Every now and then I go through some old Amarok reports to see if these are still valid, but sometimes I am hit by the inability to actually test because I lack the required setup.
So today I ask for some help from users and fellow testers to see if these bugs are still reproducible. All you need is an account on http://bugs.kde.org and the possibility to confirm bugs there. If you don’t have that prerequisite, please ask Mamarok in #amarok on irc.freenode.net
What I currently need help with are the bugs on MS Windows:
We have a new Amarok 2.6 build for Windows and you can find a list of the current Windows bugs here: Amarok on Windows bugs
Of course we will work on all other Amarok bugs as well, especially during our annual Developer Sprint in Randa, starting next week. Please help us reach the goal on Pledgie: