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The bad FSF

I stumbled across this odd article: “All OSS Developers Are Equal, But Some OSS Developers Are More Equal Than Others!” where the FSF is criticized for being unfair to software developers and failed to close the “ASP Loophole”.

For the authors of this article, the Affero GPL does not fix the problem, because “GPL developers won’t use it”. Well, if so, why should they switch to any other licence that addresses the problem?

And the accusation of unfairness goes in the same direction. They blame the FSF to aggressively sue software developers who don’t provide the source code in their distribution, but don’t sue google for benefiting from Free Software without showing their sources.

I don’t really see what they want to tell me beside that the FSF is just a bunch of “extremists” who “deny the value of intellectual property rights.”

I am contemplating to write them, but it’s probably not worth it. What do you think?