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Bericht FSFE Fellowship-Treffen in Frankfurt – 6. August

Beim letzten Treffen in Frankfurt haben wir uns sehr darüber gefreut gleich drei neue Gesichter begrüßen zu dürfen.

Interesse bestand darin wie Software-Lizenzen überhaupt funktionieren, was Freie Software ausmacht und worin die Arbeit der FSFE besteht. Es wurde gespeist und danach gingen wir zu unserer Agenda über:

Vorstellungsrunde Umfrage zur künftigen Strategie der FSFE, die […]

Vienna’s university sells GNU/Linux laptops

Being on the prowl for hardware vendors who meet our demands for Free Software (or at least move towards them) I found out that the university of Vienna sells laptops to their students with GNU/Linux pre-installed.

I learned that a similar project has been going on since September in Switzerland.

(the links are in […]

More mini-notebooks with GNU/Linux pre-installed to come

Pro-Linux led me to this blog-entry. Apparently, there are more and more notebooks, with pre-installed GNU/Linux on the way…

WLAN router with Debian GNU/Linux

Recently, I started collecting news about hardware vendors who are favoring Free Software. Here is a new one:

WLAN routers with a free configurable Debian GNU/Linux on it can be obtained by Saxnet.

A complete list of what I’ve collected so far can be found on

ASUS Motherboard Ships With Embedded GNU/Linux

Asus built a motherboard that boots optionally a GNU/Linux system in 5 seconds. Generally, that’s a nice feature, alas the system is not entirely "free" and can only be updated via Windows. See this test article and the discussion about it.