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Report of the local FSFE meeting in Frankfurt on Feb 3rd

We once again met in Café Albatros in Frankfurt. A lot of people excused themselves for various reasons so we ended up with just three persons.
In this small group, I participated more than I took notes, so this will be a rather short post.

Main subject was the planning of our next meeting on March 2 in the Coworking Zentrale. Initially this was supposed to be our chance to still do something about the upcoming municipal elections in the federal state of Hesse. On the other hand, many of our regular visitors have expressed interest in a talk about Free Software licenses. And it happens to be that legal network member and long term FSFE activist Michael Stehmann will be in the area on the very same day our next meeting comes up.He agreed to give the talk on this occasion so this is what we are going to do at our new meeting location!

Depending on how many politicians will find the time to visit us just a few days before the elections, we should still manage to combine both subjects to a certain extend.
Next to that, the following topics were discussed:

  • Problems at large scale migrations – we focused on the psychological obstacles of all stakeholders
  • The German Army uses MS Office 365 o.O?
  • The next date for the Rotlintstraßenfest seems to be September 10, 2016. So, you volunteers, mark your calendars!
  • How we may pursue our target to meet in youth houses in and around Frankfurt

That’s basically what my sparse notes reveal. I am looking forward to the next meeting in Bornheim with the talk about Free Software licences. More details will follow soon on our group page in the Fellowship-Wiki.