GSoC Project Summary: Telepathy Tubes and File Transfer in KDE

First of all an important note: KTelepathy is still in active development and there is still a huge amount of tasks to finish before the first real “preview release” [1] (any help is welcome). A telepathy sprint [2] is planned for september, so we’ll probably see a lot of progress soon! The classes I wrote […]

More Telepathy StreamTubes in KDE

Offering a TCP StreamTube finally works as it is supposed to do! So, if you want to start a streamtube, you just have to create an OfferTcpStreamTubeJob using your favorite method offered by TelepathyBridge:

KJob* offerTcpStreamTube(const Nepomuk::PersonContact& contact, const QVariantMap& parameters = QVariantMap()); KJob* offerTcpStreamTube(const Nepomuk::PersonContact& contact, const QHostAddress& hostAddress, quint16 port = 0, […]