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Xenial release party in Tortosa

presentacio 16.04.jpg

Catalan LoCo Team celebrated on May 21th (a long time ago, I know) a release party of the next Ubuntu version, in that case, 16.04 Xenial Xerus. Sorry about the extremely delay reporting.

This time, we went to Tortosa, thanks to our friends of the Ebre School.

As always, we started explaining what Ubuntu is and how it adapts to new times and devices.



 Raspberry Pi, Robotics and Open Source Hardware on Ubuntu were both present at the party.


 Here are some computers from Vant, a local vendor who sell them with Ubuntu installed.



And Slimbook, another local vendor with Ubuntu PCs, gave us a presentation.


Oh, the gastronomy! 🙂

 And later, some more Raspberry Pi, with our newest 16 years old member.


I’m releasing that post because we need some encouragement for organising next release party in october/november, right? If you need some advice on how to manage a release party, you can contact me.