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Catalan LoCo Team celebrated on November 5th a release party of the next Ubuntu version, in that case, 16.10 Xenial Xerus, in Ripoll, such a historical place. As always, we started explaining what Ubuntu is and how it adapts to new times and devices.

FreeCad 3D design and Games were both present at the party.

A few weeks later, in December 3rd, we did another release party, this time in Barcelona.

We went to Soko, previously a chocolate factory, that nowadays is a kind of Makers Lab, very excited about free software. First, Josep explained the current developments in Ubuntu and we carried some installations on laptops.

We ate some pizza and had discussions about free software on public administrations. Apart from the usual users who came to install Ubuntu on their computers, the responsible from Soko gave us 10 laptops for Ubuntu installation too. We ended the tasks installing Wine for some Lego to run.

That’s some art that is being made at Soko.
I’m releasing that post because we need some documentation on release parties. If you need some advice on how to manage a release party, you can contact me or anyone in Ubuntu community.

Last September, Caliu organised our 12 Software Freedom Day in Barcelona.
This time, we went to Ateneu La Bòbila.

We offered speches, starting with radio software.

Free software on Libraries.

A workshop on 3D printing design.

Plasma KDE development.

Free software and hardware workshop.

Catalan LoCo Team celebrated on May 21th (a long time ago, I know) a release party of the next Ubuntu version, in that case, 16.04 Xenial Xerus. Sorry about the extremely delay reporting.
This time, we went to Tortosa, thanks to our friends of the Ebre School.
As always, we started explaining what Ubuntu is and how it adapts to new times and devices.

Raspberry Pi, Robotics and Open Source Hardware on Ubuntu were both present at the party.

Here are some computers from Vant, a local vendor who sell them with Ubuntu installed.

And Slimbook, another local vendor with Ubuntu PCs, gave us a presentation.

Oh, the gastronomy! 🙂

And later, some more Raspberry Pi, with our newest 16 years old member.
I’m releasing that post because we need some encouragement for organising next release party in october/november, right? If you need some advice on how to manage a release party, you can contact me.

Catalan LoCo Team celebrated on May 9th release party of the next Ubuntu version, in this case, 15.04 Vivid Vervet. Sorry abaout the delay reporting.
This time, we went to Terrassa, near Barcelona, thanks to our friends of the Nicolau Copèrnic School.
As always, we started explaining what Ubuntu is and how it adapts to new times and devices, along with speeches from the school director and a Terrassa Councillor really understanding the Ubuntu meaning.

Quite a lot of people registering for the party.

Raspberry Pi and Open Source Hardware on Ubuntu were both present at the party.

And in another room, LibreOffice.

And, of course, Ubuntu Phone as well.

A lot of time passed since we offered a speech on Gimp.

Local TV came and made a report for the evening news.

Another time, and there has been 16, ubuntaires celebrated the release party of the next Ubuntu version, in this case, 14.10 Utopic Unicorn.
This time, we went to Barcelona, at Raval, at the very centre, thanks to our friends of the TEB.
As always, we started with explaining what Ubuntu is and how our Catalan LoCo Team works and later Núria Alonso from the TEB explained the Ubuntu migration done at the Xarxa Òmnia.

The installations room was plenty from the very first moment.

There also was a very profitable auto-learning workshop on how to do an Ubuntu metadistribution.

And in another room, there were two Arduino workshops.
And, of course, ubuntaires love to eat well.

Pictures by Martina Mayrhofer and Walter García, all rights reserved.
Last Saturday Catalan LoCo Team did its Ubuntu Saucy Salamander 13.10 Party at the Enric Grau Fontseré School in Flix, Catalonia with some 40 people who attended to the different speeches and installs. The party was developed without technical incidents and apparently it was great for everyone. As I cannot write a summary of the speeches, I’ll show you some pictures for see the ambiance.

We started the day with a presentation about what Ubuntu and Catalan LoCo Team are, and a basic questions session.

After that, there was a speech of Jordi Binefa from Electronics.cat about free hardware control with Ubuntu.

Following, a talk of Jordi Ros, Labdoo founder, a project for distributing used laptops with Ubuntu installed to development countries so the can prevent Digital Divide in the youth.

Then, in other classroom, there was a talk about 3D print from BuildRepRap.

We got lunch at a good restaurant nearby.

After lunch, there was a F-Droid speech, free software for Android with Daniel Martí from FSFE.

Francesc Busquets presented Linkat Edu 12.04, education distribution, its first version based on Ubuntu.

And finally, Roman from Funlab presented free robotics.

