Category Archives: Free Software Foundation Europe

Key Update

I’m a fossil, apparently. My oldest PGP key dates back to 1997, so around the time when GnuPG just got started – and I switched to it early. Over the years I’ve been working a lot with GnuPG, which perhaps … Continue reading

Posted in Collaborate in Confidence, Fellowship, FOSDEM, Free Software Foundation Europe, Updates | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Key Update

SFD Call to Action: Let the STEED run!

Information Technology is a hype driven industry, a fact that has largely contributed to the current situation where the NSA and GCHQ have unprecedented access to the global communication and information. Including for a very Realpolitik based approach to how … Continue reading

Posted in Collaborate in Confidence, Free Software Business, Free Software Foundation Europe, Open Standards, Political Commentary | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on SFD Call to Action: Let the STEED run!

OFE Summit 2011: Creating an Open climate for entrepreneurs in Europe

During the 2011 OpenForum Europe Summit I had the pleasure and privilege to chair the session on “Creating an Open climate for entrepreneurs in Europe” and the videos of the opening presentations are now online on YouTube, and included below … Continue reading

Posted in Collaborate in Confidence, Conference, European Union, Free Software Business, Free Software Foundation Europe, Political Commentary | Comments Off on OFE Summit 2011: Creating an Open climate for entrepreneurs in Europe

Freedom in the “cloud”?

It’s come to the point that I was asked to explain what I consider necessary prerequisites for an open, free, sustainable approach towards what is often called “The Cloud” or also “Software as a Service” (SaaS). To be honest, it … Continue reading

Posted in Collaborate in Confidence, Fellowship, Free Software Business, Free Software Foundation Europe, Open Standards, Political Commentary | Comments Off on Freedom in the “cloud”?

All boys dream of being knights, don’t they?

Some weeks ago I received news that the embassy in Berne had unsuccessfully been trying to contact me under FSFE’s old office address in Zurich. This was a bit odd and unexpected. So you can probably understand my surprise to … Continue reading

Posted in Free Software Business, Free Software Foundation Europe, Open Standards, Updates | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on All boys dream of being knights, don’t they?

Changes in FSFE: Time to pass on the torch

Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) was conceived in early 2000, pregnancy took about a year, and in early 2001 my decision to make the creation and success of Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) my first and foremost priority in life … Continue reading

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It’s time for the community to take charge of its brand

There are a couple of “beginner’s mistakes” when thinking about Free Software in general and its commercial application, in particular. One is to believe there was a substantial difference in the software referred to by the terms “Free Software” and … Continue reading

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FSFE written intervention to WIPO CDIP/3 on ICT and the Digital Divide


Posted in Free Software Business, Free Software Foundation Europe, FTF, United Nations, WIPO | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on FSFE written intervention to WIPO CDIP/3 on ICT and the Digital Divide

Oral intervention by FSFE to CDIP/3

[ PDF version ] FREE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION EUROPE (FSFE) STATEMENT TO THE 3rd SESSION OF THE COMMITTEE ON DEVELOPMENT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (CDIP/3) (Geneva, 27 April – 1 May 2009) Mr Chairman, On behalf of the Free Software Foundation Europe … Continue reading

Posted in DG Competition, European Union, Free Software Business, Free Software Foundation Europe, IDABC, Open Standards, United Nations, WIPO | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Oral intervention by FSFE to CDIP/3

FSFE’s written submission to WIPO CDIP/3

[PDF version] FREE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION EUROPE (FSFE) STATEMENT TO THE 3rd SESSION OF THE COMMITTEE ON DEVELOPMENT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (CDIP/3) (Geneva, 27 April – 1 May 2009) Mr Chairman, On behalf of the Free Software Foundation Europe please allow … Continue reading

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