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This is my very subjective blog entry about our presence at the Ecumenical Church Day 2010 in Munich. It is my personal take on things. Our presence? That is FSFE and KDE together in one booth, nicely mixing green and blue.
I am back home now and had a night of real sleep. Participating […]
One of the best initiatives at FOSS Nigeria was the founding of the PyKano Python user group.
It is open for anyone (with a focus on people in Nigeria). The intent is for people interested in Python to have regular local meetings but also discuss on-line. If you happen to be interested in programming and […]
Back to Saturday – day 2.5 in fact. Mustapha and I had the chance to present about KDE’s community, the project in general and ended with some demonstration of the Plasma Desktop and KDE applications. Next to some of the "basics", such as Dolphin, Konqueror and Gwenview I presented and application that I just learned […]
Day two of FOSS Nigeria started in a nice way. After a whole night of sleep, we went for plantanes as breakfast.
The next stop was at the Bayero University, where many of the participants had a chance to take LPI exams. We sat down for some work and then walked over the campus […]
Yesterday I ran into Adriaan in Amsterdam, not only by coincidence. We had a nice flight to Kano, Nigeria.
We met the Commissioner for Science and Technology at the airport and were warmly welcomed. After a drive through the night we went straight to the hotel. Motorcycles in the dimly lit streets of Kano were […]
FOSS Nigeria, goes into the second round, after coming to life last year. This year Adriaan and I get the chance to visit Nigeria and promote free software and KDE (we’ll throw in other desktops for good measure of course). It seems there is a good chance we’ll actually be able to fly, so tomorrow […]
This year KDE will – together with the FSFE – participate in the ecumenical church day. We have a shared booth, now we need you.
The event takes place in Munich, a great city to visit. The event is May 13th to 16th. We are still looking for people to help with the booth. So […]
Funny, after blogging I got some more feedback, Aaron put in a small fix and Stephen suggested another Akonadi related improvement so that I could remove another 20 lines of code that were not overly nice. So here is the update and I get to post first screenshots (yeah, that’s what we all have been […]
I think KDE SC 4.x is becoming better and better. It has reached the point where I don’t even want to think about going back. Still there are missing bits and pieces every once in a while. At our last Fellowship of the Ring FSFE meetup here in Stuttgart, we had a nice talk… and […]
Isn’t it lovely when all the puzzle pieces are there and you just need to put the last few of them in the right place?
Frank and the ownCloud crew have been happily plowing away on making ownClould your personal data storage and much more. One vision the project has is a great integration with […]