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Ubuntu Global Jam for Karmic

An Ubuntu Global Jam is a local face-to-face event for improving Ubuntu by doing tests, fix bugs, improve documentation and do translations. Again, Byron Corrales, design guru in Ubuntu Nicaragua LoCo Team, did a great work with these badges that can be attached to your posts about UGJ, your personal web or your LoCo website. The original source files can be found under Artwork on the Ubuntu Global Jam page. There are already badges translated into Spanish, and you can translate them into your own language easily.

In order to run a Jam, You’ll need a place to be, with decent internet connexion, some computers, and great people to share the work. Probably you can find a place in a University, school or even neighborhood local. Contact your local translation team to join the Jam.

We at Catalan LoCo Team will be join Global Jam for the first time. Will see each other on October 3rd on a place still to be decided. 🙂 Probably in Barcelona.

global jam bannersglobal jam banners


global jam badges

UDW artwork

Byron Corrales, design guru in Ubuntu Nicaragua LoCo Team, did some buttons for next Ubuntu Developer Week, that will take place on the internet starting on August 31st.


If you want the HTML code for fast Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V of the buttons on your site see RubĂ©n Romero’s blog entry about this.

Translations at the UDW

From August 31st to September 4th, will take place the Ubuntu Developer Week, lots of speeches on irc channel #ubuntu-classroom at Freenode. As usual, they are only in English but, this time, a team of volunteers will translate the questions of those participating in the event. Right away, Siegfried (you’re awesome!) joined for translate from Catalan, so now you know, those who are interested in and with low English knowledge, have an unique opportunity to ask the developers things related to Ubuntu.

On the wiki there is the schedule with the subjects to treat, from bug triaging to writing secure software or profit on Launchpad.

Call for ‘papers’ for SFD

This year, on the Software Freedom Day, Saturday September 19th, at Les Corts neigborhoud in Barcelona, we would like to have many free software comunities comming to do little speeches of half an hour or an hour at newbie level or tutorials a little more advanced. The objective is the spread among non espert people.

If you want to do a speech or a tutorial related to free software and at newbie level, please, contact me. I devised a wiki with the schedule, some of the speeches are not yet confirmed.

I organise Software Freedom Day in Barcelona since 2005, but until now, we only made a booth on Catalunya Square ( the very Barcelona center) where we handed out CDs and talked to people on the street.

Jordades de Programari Lliure

As previously announced, the Free Software Journeys will take place next week. From July 1st to July 4th, 2009 on the historic building of the University of Barcelona, in University Square.

They are for free, as always, but it is necessary an inscription. There is always some interesting thing and there can be consulted at the program. For the tutorials it is necessary, additionaly, another inscription, in order to be listed on the specific tutorial. Places are limited.

Ubuntu Catalan LoCo Team celebrates again an event inside the Jornades, in this case an installation party and some microspeeches at the same place.

See you there! for the LoCo is a microblogging free service (Affero-GPL) that allows a quick and short communication and is relatively non-intrusive. There is quite a few that it exists, but on the recent UDS, Ubuntu Developers Summit, in Barcelona for a whole week, it was extensively used.

As quite a few ubuntaires used threre, Àlex Muntada created the group ubuntaires for an internal fluid communication. The system is perhaps more informal that writing on a blog and that makes it appealing.

In order to read and write on this group, you must register on and subscribe to the ubuntaires group. For a message on the group (related with Ubuntu, of course), only must be added !ubuntaires. Think that only have 140 characters to express yourselves. And that we speak mainly in Catalan. 🙂

Free bus


My friend Quim PerellĂł saw that advertisement on a bus in Barcelona.

It says: Are tired of virus? Call us and we will install you Linux, a secure, free (as in speech) and free (as in beer) Operating System.

Ubuntaire’s party

Inscriptions for new Ubuntu 9.04 ubuntaire‘s party are already open!

Evening of May 8th and all day May 9th, 2009 at IES Nicolau Copèrnic, Torrent del Batlle,10. Can Boada, Terrassa, near Barcelona.
Free Inscripction and the first 100 will include lunch and a T-shirt.

Journeys’ Bulletin.


A Catalan at Canonical

Trhough Jono Bacon’s blog, I knew that David Planella, coordinator of Ubuntu Catalan traslations and also Debian and Gnome translator, among other things, has been hired by Canonical in order to be the Ubuntu Translations Coordinator. Congratulations David, and luck for your new job.

Hello world!

Welcome to FSFE Fellowship Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!