- RT @jgbarah Google Maps and OpenStreetMap in North Korea http://ur1.ca/cnrc1 via @schestowitz #
- #Deutschland bei #Pressefreiheit auf Platz 17: http://ur1.ca/cnxod #rog #rsf #
- RT @bjoern @kirschner commented the work of the German Parliament working group on #freesoftware on @heise http://t.co/9d9yID3G (German) … #
- RT @gijs Vice-President EP hosts Friday’s free software event on Android phones #joinup #epfsug #fsfe #fosdem http://ur1.ca/cn8kz #
- Counted 9 !fellowship aliases on #key-signing list http://ur1.ca/cfm0l May the rest join @fsfe’s booth!
See you all at !FOSDEM #