Mario Fux
About Fellow No 1's life
KDE multimedia sprint 2010 in Switzerland
As I already shortly talked about in my last blog (btw: Jara is not with me anymore but that’s another story) there will be another KDE sprint in Randa, Switzerland. The date will be during May 2010 (the exact dates will follow next week) and the place at the House Randa.
If you have any relation to multimedia in KDE (audio, video, players, metadata, ideas or proposals) please add yourself to the doodle survey (your name together with your project). Especially if you are a Nokia/Qt person and have any relation with Phonon or Qt Multimedia please add yourself asap.
Until now the following projects are informed about the doodle survey:
- Amarok
- KDE multimedia
- KDE education
- KDE games
- Kaffeine
- Bangarang
- K3b
- Plasma Media Center
- Nepomuk
Which projects are missing?
If (yes, another “if” 😉 you are a Swiss person and would like to help please leave a comment or send me an email. This was the last “if” for this time.