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Tag Archives: WSIS
Fellow Me: Say NO! to Vienna Manipulations
In response to the GROKLAW feature on the Vienna Manipulations, Sean DALY wrote an interesting comment: When I read your first statements in the media regarding this sleight-of-hand trickery I became indignant enough to become a Fellow of the Free … Continue reading
Vienna Manipulations on GROKLAW
Recommended reading: GROKLAW now carries a complete account of the entire history of the Vienna Manipulations, which I wrote up on request by Pamela Jonas. Should be an interesting read, I hope, and also an example lesson in applied politics. … Continue reading
Vienna Manipulations: it gets ever more interesting
Today there is finally a reply of Mr Lutz and Prof Bruck, both saying in unison in a article that there is proof of an email going to the conference participants to inform them about the existance of the … Continue reading
Vienna Manipulations update: Microsoft unhappy about reality
It seems that the blatant manipulation of the "Digital Rights and Creative Commons" panel outcome has created quite a storm. Besides those already referenced in earlier blog entries, I found this featured in Linux Weekly News,,,,, … Continue reading
Microsofts implementation of democracy
Software developers already know the tendency of Microsoft to have its own implementation of everything — which is generally and on purpose incompatible with the standard to allow Microsoft to force its desktop monopoly into other areas. That is essentially … Continue reading
More news about the Vienna Manipulations
Since their German article was so good, I asked Heise whether they would provide an English version of it, and they did. So you can now read the best analysis to date in English. Even more interesting: I received email … Continue reading
Vienna manipulations in the press
The discussion about the obvious manipulation of the Vienna Declaration on ICT and Creativity is spreading: Heise, Germanys largest publishing house for IT and related news published an excellent piece about the Vienna Declarations under the title Microsoft, die "Vienna … Continue reading
And the price for DRM promotion goes to…
Thanks to someone who pointed out the member list of the I have been able to check out where the rather uncritical view of Digital Restriction Measures (DRM) came from. As you can see for yourself, most of the … Continue reading
The next Vienna Conclusion: So it WAS Microsoft that asked to delete Free Software
The ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation) features a report in its section about the Free Software censorship described in my blog entry "The Vienna Conclusion: Sponsorship+Politics=Influence". They describe the situation, quote the rapporteur of the panel, Ralf Bendrath, that he … Continue reading
Life after WSIS?
It is probably too early to summarise everything that took place in and around the WSIS, in particular its statements and activities. Thinking about a first summary, there are a couple of things that come to my mind, though. Firstly, … Continue reading