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Hotter new stuff on its way

Monday mornings, you guessed it, are not a good thing. Especially when it’s all rainy and you get run over by a car. Luckily nothing really happened to me, only a few scratches and a new experience (I’ve never had this Hollywood style “rolling over the hood of the car” thingy happen to me before). […]

Promo Sprint

Quite often, a group of awesome people meets to promote KDE to new people. Most often that happens on the different IT/Linux/Free Software/something fairs. This is where many technical (and sometimes not so technical) people come together, exchange information, take the chance to talk to people directly involved with our project or just discover something […]

Taking a walk

Last week we had our little get together with FSFE and KDE people. That was planned as a local thing to just get to see each other (living in the same city and only meeting in different countries is weird). So to my surprise we had visitors from Karlsruhe, namely Sput of Quassel fame and […]

amaro(c)king git

Lately Git was (and still is) one of the hot topics in KDE land. After Qt has moved to for their public repositories, one question for KDE is where to host the KDE repository – on KDE infrastructure or for example also on Gitorious?

The Amarok team decided they want Git rather now than […]