Travelling to Buğday?

The KDE bugsquad will organize a bugday for Phonon on November 8th. To make sure not to forget that day, I duly entered it into my Google calendar. But I must say that the mail I got today from Dopplr was quite astonishing: it seems I will travel to Buğday, Turkey on that day!
Now, while I enjoy travelling, I think it’s a bit far away just for a bug triaging event, isn’t it?

Regardless this interesting suggestion, I will stay at home and give a hand in bug triaging, this will probably be more efficient 🙂 Don’t hesitate to join the fun in #kde-bugs on on November 8th!

PS. I seem to travel again on November 21st, this time to Giv’at’Ada, Israel. Since I planned to be in Bern for the Swiss Karmic Koala Release Party, I guess that’s what is meant 😉

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