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Fellowship Meeting Rhein/Main in Frankfurt – Jan 2014

Last Wednesday, we had our first Fellowship Meeting in Frankfurt this year. Unfortunately, some people could not come for various reasons, but we had a nice, entertaining and very informative meeting nevertheless at Cafe Albatros.

Thanks “Sissi” for the tip! We had to find an alternative location quickly as the Club Voltaire had an event […]

First Fellowship meeting in Aschaffenburg

The third trip of our scheduled tour around Frankfurt went to Aschaffenburg (Just added the location to OpenStreetMap). Although one thought behind these excursions was to keep the commute of the Fellows short, only two of the 6 Fellows actually came from or near Aschaffenburg 🙂 We had two newcomers, one of them from Frankfurt.


Free Software in education news – October

Here’s what I collected in October. If you come accross anything that might be worth mentioning in this series, please drop me a note or, even better: drop it on the edu-eu mailinglist!

Edu-Team Peter blogged about FS edu again Elias blogged about why using US clould services in school is against the law (finnish). […]

Fellowship-Treffen Rhein/Main in Friedberg

Am 2. Oktober trafen wir uns erstmalig in Friedberg, unser zweiter “Außenstop” unseres Experimentes. Nach den vergangenen Treffen in Mainz und Frankfurt war die Teilnehmerzahl (3) zwar ein Dämpfer, aber immer noch besser als einige Treffen in der Vergangenheit. Ich kam an dem Tag gerade aus Berlin vom Europäischen Koordinatorentreffen (ECM) zurĂźck von dem Lucile, […]