Tickets ordered for the KDE multimedia meeting 2010?
Friday, April 23rd, 2010In less than a month several KDE people will meet in the middle of the european Alpes in a small village called Randa, Switzerland. And the most important question atm is: Did you already order your plane or train tickets?
..oO(Meeting dates: Thursday, the 20th of May till Tuesday, the 25th of May 2010)
You’ve done it? Great and now prepare your laptop, install the current KDE trunk version, write down some todo items and pack your luggage.
If and when you’ve questions, now or during the meeting: mario AT unormal PUNTO org or +41787684260 (my mobile number, save it! 😉
And now a call for a logo (thx annma for the idea). As this is already the second KDE meeting in the Alpes it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a logo. What about something with a K, multimedia stuff and some mountains or something completely different? Please sent your proposals to the email address above.
Here is the link to the meeting wiki page:
More information in the next entry… CU and good weekend…