he was […]
I have always felt irresistible fascination towards skies. When I was a small kid my grandfather taught me about constellations and how they have been used to map the sky and to navigate through the sea. He had also firmly planted the idea in my mind of not being the only intelligent form of life […]
Bulgarian literature is barely known in the western world, and the most commonly translated books were the ones of the Bulgarian classics, which are mainly novels about the period of the Otoman occupation in the area.
After the curtain new authors and ideas came out, and fortunately one of my favourite modern Bulgarian […]