.. is the total number of countries where the Multimedia/Edu sprint participants in Randa are from. You read that right: seventeen! We had developers from Austria, Brazil, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Holland (the Netherlands), Italy, Norway, Peru, Poland, Scotland (yeah, I know…), Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine and the USA.
Impressive, isn’t it? So sad I had to leave this afternoon already, but here are a few highlights of the weekend: we had a very talented chef who spent his holiday to prepare our yummy meals, very productive sessions in the various rooms of the huge building during the day, gorgeous weather, the worlds most beautiful mountain right around the corner ( I am biased 🙂 )
and of course the mandatory Raclette evening, prepared by Mr. Fux:
And here is the man who made all this possible: Mario, the most efficient Sprint organizer I know:
Kudos, Mario, well done!
I should not forget the reason why we were in Randa: Amarok and the Mulitmedia people gathered in this lovely Swiss village to concentrate on various themes, amongst them the current state of Amarok and it’s roadmap, presenting the state of Pulseaudio, sharing a vision of the Multimedia future, possible uses of Nepomuk in Amarok, and many more like Sound events in KDE, a VLC presentation by Jean-Baptiste Kempf and the future of KMix by Christian Esken. But I better leave it to the developers to blog about the details 🙂
A special Thank You! goes to the currently most famous man in Norway, Knut Yrvin. He made it possible to have an online presentation and discussion over the phone with the Qt Multimedia developers in Brisbane, who kindly stayed in their office much longer than usual to talk with us. A big hug to Knut for being such a great Community Manager, and a big sorry from me, I totally forgot to take a picture of him, so I am shamelessly using a picture made by Thorsten Rahn on the Little Matterhorn: And no, they didn’t break it, the Matterhorn is still up in all it’s glory 😉