
This is the personal blog of Florian “Monkey Mind”. What I write here is just my opinion on all kinds of things. It does not reflect the positions held by any organization or company or particular group of people: I don’t speak on behalf of anyone.


You can reach me at monkeymind at fsfe dot org

I’m a bit of a cryptography geek, so I enjoy getting encrypted mail. It’s also good for society if you encrypt your mail, because it raises the awareness level regarding digital self-determination: it’s just uncomfortable enough to remind you on a regular basis of what’s at stakes. So feel free to use my openpgp key with key id


and fingerprint

C7B4 9D56 F314 5E6D 2812  B8BD F1C2 ABAC 2982 ABBD

You can also use S/MIME – just write me for the certificate. If you are looking for a free (as in beer) x509 email certificate, you can get them at CACert, StartSSL, and Instant SSL.


The opinions held forth in the comments section do not necessarily reflect my own. While I enjoy a bit of debate and exchange, I’ll delete any comment I deem boring, off-topic, offensive, or otherwise unsatisfactory. This is not a forum: be my guest, and act accordingly, please.
