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Hundreds of love declarations in about 24 hours : #ilovefs

On February 14, 01:38:27 UTC, came the first message related to FSFE’s “I love FS” campaign. This was only the start of a tremendous love declaration to Free Software developpers and applications that went out until late at night, around 3:00 a.m.

Hundreds of declarations and re-dents have floaded on, twitter, on blogs, reached some news websites (Netzpolitik, Bristol Wireless, Firebird news…), proclaiming our love for Free Software in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish and even Chinese !

Here, one attempt to put in a nutshell an exploding love wave for Free Software that went public on Valentine’s Day…

Die Nerds denken am 14.2. an Software #ilovefs

(Nerds think about Free Software on Valentine’s Day)

Lots of Free Software applications have been named on Feb. 14. You’ve declared your love to :

android KDE ubuntu fedora OpenSUSE OpenOffice libre office firebug typo3 FreeBeer Design SM-Player Apache PHP MySQL WordPressjQuery Gimp crunchbang Inkscape XWiki  Plasma Dolphin Akregator Choqok Kate GitFirefox Calligra MPlayer StepMania-SSC Linux Kwin mandriva linux_mint backtrace penguyOS sidux Sabayon arch gentoo centOS FreeBSD openBSD KNOPPIX zenwalk puppylinux remind BISTeam RhythmboxJolicloud Emacs org-mode identica-mode StatusNet yeeloong gNewSense Trisquel BLAG launchpad OCam opensource Meld

Leena (Berlin Fellow of FSFE) writes a love letter to SM-Player


Best of IM love declarations

(totally subjective choice – full list on

Blogged love declarations

Fellowship + in Switzerland for Ilovefs 2011Marcus Möller’ fotographs of FSFE’S Fellowship’s logo in Switzerland

The blogosphere also contains beautiful love declarations, like :

I love Free Software. I love how it makes my life easier. How I can bend it to my will and use it they way I want, instead of having to bend my will and use it the way some developer wanted.

I love the idea of people selflessly sharing their ideas and solutions for the betterment of all. […] I also love the community. […] In short, there’s a whole lot of love going out here. Keep being awesome everyone! [read full version]

also some declarations were directly made per mails to the projects:

It’s time to admit, the day is an appropriate one: I love meld! It has saved my not-so-IRL life many many times. […] I will always recommend it to anyone needing it and advocate for it at all time. […] Thank you so much for making meld what it is!!

and the tale-like blog post from Firebug:

Once upon a time, when I was a very young man, I fell in love with a maiden called the World Wide Web. It was a torrid affair, complete with romantic strolls through MSDN, beautiful bouquets of CSS, and passionate letters scrawled in JavaScript.

and the one we don’t understand, the only Chinese declaration we received !

and many many others [1]

One last word

Some declarations have also taken another form, by making bug reports full of love… Just see the one sent to Fedora : “A big Hug Today on V-Day

At FSFE, the web Team changed the layout of the website, so that all FSFE pages claim their love for Free Software :

Thank you everybody for the huge participation to this I love Free Software Day 2011, and for the developers : Keep up the good work ! Hundreds of people count on you and support you !



“There is a geeky way to celebrate Feb 14th” ♥♥♥ #ilovefs ♥♥♥

“Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom.” – Einstein ‘Out of My Later Years,’ 1950

The Free in Free Software is about Freedom, not like in Free beer. But today might be the day you can combine both :

For Valentine’s Day, or rather I love Free Software Day, you can invite a friend to a drink with you and talk to him/her about your favorite Free Software application !

If you prefer, join your love declaration to the numerous ones we’ve already received, adding the tag #ilovefs, blog about it, write to developpers to thank them

In short, share the love you feel for Free Software, make people understand why you care so much.

At FSFE, the whole website has turned red and pink just for the day, we’ve been tracking the best pieces of love declaration, the greatest pictures illustrating love for Free Software.

