Mario Fux

Archive for July, 2011

Uncovering Project Easiness

Saturday, July 30th, 2011

Next week at around this time you’ll know what this project is about. At the KDE community keynote at the Berlin Desktop Summit the idea will be uncovered and launched.

Project Easiness is the intern work name for an idea I think about since months (or even years) and on which I was working since weeks and months and next Saturday it will finally come to life. And although there is still a lot of work to be completed here are some teasers for this project:

  • With this project I want to finally solve all the problems in the universe.

Yeah, 42, i know, jokes aside. Here are the real teasers ;-).

  • With this project I want to bring even more and new users to the KDE project.
  • With this project I want to bring even more and new contributers to the KDE project.
  • With this project I want to bring something to the IT business which is IMHO badly needed.
  • With this project I want to bring something we love to people who are new to computers.
  • And this project is green.

Another conclusion of the above is of course:

And yeah I know that I didn’t blog since the first of June when the Randa 2011 meetings started when it was snowing in Randa. And last week I finally got the two last bills what means I can finally finish the administrative stuff for this year’s meeting. So next week I take some time of project Easiness and write some lines about the results of the Randa 2011 meetings. Results from the perspective of the organizational team and results from the survey we did at the end of the meetings.

Oh and there will be a BoF on Wednesday at 10:00 where you can ask questions and …

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