Kopete-facebook 0.1.3 and qjson 0.6 .deb packages for Kubuntu Jaunty 9.04 are available on my PPA.
To install them see My previous Kopete-facebook post
kopete-facebook is now in my backports ppa (see https://blogs.fsfe.org/drdanz/?p=70)
Kopete-facebook 0.1.3 and qjson 0.6 .deb packages for Kubuntu Jaunty 9.04 are available on my PPA. EDIT: TCLAP library version 1.1.0 contains a small bug: Linking problem is caused by these functions:
Declaring these 3 functions as “inline” fixes this bug. I reported this bug to the author and he answered that this problem has been fixed in CVS and will be I released a package for Ubuntu Jaunty containing this fix, you can download it from my PPA Kopete-facebook 0.1.2 and qjson 0.5.1 .deb packages for Kubuntu Jaunty 9.04 are available on my PPA.
EDIT: Kdevelop 4 and kdevplatform beta4 .deb packages for Kubuntu Jaunty 9.04 are available on my PPA.
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