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martial law

General William Devereaux: The Army is a broad sword, not a scalpel.
Trust me, senator – you do not want the Army in an American city.

This quote from the 1998 movie “The Siege” came to my mind, when I read todays news. Mr Jung, Federal Minister of Defence in Germany elaborates on changing the constitution to allow armed force to take over police tasks.

Well, nothing more to say.

Hopp Schwiiz

national holiday in switzerland. One gonna have to expierience that. Bottom line, of course, is quite trivial. However, sylvester in shorts and 25 degrees celsius is somewhat special. There is alot of firework going on, but during the day the national museum in zurich was open for free ( as in free beer). It remembers me a little bit of koniginnendag in the netherlands – just replace the orange with red (+ swiss cross).
In the early evening my flatmates hosted a bbq and for the fun of it me prepared a watermelon in the shape of the swiss flag.
Since all the guys have their final tests during the next couple of weeks, they went to bed and me hit the road. Now i am sitting at the most beautiful spot of zurich, watching the people celebrating their unique political system / country and just enjoying the rest of the night.
Sitting here, a lot of things come into my mind: about germany, about the european union, about switzerland, but i think, i just leave it to that.
Hopp Schwiiz.

Posted by Wordmobi


Jubilate! Lang genug hat es gedauert. Endlich nun ist die Heide frei.

Ein bischen habe ich auf den Applaus gewartet, der aus dem off hätte aufbrausen können, als sich abzeichnete, in welche Richtung Jungs Beitrag zur Sache geht. Naja, Hauptsache geschafft. Was wird jetzt passieren mit dem Gelände, auf dem ich mal vor einigen Jahren selbst an einer Ortsbegehung teilgenommen habe? Damals noch mit verstecken-vor-dem-Wachschutz etc. Es bleibt: innert 15+ Jahren konnte sich die Natur dieses Gelände zurück”erobern”. Daher auch nochmal irgendwie ein Danke-schön an die Bundeswehr, die das Gelände, trotz Benutzungsverbot, als Sperrgebiet eingestuft und bewacht hat. So konnte sich die Natur vom Menschen ungestört wieder entfalten und das Gelände mit Unmengen von Pilzen, Heidelbeeren und anderem lekkeren Zeug überziehen.

Die FREIe HEIDe – ein politisches Lehrstück in Sachen demokratischer deutscher Staat. (Der letzte mit diesem Namen hat die Gegend ja erst verkommen lassen…) Keine Ausschreitungen und hohe Kosten für Staat und Gesellschaft, dafür 15 Jahre Nutzung der Rechtsmittel, 15 Jahre ziviler Ungehorsam und der Radikalisierung widerstanden!

Und noch ein Applaus: für die Bürgerinitiative. Nach 40 Jahren erzwungenem shut up die demokratischen Spielregeln so schnell zu lernen und erfolgreich anzuwenden kommt nicht so oft vor. Also dann, die nächste Baustelle für eine bessere Welt wartet schon. Und wenn es doch ein bischen Urlaub sein darf: das Bombodrom ist immer eine Reise wert.

neulich, in Stuttgart

eine hommage an das MAD Magazine, bei dem es auch mal so eine ‘neulich’ Rubrik gab.
Und ausserdem: es passt ganz gut zur nun-nicht-mehr-so-neuen Imagekampagne für die Republik:
Paragraph 129a StGB
Paragraph 129a StGB

end the day with a good laugh

nooooo, thiz is no tribute to Tim Berner-Lee.

(but it took me quite a while to figure it out)

web Museum
(picture by electron2, Creative Commons License.)

The museum is located in the lovely town of Oederan and you can learn a lot about weaving there. (explaining the wordplay takes a lot of fun away… )

Fellowship meeting in Zurich

So this was my first fellowship meeting here in Zurich. Although only few people showed up it was quite sucessful i think.
Once again I introduced myself. We also welcomed Sandro who is working at the IT department of ETHZ.
The fellows talked about a couple of things, which will be of interest during the next months.
OpenExpo in Winterthur
Since everbody already knows that event, there was no real need for me to deliver the briefing I prepared. Amongst other ideas the fellows expressed their wish to be present at the lecture track of the OpenExpo.
Swiss Parliament ‘group for digitial sustainability’
I dont have much knowledge about the swiss political system and additionally we covered that topic just briefly. The Swiss Open Systems User Group (/ch/open) assists the parliamentarians.
The most time we spent in discussing the Software Freedom Day for which we came up with an interesting idea. Our contribution shall be to organise lecture series at different faculties about the importance of free software for education. I guess it is quite easy to get programmers and administrators involved, but we also came up with ideas for other studies like economics and social sciences.
Last but not least I like to thank the participants for their time and Andreas for providing several thing which made it a social event.


me still plays around with the blog. Well, i think everything is fine now. I have even found a tool for the symbian OS: wordmobi . However, this needs the python stuff (quite easy to install, though.)
More to come soon.

Posted by Wordmobi

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