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Public schools making MS Office mandatory

There was an extensive debate on the German discussion list which addressed a lot of aspects that may be relevant to other European countries. I wanted to provide a summary to encourage exchange of information and experiences across borders.

The trigger was a letter that a school kid brought home, informing the parents that […]

New education leaflet planned

Current edu flyer

It started with a wiki page and the goal to create a short and concise list of reasons why schools should use Free Software. After some forging, we turned the content into an official FSFE leaflet that has been translated and is now available in nine l a n g […]

MOOC about Free Software

It’s been a few months already since Vitaly Repin pointed us to a project of his: a MOOC about Free Software and I still haven’t mentioned it here.

As they realized that most people are not aware about the complexities of the digital world we live in, the idea of creating a MOOC (Massive […]

We don’t use Free Software, we want something that just works!

Joinup reports: Using Free Software in school greatly reduces the time needed to troubleshoot PCs

After migrating to Free Software in the Augustinian College of León, Spain: “For teachers and staff, the amount of technical issues decreased by 63 per cent and in the school’s computer labs by 90 per cent.” (emphasis added)

Good to […]

Galicia introducing over 50 000 students to free software

Galicia introducing over 50 000 students to free software tools, making it part of their 2014-2015 curriculum.

In May Amtega, Galicia’s agency for technological modernisation signed a acontract with the three universities in the region, the Galician Association of Free Software (AGASOL) and six of the region’s free software user groups.

The last paragraph of […]

Free Software in Education Keynote at DORS/CLUC

I haven’t informed you about recent education news as I was busy preparing for talks about the same subject. The latest was at DORS/CLUC in Zagreb, a traditional FS event that celebrated its 22nd version! Wow, the only computing device I owned back then was a calculator when the first DORS/CLUG came to light.

I […]

Free Software in Education News – January

January was quite busy for me, but I still managed to collect some things. If you come accross anything that might be worth mentioning in this series, please drop me a note, dump it in this pad or drop it on the edu-eu mailinglist!

FSFE Edu-Team activities

The first physical edu-team meeting took place alongside […]

Free Software in Education News – December

Here’s what we collected in December. If you come accross anything that might be worth mentioning in this series, please drop me a note, dump it in this pad or drop it on the edu-eu mailinglist!

FSFE Edu-Team activities Missed this in November: Sebastian informs about the CodeWeek Award in Germany more preparations for the […]

Free Software in Education News – November

Here’s what we collected in November. I have to say, it is not much this time. If you come accross anything that might be worth mentioning in this series, please drop me a note, dump it in this pad or drop it on the edu-eu mailinglist!

FSFE Edu-Team activities Wolf-Dieter attended an event in the […]

Free Software in Education News – October

Here’s what we collected in October. If you come accross anything that might be worth mentioning in this series, please drop me a note, dump it in this pad or drop it on the edu-eu mailinglist!

FSFE Edu-Team activities We gained a new member from the Netherlands I attended an OER barcamp in Cologne Erik […]