Mario Fux

Archive for May, 2010

Multimedia meeting day 1: great team

Friday, May 21st, 2010

So the second time at the KDE multimedia meeting ends. I’m tired but happy. I’ve a great team (Oliver Summermatter for the network and several other jobs and Hadrien Eggs, the cook, the one and only)!. Thx you two and thx to all the other participants who all are helpful where help is needed.

My day was good. It did not start at the meeting but with a job interview for a social worker job. Went fine. Then an interview with the local newspaper (Walliser Bote) about the meeting. Should be published tomorrow. Hope to get some people interested for Monday, the open day at the meeting.

I’d like to spend more time with the developers and in the presentations but I’m quite busy to inform the new arrivers, organize the trip and taxi, do some finance stuff the I don’t lose the overview, check with the cook that we’ve enough food for the day and next day, do some promotion, etc. pp. But the people here are really busy. Just check the community wikis recent changes and you see what’s going one.

Now slowly I’m able to compare who the different teams in KDE work and I see my expectation confirmed that they are really busy. So cu and read you tomorrow for more news about the meeting and don’t forget to read more news about the meeting on

Oh yeah. Tomorrow afternoon we go to Zermatt and walk in a 2 to 3 hours hike back to Randa where we pass the lake where Aaron Seigo and Sebas like to swim ;-)…

Multimedia meeting day 0: organizers perspective

Thursday, May 20th, 2010

It was manifold day. Started in the morning trying to get the internet connection to work. Several phone calls and people but my hero of the day is Hans-Peter Seiler”. 70 years old guy, telephone specialist, helped us with joy and whistling and tried this and explained us that. He worked have a day, called support hotlines, ask questions and did another attempt and finally he succeeded. Hans-Peter, you’re mine and hopefully our here. You rescued our meeting.

Nonetheless, we had something like 4 or 5 fire alarms because the alarm devices interfered with our internet connection somehow and I had to call fire departement to not to come and then, in the afternoon, there was a big fire alarm. With a lot of smoke in the question. Damn not really working fume hood and who had to idea to build a smoke detector into the kitchen.

But we have now something like 25 people here and more will come tomorrow. I’m tired again, my feet hurt but I’m happy and like adrenalin. CU.

KDE multimedia meeting day -1

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

Konqueror ate my posting. So tomorrow I install blogilo and here is the short version of my text.

Busy day. Buying food for the meeting, transporting hardware, installing, coordinating and organizing. 18 hours day ends soon.

Four people from south america spend the night here in my families chalet where last year Tokamak 3 happened and which is definitely too small for “my” future KDE events ;-).

Tomorrow we try to fix the internet connection, install the remaining stuff and welcome most of the participants. And here, before I fall in my bed, the mandatory banner (hopefully this time without a crash of the browser (this time with iceweasel ;-))…
