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UGJ in Barcelona

March 3rd, the Ubuntu Catalan community celebrates Ubuntu Global Jam in Barcelona.

It is a perfect opportunity for learn and help the Ubuntu project.

We plan to carry on with these activities:

  • Translation Marathon with Catalan Translation Team members.
  • Bug triage: we’ll assess bugs to determine whether or not they have enough information to be worked on and assign a priority to them as soon as possible. You’ll need some English skills so you can communicate with the user reporting the bug.

We’ll be on #ubuntu-cat for those not avaliable to travel and I will be on #ubuntu-locoteams for some chat.

You can do that too

Never run a Jam in your town? Why not try to start one, even if few people can attend? You can find support in a variety of places, including irc sessions. Most of them have already been done, but you can read the whole sessions online.