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First Fellowship meeting in Aschaffenburg

The third trip of our scheduled tour around Frankfurt went to AschaffenburgĀ (Just added the location to OpenStreetMap). Although one thought behind these excursions was to keep the commute of the Fellows short, only two of the 6 Fellows actually came from or near Aschaffenburg šŸ™‚ We had two newcomers, one of them from Frankfurt.

After a short introduction of those who didn’t know each other, we chatted about the particularities of Aschaffenburg, public transportation and the Liberario App, gadgets, the history of Palm and Nokia and heard anecdotes from variousĀ Chaos Communication Congresses.

FSFE related, we talked about our recent achievements at the Cryptoparties in Frankfurt and forged further plans for the next one. I pointed to the latest newsletter with the timeline of FSFE’s achievements which is a nice resource to refer to when people ask: What is FSFE actually doing?

We talked a little bit about Jacob Appelbaum as the most recent famous Fellow and his quote for the Fellowship page. I forgot to mention that we are still looking for more quotes for the website, but will do this in this posting and on the mailing list šŸ™‚

We talked about possible activities for Document Freedom Day 2014 and whether or not it may be combined with the campaign. We concluded that this may probably not be the best idea, but we may issue stickers to youths and kids if they happen to show up on the event that still has to be decided on.

Sven brought up the idea to use a shared Twitter account to announce and promote our local activities to a broader audience. I think this may work out very well. But what I personally would really like if we had an easy way to pump our messages to various social networks automatically. Friendica may be an option here, but I don’t want to neglect my other commitments by looking any further into that. Any suggestions that may save me the time?

As it was a long evening, there was most likely more stuff worth mentioning, but I stop here. It may be added to theĀ minutes in the wiki.