Meanwhile, during all day, there were Ubuntu installations and doubt resolutions at the install classroom we gave printed installation and use Ubuntu guides.
And we finished with the usual draw of T-shirts, caps, and material provided by our sponsors.
Last Saturday, the Catalan LoCo Team did its Ubuntu Raring Ringtail Party at the Escola del Clot of Barcelona with some 80 people present in the different speeches and installs.

The day started with a little presentation about Ubuntu and Catalan LoCo Team. After that, there were two lectures from Sergi Grau: HTML5 and Android 4.2.

Simultaneously, on other room, it was the speech about the Free & Open Source Software Outreach for Women Program with Mònica Ramírez, Debian Developer.

After that, there were the talks about Metadistributions based on Ubuntu using Remastersys with Jordi Binefa and ChameleonPI (a Raspbian versions with games emulators for the Raspberry Pi) with its author Carles Oriol.

Joan de Gràcia presented the Linkat Edu 12.04, the official Catalan public school GNU/Linux distro, for the first time based on Ubuntu, and Jordi Binefa showed Free hardware with Ubuntu.

Meanwhile, on the install room, people worked on installations and clarification of doubts and we sold some LoCo Team T-shirts and gave away some Ubuntu installation and using guides.
As always, we ended the party with a draw of some T-shirts and an Ubuntu Handbook.

As you can see, after the party was completed, some of us went to lunch.
After two years, Catalan LoCo Team returned to IES Nicolau Copèrnic School in Terrassa, near Barcelona, for an Ubuntu release party, this time 12.04. Again, the organization lied basically on the school teachers and we achieved a full and varied activity schedule. With 5 simultaneous tracks, perhaps it’s the party where we offered more variety for activity picking in every moment.
Install party, two simultaneously lectures, GPG and CAcert signature party, game room and an Ubuntu Server Jam.
We started the journey with the overture session where we explained Ubuntu, the LoCo structure and the different activities through the day.
The sponsors, and the school was one of them, got those practical bags for the first 150 registered to the party. Quite a success had them.
Some school students offered a special canteen service for us ubuntaires so we could breakfast and lunch, plus coffee at very low prices. That way, the kids rise money for final terms trip.
A lot of people came, we had more then 200 registered people and that was apparent on the speeches. This picture is from the Enlightenment speech that got more people than Enlightenment desktop users in all Europe. That speech was repeated in the afternoon by popular demand.
Good organisation is noticeable in the small details. Posters so people don’t to get lost at the school. In this floor there were three rooms to go, until we had to open a fourth due to people not fitting in the install room anymore.
Install party room plenty of people as usual. Each time it is easier to install Ubuntu and sharing discs with other OS gives less and less problems.
Games room gave moments of relaxation and fun to the youngest.
And the final draw, where the gifts from the sponsors were given: mice, webcams, speakers and an Android 4.0 tablet.
Again, I want to thank organisers, sponsors, kids from the canteen, real ubuntaires (without them this would not have any sense), and all passerbys that came for sharing the party.
We’ll see on the next one, Festa Quàntica at La Mina.
March 3rd, the Ubuntu Catalan community celebrates Ubuntu Global Jam in Barcelona.
It is a perfect opportunity for learn and help the Ubuntu project.
We plan to carry on with these activities:
- Translation Marathon with Catalan Translation Team members.
- Bug triage: we’ll assess bugs to determine whether or not they have enough information to be worked on and assign a priority to them as soon as possible. You’ll need some English skills so you can communicate with the user reporting the bug.
We’ll be on #ubuntu-cat for those not avaliable to travel and I will be on #ubuntu-locoteams for some chat.
You can do that too
Never run a Jam in your town? Why not try to start one, even if few people can attend? You can find support in a variety of places, including irc sessions. Most of them have already been done, but you can read the whole sessions online.

…but we will have another one in six months.

Crazy took all these pictures.
Catalan LoCo Team party at CTUG in the city of Granollers has been fantastic. The mayor of Granollers did the event introductions, that Alex continued. After that, it was presented the migration of Vallgorguina Council to Ubuntu, OpenERP, Jack audio server and Eines TIC, a free software application set for little and medium companies. On the other hand, the workships took place in another space: company servers, Drupal 7, OpenERP, Gimp and recreational robotics. In the end, we all met for a traditional gift draw, this time with material sent by Canonical.
Additionally, the install room was plenty of people nearly at all times.
More than 100 people attended, besides people of Granollers, from places like Barcelona, Lleida or València.
Thank you to all of you for the success of the party, specially to LoCo members, to the speakers (also to David who could not come because he was ill) and to the volunteers at the install party. See you on May at the party at les Borges Blanques!