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Just a quick note for packagers and people building kdelibs: I released libattica 0.1.3 yesterday. Now kdelibs trunk (4.5) doesn’t depend on an unrelease attica version from kdesupport trunk any more. Get it while it’s hot: ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/attica/.
No big changes, but a few bug fixes and one or two new calls. And a lesson learned. […]
I haven’t yet blogged about Tokamak 4 yet. Well, it’s only 2.5 weeks after the event. I can finally tell you about one of the projects I worked on 🙂 Aaron already blogged about the general idea and goes into more technical detail in a second post.
The Plasma team would like to have a […]
Tokamak 4 has just begun, and we have a great round of introductory presentations here today. One thing I’ll try to sneak into my introductory talk is a little status update about the Klassroom that’s currently going on at the forums. And since that may interest others out there, I’ll also write a bit about […]
Since KDE Software Compilation 4.4 we have an updated, improved and easier to use Hot New Stuff framework. So far only a few test candidates were ported to it, namely the wallpaper dialog, Parley, Plasma comic strips and Amarok when compiled with 4.4. Now it’s time to change this. In cooperation with our forums staff, […]
I just tarballed libattica 0.1.2 which consists of a few bug fixes. I hope distributions will pick it up before KDE 4.4 but it’s not required and doesn’t save the world either 😉 On the plus side we have some small fixes though:
a memleak (in case a request was aborted the QNetworkReply would not […]
Hi there, now that the KDE Software Compilation 4.4 is branched, it’s time to think about the next iteration. Next to bug fixing that is.
I’ll keep fixing things I broke with the hot new stuff framework re-write that makes it’s first public appearance in 4.4. Since this was the first release including KNewStuff3, not […]
Last week we, the KDE Education folks sat down for a meeting on IRC, to discuss where we want to go.
There are lots of good applications under the KDE Education umbrella and very nice people behind them, caring for the applications and their users. Sometimes it’s very hard to guesstimate what our users like […]
Fitting my earlier post about rating and stars in Get Hot New Stars Stuff , I just listened to “Dead Stars” by Covenant…
So this is all about stars. At first I wanted to answer the comments individually, but there are just too many.
A few points keep coming up:
The number of items in […]
Finally LibAttica has landed in kdesupport (that’s where additional libraries are kept, that are not by definition part of kdelibs). Téo promised to bring his price winning Amarok about dialog into KDE-Land for KDE 4.5 🙂
I am just about to finish the first big big re-factoring of our Get Hot New Stuff framework. Since […]
With this great title stolen from the techbase page, what could possibly go wrong?
Yesterday in Freiburg our meeting to discuss about Nepomuk and integration with social-semantic-collaboration issues kicked of. We, that is Sebastian, Alessandro, Frank, Leo, Stéphane, George, Laura, Iridian and yours truly.
Topics discussed are things like: What meta information would I want […]