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Freaky Sunday

Recently I am receiving signals from the mother-ship and seriously considering to suspend watching horror movies for a while. Today I was about to kill the printer in a very painful way.

I was just preparing a sandwich and my second cup of milk with coffee in the kitchen, when suddenly our printer started […]

Misantropes from allover the world – unite!

“Pearls Before Swine” is my morning Holy Scripture. Recently, this spring of wisdom touched a very dear topic for me – misanthropy. And now I am really provoked…

Let’s get things straight first – Misanthropy is a general dislike, distrust, or hatred of the human species or a disposition to dislike and/or distrust other […]

Alternative means of transportation

I have always felt irresistible fascination towards skies. When I was a small kid my grandfather taught me about constellations and how they have been used to map the sky and to navigate through the sea. He had also firmly planted the idea in my mind of not being the only intelligent form of life […]