Fitting my earlier post about rating and stars in Get Hot New Stars Stuff , I just listened to “Dead Stars” by Covenant…
So this is all about stars. At first I wanted to answer the comments individually, but there are just too many.
A few points keep coming up:
- The number of items in the Hot New Stuff Dialog is limited: not any more, the dialog will fetch more items if you scroll down. (I’ll do a screencast soon, promise!)
- Updates: There is a category that shows only installed items, here it’s easy to update individual ones. Applications will have the possibility to query for updates without invoking the gui at some point, probably not in the initial release though.
- Displaying the Rating of an item will most likely be the “five stars, just as in Nepomuk/Dolphin” variant. It shows the numerical rating in a tooltip (yeah, we all love numbers, don’t we?? though I would still download what I like, not what the rating tells me to like). I stretched the scale a bit, since ratings from 0-20 and 80-100 are nowhere to be seen.
- The user will be able to rate items, but only gets to choose “I like it” or “Don’t like it”, same as on
- Different categories (as seen on for example) will probably return, I would like to see some mockup how to integrate that into the dialog without having lots of combo boxes around…
- The scrolling is badly broken, I really need to look into that.
- It’s getting late, I should be in bed 😉
The mouse is on the second item with the actual rating as tooltip.