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Hi, I’ve been asked to make a new release of libqaccessibilityclient, which seemed like a good idea. So here we go: https://download.kde.org/stable/libqaccessibilityclient/ – version 0.3.0 is now available. I’d like to say thanks to the KDE sysadmins for being super fast.
Now if I wasn’t involved with the accessibility project, I’d have no clue what […]
Chrys took up the role of coordinator, fixer and new master of KDE accessibility, which I think is just fantastic. We have been working on what he decided to be most important, mostly chrys fixing issues to make things work with Plasma and screen readers. After getting Orca to read desktop icons he spent quite […]
It’s been rather quiet when it comes to accessibility in KDE land for a while. But I’m very happy to see some movement and fresh energy, moving in a good direction.
If you’re curious about making our software available to more users, improving it for everyone (for example keyboard usability), now is the time to […]
The accessibility BoF at Akademy this year consisted mainly of Alex Merry and me looking at what needs to be done to get Orca working with Plasma Next. While things are far from perfect and sighted assistance is probably still required, there is slow but steady improvement.
Assuming you have a recent release of Plasma […]
In just a few days we’ll have an open source conference in Oslo. I’m happy that we’ll have a Qt and KDE track, so I’d like to invite everyone to join for the weekend May 8-10 at the University of Oslo.
If you’re involved with KDE or Qt and would like a promo code, just […]
I got involved in organizing a local conference in Oslo: Open Source Developers’ Conference Nordic. I’m very much looking forward to an open source event here!
And it looks like we will have a Qt track! I’d be happy to add more Qt and KDE talks, so sign up. Of course everyone involved in free […]
KDE’s yearly conference Akademy is currently on. It’s great to see so many familiar and new faces.
Anyone interested in the Qt Project, KDE Accessibility and other fun topics find me and talk to me.
I will give two talks:
Qt Quick and input: is about how to handle mouse and keyboard in Qt Quick […]
it’s been a looong time since I wrote in this blog, lately things usually end up in the Qt blog. I hope everyone is reading up on accessibility and other fun things Qt there 😉 My contributions to KDE were code-wise mostly small things (such as helping a little with porting Kate’s accessibility implementation […]
I’ll be talking about accessibility for KDE on Sunday afternoon, please join me and help getting your application into the hands of ever more users.
At the same time I’ll be happy to talk about the Qt Project. And I’m looking forward to meeting so many old and new friends.
Quite often the question comes up how to build a KDE application.
Now we have great tools such as kdesrc-build and buildtool and long wiki pages on techbase…
But many of these aim at building not just one application but the world. Or at least kdelibs and everything on top of it. To start development, […]