If you’ve not already stated your point, you’ve got until today, midnight to proclaim your feelings for Free Software ! Pick your Valentine(s) among the Free Software community, and show your love !

Freedom is for me one of the greatest goods a human being can have. Free Software aims at giving freedoms to the computer users. Many thanks to all the people working to make this possible. We love your work every day, today, we proclaim it:

I ♥ Free Software

You’re to my life what Free Software is to my computer : everything – #ilovefs

On Monday it’s Valentine’s day. What link to Free Software, will you ask ?

I love Free Software!

On this day, FSFE invites you to consider another question : Why not make this February 14th a very special day and show that we appreciate the work of Free Software developpers and support Free Software in general ?

How to participate

You have plenty of choice on how you proclaim your enthusiasm towards
Free Software :

– send a message to a Free Software developper, saying that instead of signalling a bug, for once you just want to thank for their work, and indicate that this mail is part of the I love FS campaign,

– microblog on and add the tag #ilovefs

– invite a friend on a drink and tell him about Free Software

Donate to a Free Software project

include a Valentine’s day design to your website

– take a picture demonstrating your love to FS and send
it to FSFE

– We count on your imagination !

Spread the word

The Free Software world is eager for one day of love, so whatever you do for this day, blog, microblog (#ilovefs)about it, tell FSFE about it, bring more and more people around you to participate and help us make a huge declaration of love to Free Software !

Waiting for your loving input on Monday !

PDFreaders: How can you make institutions change their websites

Three months ago, I announced here the end of the PDFreaders’ bug hunt, during which we collected more than 2000 institutions’s websites which advertised for proprietary PDF readers.

Now that we and volunteers helping us have contacted each and all of them, the answers are flooding and about 210 institutions already changed their websites towards a more neutral handling of PDF readers. Some of them basically removed any indication, others propose to download proprietary and free software PDF readers, others now only advocate the use of Free Software.

On this campaign, the point is to friendly discuss with the institutions, to make them aware of their doing advertising although as public bodies they are not allowed to. So far, institutions in Russia, Italy, Croatia, Germany have been pretty receptive, and answers come from almost all contacted countries. And you can help there.

Volunteers like Massimo Barbieri and the LUG Scandiano have been helping us since the beginning of the campaign in spotting institutions, checking the addresses, monitoring the sending of the letters and following with the institutions that they do comply to what we ask from them. As for today, 86 Italian institutions changed their website. In Croatia, Marko Dimjašević followed the institutions so closely that we are now about to have all of them having changed their website !

Others decide to follow on their own the process we’ve started in September with the campaign. This is what Simon Linskill decided to do when he contacted the City Council of Sheffield. The city responded positively to his demands, and is currently working on removing the unfair advertising. In germany, another volunteer, Stephan, spotted and contacted the cities of Wegberg, Mönchengladbach and Heinsberg. They shall answer any time soon, you can follow the progresses on the list of German institutions. I invite you to follow their steps and become active in your city !

Make things happen around you!

If you have some time, you can bring your nearest institution to change its website accessibility policy. Check the website of your City Council, your local government, your region’s council, etc… If you find an exclusive advertising for a non-free PDF reader, send them a mail or write them a letter, explaining why this is wrong and how they could make it more neutral, non-discriminatory towards Free Software – in short, better. You can take inspiration from the letter we have been sending to the institutions. After that the institutions will probably come back to you, either with questions or saying they have complied to your demands.

  • In the second case, take the time to go to their website and make sure that they’ve got it right. Check not only on the page that you spotted, but on the whole website. If there are still advertisements for proprietary PDF readers, please contact them again, thanking for the effort and asking for them to be coherent in their policy. If you have doubts on how to deal with that, contact us !

After that, comes the glory part:

Once the institution has removed the advertisements or added also a link to free PDFreaders, send them a mail to thank them and report your success at

I will then add the institution you made more neutral on our list of institutions, and you’ll contribute to make the page greener and greener and to help PDF readers developpers to get known.

#Bookzilla and #Amazon Affiliate fees

The Free Software Foundation Europe relies on donations to be an independent voice. Our donors and Fellows help us to achive that with continous support. Another possibility to support FSFE is through some support programs . Some of you already know these programs, some don’t. I will try here to briefly present how these programs works and then present the incomes we receive through them.

These programs rely on the online book store, which is a frontend made by the German based company for the Libri bookshop and on Amazon, through which FSFE receives a certain percentage (~5%) of the sales if people ordering have installed our web browser plug-in.

As we want to be as transparent as possible about our income here the numbers.

August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 108.72€ 60.30€ 61.11€ 105.08€ 0 0 0 0 £1.87 £0.85 £3.36 £4.73 1.08€ 0.43€ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 272,59€ 272,59€ NYA NYA

Give it a thought !

Free Debating Foundation Europe

Gestern Abend war die FSFE als Gast der Berlin Debating Union für einen sgn. Knowledge Sharing Abend. Ein großer Teil der Berliner Fellowship Gruppe war dabei, um Matthias’ Vortrag zuzuhören und zur lebhaften Diskussion teilzunehmen. Im Publikum saßen ca. 25 Studente aller Fachrichtungen, ein paar davon erfahrene Debattierer, die viele Verständnisfragen besonders zum Thema Freie Software in der Wirtschaft gestellt haben, mit der regelmäßigen schwachen Aussage: “Aber in der realen Welt, es funktionniert doch nicht so, oder ?” 😉 Das Publikum hat sich sehr fürs Thema interessiert, und daher war die Diskussion sehr dynamisch.

Anschließend hat das Debattierclub ein Show-Debatte gemacht über dem Thema “Die Regierung würde geistiges Eigentum abschaffen”, das heißt, dass die Regierung extrem gegen aller Art von Patenten für Software, aber auch gegen Urheberrecht und den Konzept vom geistigem Eingentum war. Am Ende hat sich die Debatte nicht so wirklich auf Software konzentriert, aber sie hat zu sehr interessanten Auseinandersetzungen zwichen den beiden Teams geführt !

Alles in allen, schon wieder ein sehr gelungenes Fellowship Treffen !

BLIT 2010 : *B*ooth-halten, *L*eute treffen, *I*m Zentrum liegen, *T*otal rocken

Am Samstag war die FSFE auf mehreren Veranstaltungen : auf dem FSCONS in Göteborg, auf dem T-DOSE in Eindhoven und auf dem BLIT, dem Branderburger Linux InfoTag in Potsdam.

Ich war mit dem Team in Potsdam, wo wir dem Regen zum Trotz um 8:30 ankamen. Der Booth, den wir hatten war dem Eingang genau entgegen, und alle Besucher mussten uns als erste sehen. Nico, Alexander, Soeren, Olaf, Jürgen und ich waren dabei, was einen sehr lebendiges Stand ausmachte. Danke alle !

Um 11 Uhr ist es mit dem Debating los gegangen, mit einer sehr geringen, dafür sehr motivierten Beteiligung. Das Thema lautete “Die Regierung möchte Softwarepatente verbieten”. Rhetorisch gesehen, haben die Gegner gewonnen, es war aber eine sehr interessante Leistung und auf jeden Fall eine gute Vorbereitung zur Debatte am Donnerstag in der Humboldt Universität Berlin bei der Berlin Debating Union.

Mehr darüber in einer sehr nahen Zukunft 😉

Final results for #pdfreaders’ bug hunt

FSFE’s campaign for the removal of advertising for non free software on public websites is taking a new turn today. After having gathered more than 2000 institutions all across Europe and even outside (we’ve reached Angola, Brasil, the United States, Australia…).You will find underneath more detailed information on what we have gathered.

