In response to the GROKLAW feature on the Vienna Manipulations, Sean DALY wrote an interesting comment:
When I read your first statements in the media regarding this sleight-of-hand trickery I became indignant enough to become a Fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe.
My first impulse is to thank Sean for joining the Fellowship: Most of the political work — especially that at the United Nations — is slow, frustrating and has to be done with a very long-term perspective.
This means there are usually no flashy fireworks to attract support. It is unfortunately not sexy. Furthermore, large companies prefer to not support this work as we treasure our political independence too much to allow them to dictate the terms, and smaller companies often (have to) think in much shorter periods of time.
This makes the Fellowship an absolutely essential part of the political work: Every Fellow helps making this work possible, and allows us to do more. So thank you, Sean!
My second thought was that maybe you would like to express this feeling to others, and maybe others would also like to contribute to this work. So I fired up the GIMP and created this:
But since I am not a GIMP wizard and others would most likely do a better job, here is the XCF source, published dual-licensed for your discretion under CC Attribution Share Alike (by-sa) license, and the GNU General Public License (GPL). Feel free to use, study, modify and distribute.
Put it on web pages, use it to link to this blog entry or to in order to encourage others to also join the Fellowship and contribute to the work of FSFE at the United Nations so we can work to prevent similar manipulations and uncover them when they happen.