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Hello planets, long time no see…
I don’t blog unless there’s something interesting to say, so here it comes: after less than a month I’m happy to release qt-at-spi 0.3 succeeding version 0.2.
What is that thing? A bridge that lets Qt applications interface with the AT-SPI accessibility framework that GNOME provides. For users that […]
Lately libattica had some new contributions. Project Bretzn kicked off and with that additional functioinallity was needed. I’m happy to release a beta version that will turn into 0.3.0 when everyone has had a chance to play with it for a week.
So please test if it pleases you 😉 Especially packagers are encouraged to […]
We all know that KDE is a group of awesome people and friends. Now I had the special luck to have a friend who has friends that got him to smuggle a small present from the KDE e.V. to me (thanks Olivier). Yeah, just like that, because I happen to be a member of the […]
Due to a small change in the createtarball script from kdesdk I messed up the tarball for attica 0.1.90, so without further ado, here’s the next attempt.
Please test.
I hope this will be the final version 0.2.0. But then again I already said so the last time 🙂
Following the established “it’s not released until it’s been blogged about” paradigm, I’d like to announce a release candidate for Attica 0.2.0. I like the KDE versioning scheme, so this gets a nice 0.1.90, you see it’s not intended as final and stable, though I hope it is.
This release makes me happy, since we […]
Warning: This blog post may contain humor, it talks about unreleased magic, every second sentence ends with of course and it’s pink.
So the awesome sprint we had in Randa is long past. The topic of the sprint was something like "Fluffy is the new black – the future of the Pink Desktop"[1]. It is […]
Writing application manuals is not something I enjoy much. The last time I touched the manual for Parley, was a half-hearted attempt to update the KDE 3 material and mostly I threw out the completely outdated sections. That lead to a very thin manual that didn’t really contain much information. Now I completely agree that […]
Daniel already wrote about the KDE Education Sprint in Randa and some of the news in Parley land. Harald and I recorded a screen-cast with a Fluffy Parley that should have never seen the light of day. That pink monstrosity surly seems to have taken a special spot in our hearts 😉 And yes, we […]
Last weekend I had the pleasure to visit a small village, somewhere in cheese/chocolate land (not sure what we agreed on, some call it Swiss).
It was awesome to say the least. The trip involved group hugs, meeting great people, discussing, presenting our work of the last months (it’s been three years since the last […]
I finally got around to tarballing libattica 0.1.4 (ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/attica/). This is what is required for KDE 4.5 and only contains some small additions and cleanup (now the providers advertise which parts of the api they support).
Now I’m off, because: