We all know that KDE is a group of awesome people and friends. Now I had the special luck to have a friend who has friends that got him to smuggle a small present from the KDE e.V. to me (thanks Olivier). Yeah, just like that, because I happen to be a member of the KDE e.V.
The KDE e.V. is an organization that tries to help the KDE project in many ways. Non-technical ways that is. The e.V. (which means “eingetragener Verein”, German for “registered association”) helps in organizational matters. It enables the KDE community to meet by helping with travel costs for example. Or organizing Akademy, our yearly meeting. And it supports the numerous sprints where we meet simply to get stuff done.
You can support KDE in many ways. If you’ve been involved in any of our activities, well, don’t worry. You do enough probably – spending your spare time to improve KDE is the most valuable for all of us. Be it artwork, usability, helping others (in forums, on mailing list), improving documentation (for example userbase.kde.org) or maybe even writing code.
If you enjoy using KDE and want to give back without sacrificing as much time and energy, we offer you a new and convenient way: Join the Game – you can easily donate some money. And you even get a nice present as thank you. Yes, now you can become a supporting member of the organization that helps keeping the KDE community going!
In other good news: Qt 4.7.0 is released! Now you can start playing with Qt Quick (qml/declarative). I’m curious how you like it. I tried it and I like many things about Qt Quick, but sometimes it is noticeable that it’s fresh new code that needs some more poking at 🙂 When will we have the first KDE application that uses Qt Quick? (OK, after Plasma, which already has some integration…)