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Fluffy – How pink can we get?

Warning: This blog post may contain humor, it talks about unreleased magic, every second sentence ends with of course and it’s pink.

So the awesome sprint we had in Randa is long past. The topic of the sprint was something like "Fluffy is the new black – the future of the Pink Desktop"[1]. It is […]

Writing an Application Manual on Userbase

Writing application manuals is not something I enjoy much. The last time I touched the manual for Parley, was a half-hearted attempt to update the KDE 3 material and mostly I threw out the completely outdated sections. That lead to a very thin manual that didn’t really contain much information. Now I completely agree that […]

Parley – Vocabulary Learning made Fluffy

Daniel already wrote about the KDE Education Sprint in Randa and some of the news in Parley land. Harald and I recorded a screen-cast with a Fluffy Parley that should have never seen the light of day. That pink monstrosity surly seems to have taken a special spot in our hearts 😉 And yes, we […]