Telepathy File Transfer in KSnapshot

This wasn’t in my project, but I thought it would be useful… When I’m chatting with someone, I often need to send him screenshots, so the “standard procedure” is to hit printscreen (KSnapshot pops up), save the file, open Kopete, find contact, right click, send file, locate the file on my file system… That’s boring! […]

GSoC Update: Telepathy File Transfer in Cantor

A few updates about my GSoC:

Most of the contact list work was moved in a library (libktelepathy in trunk/playground/network/). It is quite ugly at the moment, it will need a lot of cleaning File transfer jobs don’t depend on any qt/telepathy-qt4 patch, so they are now in libktelepathy. By the way all issues with […]

GSoC Update: DBusTubes work!

“D-Bus Tubes allow you to share a private D-Bus bus between two or more clients, proxied over Telepathy.” Basically this means that your client can create a dbus object and share its methods and signals with a client run by your contact (you can find more information here).

Here at Akademy in Tampere we fixed […]

GSoC update

Just a quick update about my GSoC project:

StreamTubes works both offering and accepting, and both on Tcp and Local sockets (code still needs some cleaning) I’m waiting for Dario to add DBusTubes support in Telepathy-qt4. Then it shouldn’t take much time… Sending and receiving files works, but I’m writing on a telepathy kioslave that […]

More Telepathy StreamTubes in KDE

Offering a TCP StreamTube finally works as it is supposed to do! So, if you want to start a streamtube, you just have to create an OfferTcpStreamTubeJob using your favorite method offered by TelepathyBridge:

KJob* offerTcpStreamTube(const Nepomuk::PersonContact& contact, const QVariantMap& parameters = QVariantMap()); KJob* offerTcpStreamTube(const Nepomuk::PersonContact& contact, const QHostAddress& hostAddress, quint16 port = 0, […]