Now the time has come to contact the institutions and explain them why this practice is wrong. If you want to get involved also in this part of the campaign, we can need you at several levels :

help us to translate the letter to be sent to the institutions and the campaign page

– speak around you about the campaign and get people to sign our petition, to show the public institutions how many people all around Europe feel concerned with this issue

– if you are ready to put more energy into the campaign, take a look at the guideline for contributors

Enough words said, let’s have a look at the numbers:

Country Number of institutions reported
Austria 50
Belgium 46
Belarus 3
Switzerland 409
Czech Republic 12
Germany 571
Denmark 1
Estonia 1
Spain 60
European Union 4
Finland 5
France 126
Greece 15
Croatia 10
Hungary 13
Iceland 1
Ireland 8
Isle of Man 1
Italy 503
Liechtenstein 5
Luxemburg 27
Malta 1
Moldova 5
Netherlands 11
Norway 23
Poland 1
Portugal 15
Romania 22
Russian Federation 86
Sweden 24
Slovenia 11
Turkey 1
Ukrain 4
United Kingdom 38
Rest of the world 22

Well… There is some work to do in Europe !
I’ll soon give an update on the development of #pdfreaders’ campaign. to be continued

3 days left to sign #pdfreaders’ petition

Three days from the closure of the signatures of the Petition For The Removal of Proprietary Software Advertising On Public Websites, we have reached 1443 signatures, within which :

  • 34 organizations, from LUGs (Bocconi, Scandiano, Greek Users…), Free Software Associations [!app3l !fsfe !Coagul !gnutiken  !lpitalia], Political parties, namely the Green party of England and Wales and of Luxemburg and several Pirate party in Germany (Brandenburg !ppbb and Oberbayern) and from Luxemburg, we also have the support of some associations less close to the Free Software cause but that also feel concerned by our campaign, which shows that the problem really is general.
  • On the business side, we have 44 signatories of diverse origins, and geographic locations, obviously mainly in the field software developping and/or consulting companies like !KDE, #tarent, Kolab Systems or, and much more…

You still have time to sign and support us in our campaign for advertisement-free public website and protect the software market from distortion. Get involved !

27 nouveaux match pour l’Euro 2012 – !Euro2012fs

Aujourd’hui ont eu lieu 27 autres matchs pour l’Euro 2012, pour lesquels Guido a révélé les scores sur son blog.

Mais avant de commenter cette journée de sélection, je veux revenir sur les deux matchs du 9 Octobre : Israel – Croatie et France Roumanie. La France s’est sans trop de surpriseimposée contre la Roumanie. Ce qui est cependant plus remarquable est que le score finale, 5-2 prouve une performance honorable de la part de l’équipe Roumaine, et pour cause : une nouvelle stratégie IT favorable à l’adoption de logiciels libres dans l’administration publique.

Pour en revenir aux affrontements importants de ce soir, deux matchs très serrés ont eu lieu :

  • Pays-Bas – Suède : Les Pays Bas s’imposent 4-2 grâce à une très large activité de l’administration publique.
  • Belgique – Autriche : sans aucun doute le match le plus intéressant. La Belgique, dont tout le gouvernement a fait le choix des logiciels libres et fait une migration prometteuse du ministère de la justice et a présenté une explication de comment être un bon acteur du logiciel libre gagne donc avec une très légère avance (4-3) contre l’Autriche qui a pour son compte une plus large activité dans l’éducation, politique encore très timide en Belgique.

La France quant à elle s’en tire avec 5-1 contre le Luxembourg, adversaire bien faible qui ne présente qu’une toute petite action en faveur des logiciels libres par une ONG locale.

Il nous faut désormais attendre jusqu’au 17 novembre pour de nouveaux scores. La bonne nouvelle, c’est que cela laisse beaucoup de tems pour influencer les résultats de votre équipe favorite en ajoutant des informations sur le wiki jusqu’à la veille du match. Si vous n’avez pas encore de droits d’écriture, vous pouvez tout simplement créer un compte invité ou envoyer un message via à Guido en mettant le tag “euro4fs”.

Pour voir les scores des matchs qui ont eu lieu jusqu’à présent, vous pouvez consulter la page de résultats sur le wiki.