Today was sadly the last day of the sprint. We had some more discussion, a short course by grundleborg about unit tests, a short walk around Cambridge after launch and a lot of hacking. Moreover we decided the new features that hopefully will land in the next release. We have a list of 22 cool features that we we want to implement before the 8th of October (soft freeze for Tech Release 0.2). And this list doesn’t include the stuff implemented and all the bugs fixed after the 0.1 release. Unfortunately audio and video call won’t land in the next release due to dependency problems (but if you are brave enough you will be probably able to compile the dependencies and the audio call ui from the git repository), and Nepomuk integration and contact merging will be delayed some more. However we will have drag and drop of contacts from the contact list to the desktop, integration with kwallet (a little hackish for the moment but that’s all we can do until the secret service will be integrated in kde), a new auth-handler for handling passwords and ssl certificates, auto away and now playing system, desktop sharing with contacts, and much more. Finally we will have some small changes in the git repositories and we plan to release the 0.2 release both as a set tarballs (one per module) and as a single tarball to help packagers in their work. We really believe that the next release will be awesome!
A few conclusive random thoughts about the sprint:
- We were the same number of people last year at the sprint. However in the last year the team gained several new important members!
- Opening new bugs is something that grundleborg can do damn fast.
- Sprints are really funny, and at the same time you get a lot of work done.
- Help is always needed! If you want to contribute, please join us on #kde-telepathy
- I won’t to wear the same shirt for the next sprint. (See here).
- Brasil and Australia are really far.
- Of course thanks again to Collabora and KDE e.V. for sponsoring the event.
- Nepomuk shall not die! Please support trueg and the Nepomuk project!
P.S.: Visa is something that should be abolished.
P.P.S.: You don’t want to mess with Thor.